Zhuo Feiyi's spiral strangulation lasted only one breath, and was smashed by Luo Zheng. Then Zhuo Feiyi was defeated.

In this kind of situation, the competition would have been a one-sided advantage.

Zhuo Feiyi was also convinced that he had lost. When he looked at Luo Zheng again, he even felt a trace of awe and immediately felt that Luo Zheng was unfathomable.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Zheng didn't use weapons, didn't use real yuan, and didn't move a step when he was standing in the same place. What's the name of this?

Dejected, Zhuo Feiyi even has a little bit of fascination with Qingyun sect. He is just in zhaoshen realm and has a chance to enter Qingyun sect

Zhuo Feiyi didn't know that there was not always a wizard like Luo Zheng.

This year's Qingyun sect is also a gathering of talents. Three years ago, there was a Li Yifeng. This year, there were three people, Hua Tianming, Pei TIANYAO and Luo Zheng

One is more evil than the other.

"The third prince's highness, his subordinates are not talented, but defeated by Luo Zheng," Zhuo Feiyi said to Su Rui.

Su Rui nodded, "brother Luo Zheng is a prodigy of Qingyun sect. You don't have to be depressed if you lose to him!"

It's hard to come out in a thousand years, isn't that exaggeration? For Su Rui's evaluation, some military people are not satisfied. After all, there are too many people in the Middle East in the millennium.

Although Luo Zheng's performance is really shocking, Su Rui has many capable people under his account, and Zhuo Feiyi is not the best among them.

"Your Highness, song Zhanpeng, please fight!" Zhuo Feiyi just sat down, and then someone came out. This man named song Zhanpeng is a big man. He looks like a robber who kills people and sells goods. His left eye is wrapped with a black eye mask. I don't know whether it's decoration or whether his left eye is blind.

"Quasi war," Su Rui nodded, his eyes fell on Luo Zheng.

In Su Rui's view, everything in the world can be exchanged.

Luo Zheng is very resistant to himself and does not want to join his own camp. Why is Su Rui not clear?

However, he knows that as long as the interests he gives are big enough, Luo Zheng will always be moved! Luo Zheng is certainly a genius, but he still needs resources!

Qingyun Zong may try his best to cultivate Luo Zheng, but the more resources there are, the better. This is Su Rui's strength.

Su Rui can participate in the fight for the throne, relying on the resources he controls! Compared with him, the prince can only be regarded as poor, and even the seventh Prince Su Xing has far less resources than him.

Luo Zheng Try to give full play to your strength. The stronger your strength is, the more I will give you! Su Rui thought in his heart.

Facing Luo Zheng, song Zhanpeng shakes his face and draws a knife from his waist. It's a pure black knife, which is very rare.

"Boy, just let you scenery, but you just rely on your strong body, do you dare to block my black knife?" Song Zhanpeng sneered.

"Don't dare," Luo Zheng shook his head expressionless, he is not a fool, even if his own top-grade spirit of the body is very strong, also won't get a knife for no reason.

Luo Zheng's answer immediately made song Zhanpeng one of them.

"In that case, show your real strength!" With that, song Zhanpeng jumped up, holding a black knife in both hands, and cleaved to Luo zhengdang's head.

"The beginning of the world!"

Facing this knife, Luo Zheng still did not avoid it. His legs were still firmly nailed in place. At the same time, he took out the Liuguang sword in his hand, and at the same time, he turned his right arm inward. The sword was set up above his head, the body of the sword was horizontal, and the palm of his hand was outward.

"Basic sword technique, build sword!"

Luo Zheng's sword is one of the basic sword techniques used for defense and counter attack.

When Luo Zheng faced Li Yifeng that day, he didn't use a sword, because it was a sword move of half defense and half attack. After blocking the opponent's attack, he used a backhand attack. The speed of Li Yifeng's luoyingrion sword is too fast. Even if one of the swords is held up, Li Yifeng will fight back with dozens of swords.

