Tiger shaped shadow rushes to Dijun quickly, and the surrounding space is constantly distorted and broken, forming a warped "bubble".

See this "bubble" quickly close, Dijun's face finally revealed a sense of crisis!

If this punch hits truthfully, he will also be smashed to pieces!

Di Jun's eyes twinkle, and he wants to move away by force, but the little squares just appear and disappear. After being bitten by the black snake, di Jun really loses his ability to get away!

This is the battle between the strong and the strong.

Whatever you have been, you will be defeated if you encounter some special abilities.

If the previous "accomplice's heart" was not used to kill Wei Lao, now I'm afraid it's Dijun himself who died!

In the same way, Dijun's "star trace gun" is also a very special weapon. This gun can only kill the object with the "star light certificate". As long as it is covered with the "star light certificate", it can kill the target with one hit. Therefore, it can kill directly before several mountain owners react!

And now the problem that di Jun is facing is the same. Taixiushan and his two men approach each other by strange means, and then bite themselves with the black snake. He can't figure out the ability of the black snake, so naturally he can't get away from it. With Chen lie's earth shaking fist, it's a deadly kill.

Gan Gaohan, Ning Xuyuan and other people's faces show the color of expectation, if this blow will kill Dijun, it is no better!

Emperor Jun's face finally appears a trace of urgency. Under his teeth, a small jade suddenly emerges from his eyebrow. This jade is also a token from the other side. After it emerges from his eyebrow, it flies out towards the top!

Just after the little jade left him, the shadow of tiger shaped fist came as promised, and it hit Dijun's body in the front.

"Cha Cha..."

The power of six million Shenjun is not inferior to the physical body.

Under the public's attention, di Jun turned into a piece of smoke and quickly dissipated, while the shadow of the tiger shaped fist still moved upward and flew away from the distance

"It's done!"

"Is Dijun killed?"

"I can't believe it!"

There was a trace of joy on the faces of all the people in Tiangong. Believe it or not, this scene always happened.

The Jinwu people are silent. From the level of consciousness, the death of Dijun is the biggest grief for them!

If there are people with dead faces

They are looking forward to Emperor Jun to give them a break, who can expect the hall demon emperor, was smashed by that blow?

Most people have missed the flying jade

The jade flew out of a distance, and suddenly gave off a little green light. The green light quickly became rich, and Dijun, who had been annihilated by the ashes, was born from the green light again.

The joy of the people stayed on their faces for a few breaths, and then fell into a dull state.

Luo Zheng gazed at the scene, and his eyes were puzzled. "It's strange that emperor Jun should have been killed."

The scene just now is definitely not an illusion. The shadow of tiger shaped fist is really like destroying the withered and decaying, which makes emperor Jun a powder.

"Who doesn't have the means to save his life? It's not uncommon to see a duplicate gem in tianbaodao grottoes. If you can perfectly duplicate yourself after carrying it, you will have an extra life, "Hou Yi explained.

"Copy the gem? "Perfect copy?" Luo Zheng is a Leng, "that copy gem to get on a few more, isn't it not the body that does not die?"

This kind of other shore Keepsake is too rebellious. According to Hou Yi, there seems to be a lot of them?

"Each person can only carry one, and if they use it, they will be qualified to carry the second one," he added concisely.

Such a treasure is excellent, but everyone has only one chance to use it.

Dijun relies on the replication of gems to avoid the fate of the fall, but he did lose a life here.

He looked down at the people below. His face muscles were stiff and angry. "Well, if I hadn't had the means, I would have been killed by you today!"


The star Mark gun in Dijun's hand shakes again.

Six stars come down

Because of his strong power, Chen lie has collapsed and died.

The man who sacrificed the black snake was burned to death because of burning the keepsake on the other side. Only the leaf of the black snake who provided Dayin was still alive, and one of the six stars fell directly on the man's head.

Seeing the evidence of starlight above his head, the man's face turned pale. Out of the instinct of escape, he suddenly raised the leaves of Dayin, and his whole breath completely disappeared.

But the card of starlight is like a shadow. No matter which direction the invisible person moves, the card of starlight also moves with it!

"If you offend me, you must have the consciousness of death," said Di Jun, shaking the gun of the star Mark suddenly."Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

At the same time, six imperial figures appeared behind the six heavenly palace strongmen, and six spears penetrated them.

After killing six people, di Jun returns to his original position again.

After his anger subsided, his face became cold and arrogant again. His eyes swept the people below one by one again. He was choosing a new target.

When Di Jun's eyes swept over Luo Zheng's body, he stopped a little.

It was this boy who shot out his own sun

It's very important to sacrifice the Nine Emperors.

If he didn't need to help Lieshan's and Dihong's, he wouldn't have arranged Jiuyang's power to destroy the world, and would not have led to such strange things.

But Luo Zheng has succeeded in arousing his interest!

Of course, di Jun was reluctant to kill him. On the one hand, he wanted to know why Luo Zheng could shoot out the sun. On the other hand, the red and gold spirits of Hunyuan were still in the hands of this boy.

When Emperor Jun selects the next batch of targets to kill, Gan Gaohan moves his lips slightly, and then carries on the true vowel communication with the strong men in the heavenly palace.

Although Dijun is powerful, it is not without weakness.

What's more, these people in Tiangong can't be slaughtered like lambs!

After a short discussion, Gan Gaohan's face was full of determination, and he shot straight at the emperor Junfei.

"Whew -"

under the leadership of Gan Gaohan, other heavenly palace strongmen also rose one after another.

One or two strong men are desperate, but Dijun is not afraid.

But now most people rush to themselves, Dijun nature also need to weigh!

"The last fight?"

Disdain appeared on di Jun's face. Just when he was ready to deal with it, the Jinwu people also came to him.

Luo Zheng couldn't bear to face Dijun alone, but also gave orders to those Jinwu people to attack Dijun.

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