When the Jinwu people fight with the Terrans, many taiyiwei and generals in the twelve passes are actually watching the opera.

They can't participate in the battle at that level, and the Jinwu clan has taken away a lot of Jinwu

After the ghost Spirit offered sacrifices to these ink groups, the faces of the people in the twelve passes suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Sacrifice to the Dharma array!"

"Everyone back in the pass!"

"We can't resist that!"

Countless taiyiwei, the other shore are crazy to run to the pass.

Every time it comes to a world, a rule is changed

Fortunately, there is no more world coming down except the Lord of Taiming mountain and ghosts.


Dozens of ink regiments suddenly appeared above Tianxun pass. These floating ink regiments suddenly rushed down. Those five-star Taiyi guards were attached to their bodies before they could enter Tianxun pass's Dharma array.

Those taiyiwei's skin turned dark, cracked and sunken. The whole person had turned into another kind of monster and rushed to his former colleagues.


One of the black monsters howled straight to the evil god.

When the black monster was two or three feet away from the evil god, the light in the evil god's hand flashed, and a diamond shaped token was gently knocked out by the evil god.


The diamond token explodes directly on the head of the black monster.

"Looking for death," the evil spirit said faintly.

The head of the black monster was blasted to pieces. It seems that it will not survive.

But the black monster who lost his head struggled twice on the ground and got up again. His head also recovered as before.

"Because of the monsters produced in this world, they are immortal in this world?" The evil spirit murmured.

The huge explosion of the diamond token attracted the attention of more black monsters. After staring at the evil spirit for a while, the black monsters came after him.

The evil god took a look at Tianxun pass not far away. He had enough time to return to Tianxun pass.

But when he took his steps, his eyes twinkled with a trace of essence.

His step was only one point slower. The road to Tianxun pass was cut off by a large number of black monsters. These black monsters swarmed in, and even the evil gods had to retreat!

This scene was naturally seen by many gods and generals in Tianxun pass.

"It seems that the general, who is called the evil god, can't come back?"

"Do you want to help him?"

"Let him live and die by himself..."

The evil god also showed great strength in Tianxun pass, but his character was doomed to be unpopular. The generals who had been fighting on the battlefield for many years had a kind of instinctive awe for the evil god, so they were naturally unwilling to help each other.

After becoming a Dao Lian sub body, the evil god became extremely cautious, at least he could not have any idea of rebelling against Luo Zheng in his mind.

But in the scuffle, the evil god made a very instinctive reaction, using these black monsters to distance himself from Luo Zheng!

Within a certain distance, Luo Zheng can control the evil spirits at will. Under a single thought, the evil spirits can only stay in the same place and can not move. However, the distance between Dao Lian and Fen ti is not infinite. There must be a limit.

Now being chased by these black monsters is an opportunity for evil spirits to test the distance!

"Wu Wu Wu..."

The black monsters spread their legs and chased after the evil spirits, who were as light as a swallow, flying forward close to the ground.

Every time an evil god passes a certain distance, he will draw a certain amount of Shenjun power from the inner world of Luo Zheng. As a branch of Dao Lian, the evil god can get Shenjun power from Luo Zheng, and these Shenjun power is drawn from the civilization tool of Tianzhi civilization.

Within the scope of Luo Zheng's control, the natural energy source of the evil god constantly draws the power of Shenjun.

Once the evil god is unable to extract the power of Shenjun, it means that he is also out of the control of Luo Zheng.


He crawled on the back of a corpse Jinwu for a rest. It was not easy to control so many corpses.

After two fights with fengnv, Luo Zheng simply returns the control to Dijun.

In the hands of emperor Jun, these corpses are more flexible.


The Phoenix girl suddenly burst out a blazing flame.

I'm afraid that even qiuyinhe and others can't bear this kind of fire, but when they are wrapped by layers of corpses, no flame escapes.

Maybe she was angry, but she forgot that Luo Zheng was not afraid of fire.


When Luo Zheng was resting, he found that the evil god was running towards the East.

In a flash of thought, he came to the mind of the evil god.

Through the vision of the evil god, you can see dozens of twisted black monsters in an instant!

Are these black monsters created after the advent of the world?Luo Zheng read the memory of the evil god, and found that when the evil god was chased by the black monster, he drew some divine power from time to time, which was somewhat strange.

"You can't go East any more, kill these black monsters and come back to me."

Luo Zheng's orders reverberated in the mind of the evil god, and then he left the mind of the evil god.

The evil spirit clenched his teeth, and his body was stiff in place.

He told himself from the bottom of his heart that this might be his only chance to escape!

But he can't disobey Luo Zheng's orders!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The evil god stretched out his hand and hit the monsters with diamond shaped tokens.

"Bang Bang..."

Each diamond token is cracked on the head of these black monsters.

But these black monsters are immortal. Even if they are rotten, they can still recover.

After the rebirth, the black monster's shape seems to be bigger, and the power contained in the monster's body seems to be bigger.

"Will these black monsters grow?"

As soon as the evil God raised his eyebrows, he had another idea in his heart.

Without any hesitation, he flipped his body in the air and blasted away at these black monsters again with diamond shaped tokens.

"Bang Bang..."

With Luo Zheng's continuous bombardment, these black monsters are constantly resurrected from the dead, and their strength is even stronger after each resurrection!

At this time, even ghosts in the core area showed a trace of confusion on their faces.

The world where ghosts descend is called the magic court world. Once the magic court demons appear, they will never die and will be reborn after being killed. With the number of reborn, they will continue to grow!

There is almost no end to this growth.

Almost all opponents will stop attacking the magic court demon when they find this feature. After all, killing the magic court demon in this way will only boost its strength.

But hundreds of miles away, there is a guy who is repeatedly killing his magic court demons, and these magic court demons are also growing fast!

Where do ghosts and spirits know that evil spirits are just mechanically carrying out Luo Zheng's orders, and they are also planning to push the boat along with the current.

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