Under the gaze of Yanfei and Fengge, the spirit of Donghuang Taiyi went straight to Donghuang's head.

"The Eastern Emperor's pendant has a thousand annihilated souls, a trace of soul..." Yan imperial concubine some hesitant say.

The thousand annihilation soul pendant can prevent all the actions of taking away. I'm afraid that the wisp of spirit released by Luo Zheng will be recognized by the soul Pendant in an instant and then annihilated

Of course, it's just the worry of Princess Yan. After all, the spirit released by Luo Zheng is very strange. It seems to be the soul of the Eastern Emperor himself, but the breath is strange. It's really not the Eastern Emperor.

In the process of Yan imperial concubine is still worried, the East emperor too one of that wisp of spirit has quietly disappeared, but a breathing time, the East emperor's eyelids trembled for a while, then has opened his eyes.

That pair of eyes seemed to be inlaid with stars, which seemed to be brilliant!

Yan imperial concubine looks at the East emperor, a pair of soft and beautiful pupil is twinkling inconceivable vision, she seems to still have some don't believe, East emperor really wake up?

"Your Majesty..."

Yan imperial concubine can't restrain, will rush to pass.

Next to Fengge, she was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "mother, he is not the father..."

Fengge had seen it on the other side, and naturally understood the truth.

However, it is not easy for her to define the current emperor Taiyi. After all, the soul and the body are both the emperor, but one is the original and the other is a copy. Looking deep inside, her mind is a bit confused.

"Impossible," concubine Yan shook her head.

If the East emperor Taiyi was really taken away, she would not have this familiar breath. She believed her own judgment, so she thought that Luo Zheng had used some means to wake up the East emperor.

The East emperor looked at Yan imperial concubine, the vision falls on the Feng Song body, but is a tiny smile way: "we meet again, this is your mother?"

"Well," Feng Ge nodded, "my mother seems to misunderstand you..."

The Eastern Emperor smiles and says to Princess Yan, "I'm really the Eastern Emperor, but I'm not the Eastern Emperor you used to know. That Eastern Emperor is a seed that I sow in this chaos..."

"Seeds?" Yan imperial concubine continues to be in a daze.

Fengge explained directly: "the real East emperor had already entered the other side long ago. My mother should have heard of the other side people, right? The father emperor was created by the real East emperor

Fengge's explanation is simple and comprehensive, and Princess Yan doesn't understand anything. She has heard from her majesty about all kinds of legends about the people on the other side, and she has contacted them, but she has never seen the so-called people on the other side.

Luo Zheng, who was watching the play beside him, gave a faint smile and asked, "Lord Donghuang, how many levels of strength can you exert?"

He put the spirit of the Eastern Emperor into the body of the Eastern Emperor, but in order to deal with emperor Jun, if he can't give full play to his strength, I'm afraid everyone's fate is still in suspense.

As soon as the Eastern Emperor stood up, he put his hand around his waist and held a Purple Rainbow sword in his hand. After looking at it carefully, he looked at it with admiration in his eyes. "Good sword."

After that, he said to Luo Zheng, "in addition to the soul gap, others should be able to play a hundred percent strength."

The main reason is that a wisp of Qi soul is too weak. Now the East emperor Taiyi can't bear the attack of soul. However, the East emperor Taiyi has such exotic treasures as thousand annihilation soul. He is not afraid of the general attack of soul. Besides, when Emperor Jun sees the East emperor Taiyi waking up, he may not use the attack of soul to test.

After carrying it, taiyiben of the Eastern Emperor is also reading the memory fire of the Eastern Emperor. If it is the invasion of the soul, just reading the memory fire will take a long time, and even reject it - after all, it does not belong to his own memory.

However, there are no such problems for the Eastern Emperor taiyiben, but the blink of an eye has been completely integrated


At this time, Taiyi mountain again issued a burst of roar.

Some big holes suddenly burst out at a certain place on the mountain. With the emergence of small blue squares, Dijun flew high in the sky again.

The corpses he dragged had already begun to break down. Although the corpses woven by the body weavers could not stop revenge, there was a limit in the end.

As for the Gan Gaohan and other strong people hanging on the corpses, they are also disheartened.

Emperor Jun's going in and out of the mountain like this has already made a lot of people go on, leaving only five people, such as Gan Gaohan.

"In view of your persistence, I'll give you a ride," Di Jun looked back at Gan Gaohan.

Then his wings rose, the shadow of the sun appeared behind him, and the temperature became hot.

Not long ago, he used the Nine Yang power to destroy the world. Now he can't use it continuously, but it's not difficult to release the strongest Jinwu power.


With the wings constantly flapping, there were fire snakes growing out of the shadow of the sun behind him. These fire snakes stretched their necks and spewed out a series of rockets towards Gan Gaohan and others who were clinging to the corpse.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

Seeing those rockets coming straight, I'm afraid they will burn the bodies of the Tiangong strongmen.Ning Xuyuan, who was lying on the mountain wall, yelled, "let go, GanLao!"

In fact, to such a field, they stubbornly stop Dijun has no meaning, Dijun now to kill the emperor, no one can stop.


Gan Gaohan wiped the earth off his face and offered a keepsake to the other side.

One after another, flowers from the other side of him, as well as several other people bloom.

These flowers on the other side are not as good as the one that trapped Dijun before, but they still have the magic power of space and can absorb all things. The rockets from the fire snakes are flying around their necks and directly disappear into the bright red flowers


Emperor Jun see Gan Gaohan such means, his face appeared a sneer.

With the rocket constantly submerged in it, the other shore flowers quickly soared into flames, and the internal space was directly burned through!

"Every, every..."

Under the rapid spread of the blazing Jinwu magic fire, one of the strong ignited his upper body and was instantly burned to ashes.

Gan Gaohan is not willing to let go of the corpse. He finally chooses to leave the corpse with other people. These corpses trapped Dijun are also exchanged for the lives of his colleagues. In the end, he fails. Naturally, Gan Gaohan is extremely remorseful.

The bodies of the weavers, which could not be destroyed, finally collapsed and burned clean after being tormented by Emperor Jun for so long.

Gan Gaohan fell down on a huge rock from high altitude. He fell down with a kneeling posture.


When he knelt down, the boulder turned into powder.

He knelt down in the direction of Taidi palace.

Gan Gaohan has been following the Eastern Emperor for many years, but now he can't protect the Lord.

After kneeling and kowtowing, he flew up. At this point, he could only fight with his life.

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