There are more than 80 people in Dijun's close guard team.

If divided into three grades according to strength.

Tu guess is stronger in the second level, which is ahead in the second level, while fengnv does not belong to the guards, but her strength belongs to the first level, but it is behind in the first level.

Of course, as the leader of shenchao, fengnu has an extraordinary position in the Jinwu nationality. Even the most powerful members of the guards are not as good as fengnu.

Mingshi and Baihu belong to the first group of Jinwu people in the guards.

These two Jinwu people are usually very low-key, always guard in the Jinwu people, rarely appear in public.

Their loyalty to Dijun is beyond doubt.

The battle of the Jinwu people is also a great test for them. After all, taiyitiangong is not a vegetarian.

At this moment, the wings of the dark stone are vibrating, and they are chasing up the mountain.

"Whew -"

Ning Xuyuan kept flying back and forth in the air, with three evil eyes floating around him.

The three evil eyes kept blinking. Every time they blinked, there was a sharp edge shot out. It was a sharp sword.

These flying swords seem to be common, but the actual strength is shocking.

Even if such a strong man as Mingshi can't bear to be stabbed with a sword!

Before that, in order to get close to Ning Xuyuan, Mingshi had to take two swords. The two swords blasted on him, which almost made Hunyuan's spirit tired!

Later, Ming Shi was very careful all the way and didn't dare to come.

So although Mingshi's speed was faster than ningxu's, he still didn't dare to get close to him.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

The flying swords of the three evil spirits are shooting continuously.

Ning Xuyuan's old face was full of seriousness.

He can't remember how long he didn't do it. Now, in his life and death, he has no choice but to do his best.

Under the wings of the dark stone, it moves left and right in the air, drilling through the gap between the flying swords, with the help of each small gap, it shortens the distance between Ning Xuyuan and Ning Xuyuan.

"Taiyitian palace is gone. Mr. Ning is also an old man who has been famous in the palace for a long time. He must be able to see the situation clearly. If he can be subordinated to our Jinwu people, my emperor will not forget the past," Ming Shi advised as he approached.

At that time, the relationship between the Eastern Emperor and Dijun was the same as that between the two brothers. Later, they had a bad relationship. Ning Xuyuan once denounced Dijun face to face. The festival between him and Dijun was not small.

The three slanting eyes floating around Ning Xuyuan kept flying, and the angle of the flying sword was quickly adjusted. With a faint smile, he said freely: "we who repair swords attach the most importance to the spirit and integrity. If the taiyitiangong building has fallen, we'll end up with our own sword. The demon emperor Jun doesn't remember the past, I don't care!"

Mingshi stares at Ning Xuyuan indifferently. This kind of existence must be out of date. He doesn't mean that he can persuade the other party. He just wants to distract him.

"My emperor's way of abiding by is the only true solution for me. Why should I stick to it?" The stone of the underworld is another way.

When it comes to the two struggles between Shouxu and Zhongyan, Ning Xuyuan turned his mouth and said with disdain: "when it comes to the struggle between Tao and Tui, the birds and demons have no speculative power, but they parrot words with the demon emperor, haha..."

the reason why the Jin and Wu people are worshipped by blood is that the emperor is a gentleman. He has the final say, even if Feng Nv and Shi Shi are wise, but there is no doubt or doubt about any idea of emperor Jun.

Because taiyitiangong has no blood worship, naturally this problem does not exist. No matter how wise and powerful the emperor is, there are still people who advise him when he does something wrong. Therefore, Ning Xuyuan's contempt is reasonable.

But just before the sound of Ning Xu Yuan's words fell, the corner of Ming Shi's mouth slightly tilted, and a white light came rushing from the back of Ning Xu Yuan!

"Shua -"

when Ning Xuyuan reacted, he could not dodge. His pupils suddenly opened, and a crescent shaped bubble appeared on his body surface.

The fast approaching white light is the white pot of Jinwu nationality.

Baihu was originally fighting with Gan Gaohan, but Baihu's speed increased rapidly just after he inspired his own blood, so he chose to attack Ning Xuyuan secretly.

Under such a sprint, Baihu is sure to take down Ning Xuyuan's head with one blow!

After all, the pot seems to be so fragile, but it doesn't appear to be so fragile!

Ning Xuyuan bowed down, stubbornly and white pot opened the distance, around Ning Xuyuan's three squint eyes, more ferocious light.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

More flying swords, such as the dense sword rain, continued to shoot at the dark stone.

When the white pot wants to launch the impact again, a sharp sword falls from the sky and blocks the white pot.

Gan Gao cold complexion forest said: "white pot, your opponent is me!"The white pot frowned and stared at Gan Gaohan.

Although their strength is not the same as that of Bo Zhong, but Gan Gao is extremely difficult to deal with, and Bai Hu is very dissatisfied with the opponent assigned to him!

He plans to kill Ning Xuyuan first, and then work with Mingshi to deal with Gan Gaohan!

So the four faced each other at high altitude.

But this confrontation did not last long

There are a large number of corpses and spirits flying from below. On the top of these corpses and spirits, there are fengnv and ducai!

White pot after seeing corpse spirit gold black, the facial expression immediately a joy, "finally snatched back!"

Gan Gaohan and Ning Xuyuan's look is one of them.

Before that, they expected these corpses to be the help of taiyitiangong

So soon the corpse spirit gold Wu was taken back by them, Luo Zheng as the controller of the corpse spirit gold Wu, I'm afraid it's a lot of bad luck.

Two people looked at each other, eyes full of regret, Tiangong collapse faster than they imagined.

Hundreds of corpses and spirits are juxtaposed to form an island flying in the air. Fengnu and ducai stand on the island side by side, while Mingshi and Baihu fall on the back of those corpses and spirits.

The other shore Keepsake can control people's thoughts, or control the soul by other means, or even the way of Tao refining and separation, which can be detected by Mingshi and Baihu.

In their dreams, they could not imagine that fengnv and ducai would submit to another "Dijun".

"Ninglao, GanLao, I'm willing to give you one last chance," Mingshi continued. He really wanted to attract them.

But where did they pay attention to their words? They had the consciousness of sacrifice for a long time, and now it's time to work hard.

"Don't talk too much nonsense!" Let's have a drink.

The edge of the sword sounds and the breath soars!

Just as they were going to work hard, the corpse Jinwu, which was originally lying in the air, suddenly rolled up.

And Luo Zheng lurks under one of them!

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