But in the face of song Zhanpeng, it's different. Song Zhanpeng's Sabre technique is just fierce. This Sabre technique is powerful and powerful, but it's often only one sabre, and it's not flexible. It's totally relying on overwhelming power to win.

"Do you want to hold my black sword? Dream Seeing Luo Zheng's use of the basic sword technique, song Zhanpeng thinks whether he should lay a heavy hand on it or not. If he is too strong, he may split the boy's sword directly, splitting him in half even with his sword.

But thinking of Luo Zheng's stinky appearance, song Zhanpeng not only didn't reduce his strength, but increased three points! In his body to upload a surge of manic atmosphere, as if his knife really has the power to create heaven and earth!


Song Zhanpeng's black knife heavily cuts Luo Zheng's sword, but the expected effect does not appear. Not only does Luo Zheng have nothing to do with it, but also the sword in his hand does not break. On the contrary, Luo Zheng turns around and stabs himself while holding his black knife.This stab startled song Zhanpeng. He didn't expect that Luo Zheng had such magical power. He not only opened his black sword, but also stabbed his backhand. With such a fierce stab, he was easily and skillfully broken by the simplest basic sword technique?

In a hurry, song Zhanpeng rolls around and avoids Luo Zheng's backhand sword. When he gets up, his dark and red face is already white.

How can this basic sword technique be so fierce?

For a moment, song Zhanpeng had a strong illusion. Has his Sabre skill been practiced in vain for so many years? Was it broken by other people's basic swordsmanship?

"Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Su Rui suddenly clapped his hand and exclaimed: "I heard that brother Luo Zheng beat Li Yifeng with his basic sword skills. I don't believe it. But today, I believe it! Xiao Wang, I admire you

Many of the swordsmen on the scene also nodded their heads secretly. Luo Zheng's basic swordsmanship is full of mystery, which makes these swordsmen feel ashamed. Everyone knows the basic swordsmanship. Who dares to fight the enemy? It is estimated that Luo Zheng is the only one in the world.

For Su Rui's praise, Luo Zheng has no extra expression on his face. He stands firmly in the same place and still doesn't move.

It's hard for song Zhanpeng to accept that Luo Zheng's sword was blocked by Luo Zheng's simple sword. Song Zhanpeng is a righteous man, but one of his faults is that he loves face very much. Today, he is undoubtedly losing a lot of face.

After thinking about it, song Zhanpeng clenched his teeth, stretched out his hand on his head, and took off the blindfold of his left eye.

As a guest of the third prince, many people have never seen song Zhanpeng take off his eye mask. Most people think that he is blind in his left eye, which is a physical defect. Naturally, they don't open their mouth to ask. They didn't expect that his left eye under the eye mask is intact, but they can see the difference by careful discrimination.

"One eye, two eyes!"

There were two pupils in his eyes, which looked very strange.

Luo Zheng also saw "one eye two pupils" for the first time. This eye two pupils is also called "double pupil", which is a small pupil in a big pupil.

It is said that people with "double eyes" can use that eye to see through the weakness of the enemy!

However, because there are too few people in this world who have "double pupils", it is difficult to prove the truth of these rumors. But since Song Zhanpeng revealed his "double pupils", it must be that this eye has special ability.

Luo Zheng holds a sword and is calm. It would be better for song Zhanpeng to see through his weaknesses. After all, it can also help Luo Zheng see his weaknesses clearly.

Song Zhanpeng's left eye narrowed slightly, and there was a light luster in his eyes, which immediately covered Luo Zheng.

ChongTong can help him to see through each other's flaws and weaknesses, but every time he uses it, it will make his head ache for many days, because the use of ChongTong has a very high requirement for soul power, and song Zhanpeng has no means to exercise his soul.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, song Zhanpeng will not use this ability.

Today, he had no choice, he didn't want to lose too miserably. What he lost from Luo Zheng was to get back from Luo Zheng!

But when his left eye swept over Luo Zheng's body, he was stunned. What's the matter with Luo Zheng?

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