China has always been the bottom line of taiyigong.

In the face of Jinwu invasion, Gan Gaohan also chose to lead Tiangong soldiers to snipe Jinwu in Qibei Prefecture.

I just don't want to let the Jinwu people wreak havoc in China.

But they didn't expect that when the Jinwu people invaded, the Xiong people also assigned another group of people and horses from the southeast.

The southeast of central China has always been inaccessible, and from time to time, there are wild and alien invaders.

Later, Tai Yitian palace set up a checkpoint in the southeast of central China and arranged a bloody sword array. This sword array was arranged on a cliff, which is called Dragon cliff.

For thousands of years, the strongmen guarding Longya have been tianjiedu.

In the last thousand years, the name of the person guarding Longya was Lin Ruyuan.

Like Luo Zheng, Lin Ruyuan has a perfect fit with the eternal true meaning of Jian Yun. As the Lin family of Taiyi mountain, Lin Ruyuan was treated as lingshuang. But two hundred years ago, a dispute in the heavenly palace involved Lin Ruyuan, and his partner Qin Hua fell.

Since then, Lin Ruyuan took the initiative to apply for Longya, which has been guarded by him for 200 years.

Since he guarded Longya, many barbarians in the southwest rarely dare to invade. Most of the invaders were suppressed by him with bloody means

Since the Jinwu people invaded from the northeast, people in taiyigong were worried. Even many soldiers on Longya were worried and discussed about it all the time.

"I don't know if the seven mountains can hold this time when the Jinwu people come here with power."

"If we can't keep it, we have to keep it. We have to give way from Guanshan state to Qibei state, and then we have to give way to Zhongshen state. Why?"

"I made an application and went to fight in Qibei Prefecture. I was rejected..."

"There's no way. It's very important to fight against the Jinwu people, but it's equally important to guard Longya. If we leave, what will these wild ancient people do when they make waves?"

Just as the soldiers were discussing, a man in green came from afar.

All the soldiers immediately got up and bowed to the man.

"Mr. Jiedu, can I hear from Qibei Prefecture?"

"Does our heavenly palace have an advantage?"

"Whether to snipe Jinwu people in Qibei state..."

The man in green is the Minister of heaven, Lin Ruyuan.

Soldiers pay attention to the news of the north, so does Lin Ruyuan.

But across a big state, there is still a delay in the transmission of information. Even Lin Ruyuan has to turn around in waves through the sound transmission.

Lin Ruyuan shook his head, "the news I got is that it's still in a fierce battle. The specific situation is not known."

When the soldiers heard Lin Ruyuan's words, they were also dejected.

"Jiedu, it doesn't matter whether Longya is guarded or not. Anyway, those barbarians dare not really enter zhongshenzhou!"

"Yes, how about going north!"


When Lin Ruyuan heard his subordinates speak like this, his face sank, "nonsense! Not to mention whether we can go away, even if we go, how much help can you do with your strength? "

Although Lin Ruyuan is a rare genius in Taiyi mountain, his foundation is still shallow and his strength is stronger than Li BeiXue, but he can't be compared with qiuyin river.

Even if he led these people to help, it was just a drop in the bucket and could not change the whole war situation.

After being reprimanded by the envoys, the soldiers were honest and looked at the distant landscape one by one.

At this time, some lines on the front of Longya suddenly burst into red light.

Lin Ruyuan and the soldiers frowned when they saw the red light.

"The barbarians really choose the time to attack our dragon cliff at this time!" One of the soldiers stood up fiercely.

Another soldier pulled out his sword and said, "hum, I have no place to get angry. It's time to come!"

It is a common practice for the soldiers on the scene to kill the invading barbarians.

After looking at the red light, Lin Ruyuan frowned all the time. Instead of giving orders, he stood in the same place and thought about something. After a while, he said, "the situation is not so good..."

"My Lord, what's the matter?" Asked a large soldier with a huge sword.

Usually at this time, Lin Ruyuan is resolute, leading many soldiers to fight with foreign people on the Dragon cliff. How dare he be timid today? He could not imagine Lin Ruyuan's timidity.

Lin Ruyuan pointed to the red light and said, "bone array, dream array and spirit array have been destroyed by force. But what about secret array, figure array and secluded array?"

Others also noticed something was wrong and focused their eyes on the red light, and their faces suddenly became dignified.

Bone array, dream array and spirit array are behind the secret array, Tu array and you array. The first three arrays are destroyed by force, which means that the secret array, Tu array and you array are also destroyed, but there are no three arrays here.

This shows that the secret array, Tu array and you array have been brokenThe barbarians have all kinds of powerful talents, but their wisdom is generally not as good as that of the Terrans, let alone crack such a complex array.

These red lights feed back a problem: among the attackers, there is a very powerful array breaker.

In other words, the invaders are not barbarians!

In this sensitive period, this little news is worthy of their vigilance!

"Blood life sword formation, open," Lin Ruyuan issued an order at the first time.

The blood life sword array is the largest sword array in Longya. Since the construction of Longya, it has only been launched three times, and it was not long after the establishment of taiyitian palace. When the Eastern Emperor personally eradicated the three barbarians, the blood life sword array has never been opened again.


Blood red lights twinkle around the whole dragon cliff.

This huge cliff is like a giant dragon looking at the sky. As soon as the battle of blood and life opened, the red awns dotted it, more like a bit.

The vast air rose up from the sky along the Dragon cliff, and Lin Ruyuan stood alone on the spot, his face still dignified.

But three or five breathing time, the Dragon cliff opposite 3000 Zhang, a shadow emerged.

After seeing those people clearly, Lin Ruyuan closed his eyes tightly and breathed heavily. A strong sense of relief came into being.

Almost without using his brain, he guessed that those people came from Youxiong or Shennong, and it was impossible for the soldiers of Longya to keep them.

"The generals of Longya, leave the teleportation array and return to the heavenly palace," Lin Ruyuan ordered.

The soldiers saw that the enemies of Chu took a cold breath one after another, but they thought that there was still a chance to rely on Longya.

After hearing Lin Ruyuan's order, everyone was stunned for a while and then reacted.

"I will not leave!"

"If you want to go, you can go. Anyway, I'm not going to go!"

"I'd like to stick to the Dragon cliff with you!"

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