Jing Shen CI has two functions for Luo Zheng.

First, it is used to sneak attack. It is very effective to deal with the warrior whose soul is not strong enough or whose soul protection is not strong enough. A moment's absence in the battle means defeat and death.

The second function can be used to punish! A person's feeling of being penetrated by the soul can't be described by words. In a word, it's definitely ten times greater than the pain of the body! If the human body bears too much pain, the human brain will fall into shock and coma, but the soul will not!


The soul stabs into Luo Bingquan's mind quietly, which makes him Snort and show unbearable pain on his face. However, Luo Bingquan realizes that if he tells this secret, he will die immediately, but he has a hatred for killing his father with Luo Zheng!

It is impossible to resolve this great feud.

So Luo Bingquan forced himself to bear the pain and closed his mouth tightly. Because of the pain, sweat beads on his forehead fell down one by one.

"Have you tasted the pain?" Luo Zheng said coldly.

Luo Bingquan bit his teeth and still did not speak.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it," Luo Zheng's eyes fell on Luo Junyi again.

Luo Junyi saw Luo Bingquan's painful appearance. He was already trembling with fright. His endurance was not as strong as Luo Bingquan's. before Luo Zheng spoke, he immediately said, "I said, I said, it's the whole family! It's Qi Shan, the head of Qi family. He killed Luo Xiao himself! Luo Zheng, don't kill me. I just... "

Hearing Luo Junyi's words, Luo Bingquan sighed in his heart. This idiot has always been unreliable.

Luo Zheng nodded: "very good!"

With a flash of cold light in his hand, he went straight to Luo Junyi. Luo Junyi's face was like ashes, and his whole body was shaking. However, when the sword edge touched his forehead, it immediately deviated, but he went straight to Luo Bingquan!


Luo Bingquan's head fell to the ground.

Luo Zheng once said that he would not kill the Luo family. After all, these people are close relatives! So Luo Zheng just abandoned Luo peiran on purgatory mountain, but didn't kill him.

But today Luo Zheng has to kill Luo Bingquan. First of all, he is his father's enemy, and he is the mastermind. Secondly, the Luo family's children have deep resentment against Luo Bingquan. I'm afraid it's hard for him to convince the public if he doesn't kill Luo Bingquan today. Moreover, many Luo family's children will have a little taboo in their hearts. What if Luo Bingquan comes back one day? They will all be liquidated.

So Luo Bingquan had to die.

As Luo Zheng guessed, many people were deeply relieved to see Luo Bingquan die.

Although he knew that Luo Bingquan worshipped the blood prisoner as his teacher and practiced "blood evil spirit", Luo Zheng didn't expect that Luo Bingquan also had a lot of evil spirit in his body. It seems that Luo Bingquan killed a lot of people in order to cultivate.

Finally, the evil spirit that escaped from Luo Bingquan's body condensed into a blood crystal!

Four blood crystals

Luo Zheng thinks that with the accumulation of evil spirit, he must cultivate a skill to give full play to evil spirit, but now he has to deal with the affairs of the Luo family.

"Luo Bingquan has been put to death. Luo Junyi is a conspiracy. If you don't commit a crime to death, I will give it to you! Tomorrow, I will worship my ancestral grave! " After that, Luo Zheng handed over the affairs of Yanwu hall to several elders, such as the third uncle and the fourth uncle. I believe they are better than themselves.

Hearing Luo Zheng's sentence, Luo Junyi's white face is a trace of blood color. He thought he was dead, but he didn't expect Luo Zheng to save his life. Looking at his back, his eyes are full of awe.

"Yulongyuan" is the place where the long house of Luo family is located.

Since the death of Luo Xiao and the decline of Changfang, yulongyuan has been sealed up and become a forbidden area of Luo family.

Once in a while, Luo family members pass by yulongyuan, but it's just a glance. Few people step into it.

Due to the lack of people to take care of, many places in Yulong garden have grown weeds more than one person high, and the courtyard walls are covered with dust.

Today, dozens of Luo family members rush in to clean the ground, pull out weeds, and trim bonsai. It's only half a day. The whole Yulong garden is completely new!

When Luo Zheng and Luo Yan have had a meal and come back to the jade dragon garden, they are all bright in front of their eyes.

