Innumerable gold ebony forms a black ocean and spreads towards Skynet.

When these Jinwu are 20 li away from Skynet, the parallel Jinwu are converging in the direction of bad earthquake pass!

After Jinwu determined the direction, Skynet also changed.

Originally, Skynet traversed the southwest, but at this time, Skynet began to fold from the position where the bad earthquake pass was, and pushed towards the converging Jinwu. Skynet turned around to encircle the Jinwu people!

When the net of the same day began to fold from both sides, the officers and soldiers of Nu Dou pass on the left and Tian Xun pass on the right began to converge to the bad earthquake pass.

More than that, in addition to the Taihao array and bad earthquake pass, the other eleven array and six passes all move with it, with Skynet coming from both sides!


As the Jinwu group gets closer and closer, it becomes more and more scattered.

Including the corpses in the Jinwu group, Jinwu is also revealed!

The strong men in the seven formations of taiyigong suddenly changed their faces when they saw more than 100 huge corpses.

"Jinwu people It's crazy

"Di Jun dug out the corpse's body and soul..."

"That's the root of their family. They really want to find taiyitiangong!"

At one time, the Jinwu people had a good relationship with taiyitiangong, and the two groups formed an alliance with each other, and the high-level people on both sides knew each other very well.

There is no doubt that the strength of the corpse spirit Jinwu is powerful, but unless faced with the crisis of extermination, the Jinwu people will never use it. Actually, if the Jinwu people use it now, they will have the determination to destroy taiyigong!

Sitting on the top of the Phoenix, showing a rather charming smile.

Behind Skynet, dense human beings are gathering like ants.

In fengnu's eyes, except for those strong people in taiyitiangong, these other shores are just like those mindless birds of Jinwu nationality. Their existence is meaningless. At most, it's just a pile of numbers.

These figures are exchanged with the number of Jinwu people, offset, turned into cheap dust, and then disappeared in this world forever

This is the tragedy of the weak.

"The first round."

The Phoenix girl stretched out her hand slightly.

A trace of golden light crawls along her lotus arm, converges on her forearm, wrist, and finally reaches her fingertips.


Golden light arrived at the fingertips, burst out.

They are all under the control of jinwulingnu, including jinwulingnu.

Now that Dijun is away, it's fengnv who controls the war.

When the golden light blooms, countless golden crows receive the message of attack in their pupils.

"Gaga, Gaga..."

The dense Jinwu rushes towards Skynet.

Luo Zheng and other gods entered the eyes of the array again.

Su Kui stood in the front, after seeing the Jinwu charge, he also roared: "all the officers and soldiers of the bad earthquake pass, attack!"

He seemed to have used all his strength to roar out, and this voice once suppressed the noisy sound of Jinwu.

"All the officers and men of the Nu Dou Guan attack..."

"Tianxun pass..."

The other 11 levels of the God will, in a further place to respond.

Taiyiwei, who was stationed in the pass, and the people from the other side of the border all offered the keepsake of the other side at the first time to welcome those Jinwu


In such a battle, Luo Zheng can no longer think about who to protect.

He sat in the eyes of the array, his eyes closed, and his strength was constantly drawing out.

Originally, the transparent sword only had more than 100 pieces, but with his constant efforts to supplement the strength of the other side, the number of long swords doubled again, more than 200, more than 400, more than 800, more than 1600

Each transparent long sword contains the power of ten gods. This time, the power of ten gods he drew was 16000 gods!

When Zhu Xuan saw more than 1000 transparent flying swords, her eyes were almost staring out.

Not to mention the difficulty of controlling these flying swords, the power of guangshenjun is more than 10000. What other shore Keepsake does this boy integrate?

But now is not the time to ask questions. After looking more, Zhu Xuan, holding a long sword in the air, chopped at the golden crows above.

"Get up!"

One thousand and six hundred flying swords circled up, just like a little bird, entangled with each other and rushed to the sky.

In the face of the vast golden crowns, a flying sword pierces through them. Every time it passes through a golden crowns, a mass of blood mist explodes. The efficiency of cleaning up the golden crowns is extremely high. A considerable part of the golden crowns who rush to the eye of the array are killed!

"The Terran boy again!"

The Banshee of Qin's family name watched the flying sword, and a trace of killing intention appeared in her eyes. "Who will destroy those eyes with me?"

"I'll go down!""Sister Qin, let's go down together!"

The two banshees responded to the banshees surnamed Qin.

Fengnv's goal is not bad earthquake pass, what she wants to destroy is the whole Skynet.

Breaking the shoddy shockproof is done by the Banshee.


The Banshee of Qin family name grabs it in the air and grabs the traceless curtain in her hand. With a slight wave of her hand, the five colors of light have covered the three corpses and disappeared in the field of vision.

However, the body size of Shi Ling Jin Wu is very big, and he has disappeared, which has attracted Luo Zheng's attention.

With a slight wave of his hands, Luo Zheng had already drawn out some flying swords and besieged them in the direction of the disappearance of the corpse.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Soon, these flying swords have met the block, hit on a solid surface.

Luo Zheng's look did not change at all. The power of the ten gods was very weak, just to penetrate those fragile golden crowns.

The corpse floating down from the sky is huge, which is obviously not an ordinary thing.


"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Some of the flying swords are constantly merging, and the power of Shenjun is also growing rapidly.

"Five thousand gods!"

A flying sword runs through the void.


The flying sword made a crisp sound, but it was still opened by the invisible void.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng's face appeared a little bit of accident. The defense of these corpses exceeded his expectation.

"Eight thousand gods!"

The flying sword circled and stabbed in the void again.


There was a crisp sound again, and the flying sword was thrown away again.

"Fifteen thousand

This time, Luo Zheng simply gave up most of the flying swords and combined the power of Shenjun into a long sword, still stabbing into the void.


This time, the flying sword finally pierced into the huge object in the void, but only half a foot.

Luo Zheng was a little surprised in his eyes. He took a slight grip in the air and directly scattered the power of the flying sword, but he said: "please..."

The strength of the corpse, spirit and gold is far beyond Luo Zheng's expectation.

"Luo Zheng, how can I trouble you?" Zhu Xuan asked in a puzzled way.

Luo Zheng pointed to the front and said, "look for yourself."

In this process, the three corpse spirits Jinwu who had been in hiding state had been lowered slowly, and the Banshee of Qin family had put away the traceless curtain. The three monsters suddenly appeared in front of the crowd, and in the mouth of the three corpses Jinwu, the blue flames were constantly gathering.

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