Hundreds of golden crowns occupy different positions, and their positions are very scattered.

When Luo Zheng was only a hundred feet away from the bottom of the corpse, he asked, "master Dijun, is that ok?"

"Well," said Di Jun.

There was a glimmer of green in his slender eyes.


The eyes of the seven or eight corpses at the bottom also flashed a trace of turquoise. Later, Luo Zheng only felt that there was a connection in his mind. He had already felt the existence of the seven or eight corpses!

"It's done!" Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Luo Zheng didn't stop at all. He continued to fly up. On the next floor, there were more than ten corpses. Because of his huge size, these corpses were far away from each other.

Luo Zheng hasn't sent out a request to Emperor Jun. the green light in Jinwu's eyes flashed, and their white paper consciousness entered Luo Zheng's mind again.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

At this time, there was a whistling sound from above.

Dozens of female demons of God's nest came down quickly, apparently straight to Luo Zheng.

With Luo Zheng's current strength, it's no problem to kill one or two shenchao banshees alone, but Luo Zheng has no chance of winning in the face of more than 20 shenchao banshees.


Di Jun's voice came into Luo Zheng's mind.

Even if emperor Jun doesn't remind, Luo Zheng can't continue to rush up like Mangfu.

However, when Luo Zheng retreated, the gold crowns controlled by Emperor Jun were still suspended in the air, still keeping the original posture, and spewing blue flames in front of him.

The sinking nymphs just controlled their mounts, didn't notice the abnormality of these corpses, and almost didn't have the slightest defense against them. They swept down from them one after another.

"Get him!"

"Don't let him escape back to Skynet!"

"Want to escape? It's not that easy! "

These banshees are the elites in the God's nest. In terms of fighting alone, their strength can steadily hold down those God generals.

It doesn't take so many people to hunt down a Luo Zheng. In their hearts, they think it's safe

The Phoenix girl sits on the back of the corpse at the top, overlooking the bottom.

These corpses are controlled by Phoenix girl. Just now, she suddenly feels that the part of corpses below is out of touch!

Fengnv has absolute control over these corpses. No one can take away this part of power unless Dijun comes in person.

But it just happened

Although those out of control corpse spirit Jinwu still spews blue flame towards the front, but a bad premonition rises from fengnv's heart.

"No way! No, you All back The voice of Phoenix girl is transmitted in the mind of all banshees in an instant.

Shenchao banshees are all created by fengnu. They obey fengnu's orders 100 percent. After receiving fengnu's instructions, each shenchao Banshee orders the sitting corpse Jinwu to hover in the air.

The hovering height of these banshees is just parallel to those banshees controlled by Luo Zheng.

"Right now..."

As Luo Zheng sank, the corner of his mouth slightly tilted.

Those corpses who originally spewed blue flame turned at this moment, and the blue flame was like a sharp sword, waving in a crisscross way.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Jinwu, the corpse spirit, is not afraid of the flame, but the body of shenchao Banshee can't bear it at all. As soon as she touches the flame, Hunyuan's spirit is tired, and then the whole person turns into ashes

A small number of fairy nests reacted quickly. Seeing the flames waving, they quickly separated from Jinwu's back.

But the blue flame of more than 20 corpses is enough to saturate a large area of space. The quick reaction fairy has no place to escape, and is still burned clean by the flame.

"Well done!"

A hundred miles away, the Gan Gao Han on the hilt of Tianqian sword could not help crying out.

"It's beautiful!"

"He not only killed all the banshees, but also robbed more than 20 corpses of Jinwu!"

"It's amazing..."

Ning Xuyuan, qiuyin River and Hechi, was shocked and praised constantly.

"Maybe He can stir up the guys hiding in the dark! " Gan Gaohan said again.

Before this, it was just an unrealistic hope, but now Gan Gaohan thinks that this hope has a great possibility!

In the Taihao formation.

Xu Shou looked at the scene with no expression on his face, "why is the Phoenix girl so useless?"

Fengnv is also the number one figure in the Jinwu clan. With so many powerful shenchao banshees, she is only played by Luo Zheng?

People like Xu Shou are naturally willing to take refuge in the strong.But this scene directly made Xu Shou doubt the strength of the Jinwu people

"That boy Luo Zheng is too treacherous. Maybe he used some special means..." Gorgeous Niang Niang says in the side.

At the beginning, Luo Zheng was caught in Taihao mountain, and the one in charge of interrogation was gorgeous empress.

She was impressed by Luo Zheng's methods!

A group of people who are far stronger than Luo Zheng have nothing to do with him!

As time goes by, Luo Zheng's strength has grown rapidly to the point that even fengnv can fight against him?

"If I keep you, I swear not to be a man!"

Fengnv was so angry at this moment.

She forgot her duty and controlled all the corpses. Jinwu turned around and spewed blue flame towards Luo Zheng.

So many blue flames gather together, no matter how powerful they are, they can only dodge

"Luo Zheng, run!"

"They've all stolen 20 corpses. That's enough..."

"It's too early for you to fight fengnv now!"

"Control that corpse spirit gold black, should be able to easily avoid!"

More people focus on Luo Zheng.

Even the people of taiqingshan, taimingshan and taixiushan are closely watching. They also realize that this guy may be able to decide the direction of the whole war.

Originally, Skynet could hardly bear it. Now, after the corpse Jinwu stopped burning, Skynet is constantly repairing.

In the face of the blue flame falling from the sky, Luo Zheng suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, "if you put these corpses in one pot, I don't know what you will do?"

Not only did he not drive the corpse Jinwu to escape, but he rushed back towards the blue flame!

In a moment, he even took the corpse and Jinwu disappeared into the blue flame

Everyone was stunned.

In addition to a small number of people who understand the situation, most people have an idea that Luo Zheng's move into the blue flame is suicide!

"What is this hero for?"

"You want to die?"

"He has no reason to do so!"

This time, the mountain masters in the seven formations, the strong ones, all face are incomprehensible expressions.

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