Cleaning yulongyuan is not Luo Zheng's order, but there is no lack of this kind of dedicated people in Luo's family.

As soon as Luo Yan enters yulongyuan, she steps happily to a swing in the corner. It is the swing that Luo Yan used to sit on when she was a child. However, after these years, the original rope on the swing has been rotten, and the swing is two new ropes.

After sitting on it, Luo Yan swings down on the swing, allowing her two slender legs to swing slowly in the air. Looking at Luo Yan's smile from her heart, this is probably her happiest moment after Luo Zheng and Luo Yan meetIn the final analysis, Luo Yan is just a little girl. Because of her special constitution and outstanding talent, her weak shoulders bear too many things that should not be borne by her.

And even now, she didn't get rid of those things.

Although Shi Jingtian promised Luo Yan to go home, Shi Jingtian also warned Luo Zheng not to take Luo Yan to escape.

Because that person has already left a trace of mark on Luo Yan, even if Luo Yan fled to the ends of the earth, that person must be able to find, if you take Luo Yan to escape, it will only make things worse.

In fact, Luo Zheng originally wanted to take Luo Yan to escape into the immortal mansion.

That immortal mansion is the existence that Luo Zheng can't understand, but now Luo Zheng is just the temporary owner of that immortal mansion. Many things in it can't be used at all, so it's hard to guarantee Luo Yan's real safety.

Luo Yan swaying back and forth on the swing, the last touch of the setting sun shining golden light hit her, beautiful like an indeterminate painting.

Looking at his sister's cheerful smile, Luo Zheng squeezed his fist and swore in his heart that he would protect her even if he killed himself!

Luo Zheng is not clear, the way of heaven, has its own destiny, everything is destined to be a journey of suffering, and Luo Yan is the light that guides Luo Zheng all the way forward.

In the early morning of the next day, the elders of the clan went up the mountain with Luo Zheng. There is a hill in the backyard of Luo family, which is also a blessed place.

Tombstones stand here quietly. This is the cemetery of the Luo family. The ancestors of the Luo family are sleeping here.

Worship mountains and ancestors

As the new owner of the Luo family, this process must go.

Three bamboo incense was lit, gently held in the hands of Luo Zheng, in front of his father's grave to worship three times, finished incense, ancestor worship, left the Luo family's cemetery, Luo Zheng's eyes gradually began to show the fierce killing, some people in Chongyang County, must die!

At the same time, in the room on the highest floor of the crescent tower in Chongyang County, five or six people were around a table, as if discussing something extremely important!

These five are the heads of the top five families in Chongyang County!

Huang, Qi, he, Zhang, Chen, now all the mineral resources, shops and gambling stalls in Chongyang County are controlled by them!

At one time, the Luo family was in the first place, because the Luo family was declining, and slowly fell from the first to the sixth. The Luo family's property was embezzled by these five families, and the Luo family has become a dispensable small role.

"Luo Zheng, you must die! My son Huang Xing has been killed by him. Does he really think that he has no scruples about relying on Qingyun sect? " The person at the top of the round table is furious at the moment. He is Huang Chen, the head of the Huang family, who is also Huang Xing's father.

Huang Chen has many children, but Huang Xing is his eldest son and the most gifted son. Originally, he wanted to cultivate this son. Unexpectedly, the born Luo Zheng came back to the Luo family. Huang Xing was involved in the dispute of the Luo family for no reason and was killed by Luo Zheng. How can Huang Chen bear it?

"I also think Luo Zheng will die, but how to deal with him? It's said that the blood prisoners wanted by the government all died in the hands of Luo Zheng. Don't you know the strength of the blood prisoners, Huang Chen? " Qi Shan said with a melancholy face.

If you want to say that what you fear most at the moment is actually Qishan!

Although the other family owners are also afraid of Luo Zheng, the most they can do is to spit out the property they ate from Luo's family. Huang Chen can also choose to bear the pain of losing his son and swallow it! And Qishan killed Luo Xiao himself! Now Luo Bingquan is in charge. Luo Junyi is timid. I'm afraid he has shaken himself out.

Huang family, he family, Chen family and Zhang family can give up their wealth to avoid disaster, but they are afraid to give up their lives!

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