No earth shaking, no deafening, the sun simply disappeared in Luo Zheng's field of vision.

"And this shot out a sun?" Luo Zheng grabs the bow of sun shooting God and is stunned.

Hou Yi said with a smile, "what? Is it possible to expect a fireworks display for you? "

Luo Zheng gave Hou Yi a bad look.

No matter what the process is, relying on this bow, a sun is indeed destroyed.

Now I don't know how long the strong in beixuan city can last. It's the right thing to kill the rest of the sun.

Luo Zheng closed the long golden bow and flew to the next sun.


Separated by hundreds of big states, Shenyan state.

There is a huge abyss in the middle of the state, at the bottom of which several people stand.

Right in front of the three is a huge crack.

This crack is very strange, as if inlaid in the stone wall, and seems to be parallel to the space.

Standing at the bottom of the crack was a burly man, who was the mountain he had fought with Luo Zheng.

"Mountain" toward those people arched his hand, then said: "I went first."

A man who is closest to "mountain" smiles faintly, "is it not reconciled to be integrated with it in this way?"

The mountain's face is calm, "I am the same as it originally. After merging into one, what you see may be me or it, and what are you willing to do?"

The man nodded and said, "go ahead."

The mountain took a step towards the crack.

In an instant, his body was shrouded by countless mirror spaces and turned into many pieces.

These fragments did not divide the mountain, and naturally would not touch the spirit of Hunyuan in the mountain. Countless fragments reflected that a completed "mountain" stepped into the crack like this.

"Wu -"

at the moment when the fragments of "mountain" enter the crack, a huge eyeball appears in the crack.

The crack is more than 4 million feet high and 300000 feet wide, but when the eyeball fills the crack, it only shows the tip of the iceberg.

The people standing in front of the crack are all the top strong men in the mother world. Under the gaze of the eyeballs, their faces are still a little nervous. Only after the eyeballs disappear can they feel a little relieved.

These people are the top of Jinwu, Shennong, Youxiong and so on.

Standing in the front, wearing a black crane cloak and sharp eyes, it was Ji Xuanyuan, the head of the bear clan.

"There should be no accident this time?" Ji Xuanyuan asked.

Lieshan of Shennong people stood beside him and nodded slightly, "the great cleansing plan will be very smooth, but..."

He said, his eyes turned to the emperor Jun not far away.

There is also a premise for all these plans, that is, the great coming.

Of course, they got half of the ring of coming, but their fate was very tragic.

Infer, they lock their eyes on the golden Hunyuan spirit in Luo Zheng's hands. Maybe they missed this thing, and then they failed.

The first object to be destroyed is the original taiyitiangong, because this event has accelerated the process.

To control yinglao and the East queen, it should not be difficult for the Jinwu people to destroy taiyitian palace.

But the news that Dijun just passed back is not optimistic.

Di Jun shrank in a big white fur, showing a delicate face. His eyes twinkled, but he said: "all the life fighting power of taiyitiangong is in Qibei state. When Jiuyang is gone, I will destroy Qibei state, and I will get those things."

On the surface, Dijun looks like a light cloud, but in his heart, he is very angry.

Although he is the seed of a real Dijun and a replica, his blood, strength and mood are very similar to the original Dijun.

He never thought that the Jinwu people would be defeated

And it's an extremely humiliating way. It would be captured by those guys in Tiangong!

In his fury, Emperor Jun finally used his nine Yang power to destroy the world.

Every time the Jinwu people invade a state, they will bring nine Yangwen seals into it. The nine Yangwen seals are made by Emperor Jun's blood. Even if they are far away from each other, they can use them to destroy the world.

But it was just insurance. He had never thought of using it before.


Dijun just finished, slender eyes suddenly opened, eyebrows are tightly frown.

"What's the matter, brother Dijun? Someone won't destroy your Jiuyang Lieshan's faint smile.

He said it was just a joke.

Once the magic power of Dijun is launched, there is no room for recovery.

Not to mention that taiyigong is short of Donghuang and yinglao. Even if they come in person, they can only escape with their subordinates

"Put out a sun," Di Jun said with an unbelievable look on his face.Ji Xuanyuan, who was standing in front of him, turned his head when he heard this. His face was quite surprised. "How can it be?"

"It's extinguished. Let's see," said Di Jun, stretching out two fingers and waving them in front of his eyes. His pupils already glowed white. He saw the world burned by the scorching sun.

In his vision, the whole world became more and more clear, and soon he saw Luo Zheng flying in the air.

Holding a long golden bow, he flew towards the second sun.

Di Jun has a ridiculous idea in his heart

Can't this boy shoot out the sun?

Just when Dijun thought so, Luo Zheng bent his bow and pulled the strings. All the marks covered his body, his bow, and then archery.


The power of the arrow in the eyes of emperor Jun, is so ridiculous.

So leisurely fly into the center of the sun, into a small black ball, diffusion, disappear.

A huge sun, also disappeared.


Dijun's eyes twitch constantly, as if to see the most incredible scene.

"How did it go out, brother Dijun?"

Lieshan's and Ji Xuanyuan's two most powerful people had a strong interest.

Emperor Jun snorted and opened his two fingers in the air. A space was exposed in front of them, reflecting Luo Zheng's figure with a long bow in that space.

"Is this the boy with the snake sword?" Ji Xuanyuan asked.

"That's him," Lieshan nodded.

After the first World War in Hunyuan, Luo Zheng was naturally listed as a key monitoring object.

However, in addition to wandering in the other side, Luo Zheng has never been out, and several super forces can't target Luo Zheng at all.

They planned to kill Luo Zheng and Fengge on the other side of the river. As a result, even one God was sacrificed, and Luo Zheng and Fengge were still unharmed.

"The boy is not afraid of the scorching sun?" Lieshan asked. He thought this was what emperor Jun showed him.

"No, he shot out my sun," Di Jun said, pointing to Luo Zheng.

At this moment, Luo Zheng drew a long bow and aimed at the third sun.

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