Luo Zheng heard ghost spirit mention East, heart jumped for a while, just found that he ignored an important thing.

Evil god!

With a slight thought, he felt the location of the evil god.

The evil god is now a part of his own Tao, just like Luo Zheng's hands and feet. As long as he can sense it, he can control it, and his orders can't be disobeyed.

In this way, Luo Zheng didn't find the existence of evil spirits, and his face suddenly changed.

Before that, Luo Zheng had given an order to the evil god to return immediately after killing those magic court demons. According to the truth, he could not disobey this order, and the evil god should not escape!

Luo Zheng thought, suddenly staring at the ghost spirit, said: "can these magic court demons be killed?"

GUI Ling doesn't know why Luo Zheng asked this question, but since Luo Zheng is referred to as his master by "Dijun", GUI Ling naturally can't refuse his question, and only honestly answers: "the demon of the magic court can't be killed, and the more it is killed, it will become very huge. Unless the whole world of the magic court is destroyed, the demon of the magic court will disappear, I The world that will come now

There are still many magic court demons within three million Li, most of the taiyiwei are hiding in the twelve levels, but those magic court demons are still attacking the twelve levels of the array.

"Wait a minute," Luo Zheng said again, "what the demons of the illusory court see, you may consult?"

"Naturally," Gui Ling's face became more and more strange. He didn't know what Luo Zheng wanted to do.

"I want to find someone, that direction!" Luo Zheng points to the East.

When Luo Zheng said this, he thought of those huge magic court demons. With a slight movement, he had already escaped into the minds of those magic court demons.

Soon, see a scene also let ghost spirit a face muddle force.

He saw a human madly attacking the demons.

After being attacked, the magic court demon will not only not die, but also become stronger. That Terran should have seen it for a long time.

But he never tired of attacking, it seems that is to make these magic court demons become more powerful!

With the constant expansion of the magic court demon's reminder, the human finally lost. In order to protect his life, he had to run all the way. When he ran, he didn't forget to turn back to attack the magic court demon, so he flew to the East.

"Found it?" Luo Zheng asked.

Under the hand of the ghost, a translucent black gem emerges in the palm. This black gem is not only the civilized tool of the illusory court world, but also the most important thing of the ghost. It is not easy to show people.


A trace of smoke like thick ink floated from the black gem towards Luo Zheng's eyes.

In fact, the smoke from this civilized instrument can turn people into demons in the illusory court. If ghosts and spirits choose to sneak attack, Luo Zheng may also be on the way.

Even the spirit of ghosts did like this

But when he first had this idea, his instinct was to kill it, and he could not hurt his master.

The ghost spirit sighed in his heart and chose to compromise. The whole Jinwu people rebelled, and the fault was not on their own.

Luo Zheng's eyes and two smoke contact, that is to see the evil god was the magic court of the demon chase scene.

"It's just using the energy of Tao, but why do you constantly use the power of Shenjun, the tool of civilization?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows rose slightly.

Just now, Luo Zheng realized that it's normal for evil spirits to use the power of Shenjun to deal with the demons in the illusory court. Luo Zheng didn't study it deeply, but he just thought it was wrong.

The power of Shenjun borrowed by evil gods is not much, only one or two of them.

Luo Zheng was a little strange before, but he didn't think about it. Now it seems that the evil god is testing the limit of his control

Looking at Luo Zheng's discreet and depressed expression, GUI Ling said, "this man has just left. He must be in Qibei state. We can help his master find him back!"

Luo Zheng hesitated for a moment, and said to the Jinwu people in a deep voice: "dig three feet and find him out!"

He is not willing to drive the Jinwu people at this juncture. After all, he is not the real commander of the Jinwu people. It's just that the potential of the evil god and the energy of merging Tao he realized are not trivial. He can't let him escape after all.


The ghost spirit bowed to Luo Zheng and looked at the white pot.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find someone in such a big Qibei state, but there are not many other Jinwu people, the largest number!

With a wave of the white pot's hand, a space had left, and countless golden crowns rushed out, sweeping all over the place and galloping to the East


The facts are exactly what Luo Zheng thought.

The evil god constantly transferred the power of Shenjun, not to resist the enemy, but to test the control range of Luo Zheng.

He can't disobey Luo Zheng's order, but the demon of the magic court itself can't be killed, so he doesn't need to return to Luo Zheng before killing the demon of the magic court.After retreating 1.5 million Li, the evil god found that he could not draw the power of Shenjun.

There was a trace of joy in his heart. He would not entangle with the demons of the magic court any more. He threw them away and ran away all the way.

That kind of all the time lingering in their own body of the sense of imprisonment was finally thrown away!

In fact, Wukong people have already thought of using jueshenggudi to help evil gods solve the problem of Tao refining and separation. After all, entering jueshenggudi is equivalent to rebirth.

Unfortunately, in order to deceive Luo Zheng, the evil god let Qiongxiao fairy erase his memory. Now the evil god didn't know, so he would take the chance to escape.

As we continue to walk a million miles eastward, the unreal world covering this area disappears

Evil gods used to be the owners of the tools of civilization, and they knew the rules of coming to the world.

A world disappears, either I take it back, or I fall.

No matter what the situation is, it is not what the evil gods are happy to see, which means that the war may end.

Qibei state is not safe for the evil god. He should leave as soon as possible.

But the size of a state is so huge that if you want to escape without the aid of transmission array, the time may be calculated by month.

After some consideration, the evil god found a river and jumped down with a "puff". After sinking into the bottom of the river, he dug a cave and continued to drill down.

Hiding in the depths of the earth should be the safest means.

He dug a complicated cave all the way to the bottom of the earth, killed several long snakes lurking underground, and finally opened up a small underground chamber.

In the secret room, the evil god sits cross legged and recites the true meaning of Tao. The whole person has fallen into the other side.

He didn't know that he had contacted the black boat, and he was still thinking about how to contact Shencha.

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