On the fourth day after Tiangong stabilized, Luo Zheng sank into the inner world.

As soon as he was born into the inner incarnation, he saw a huge round leaf in the distant sky, which kept spinning in the air, emitting a light green light, soft and gorgeous.

Luo Zheng's face was full of curiosity. In a flash, he came to the side of the leaf.

At the top of the leaves, some people are busy living. They keep cutting strange arrays on the leaves with their heads down.

These people come from the civilization of the human race, and they are also the human race in the 77 rounds of chaos.

After Luo Zheng opened up a separate continent for them, they also continued to build something in Luo Zheng's inner world.

"What is this leaf?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

One of them took a look at Luo Zheng. Of course, they knew that Luo Zheng was the master of the world.

However, there is a trace of natural self-confidence in these people's eyes. After all, they are not native creatures in Luo Zheng's inner world, and they will not treat Luo Zheng as an omnipotent God.

"It's the verve leaf," one of them replied.

"What's the use?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"It can speed up the cultivation of the whole world," the man said.

Hearing this answer, Luo Zheng couldn't help looking at it more. Naturally, he didn't think that Yuanshi Tianzun sent these people to mend and build many practical things in the inner world!

Standing on the leaves, he saw small balls floating not far away, and asked, "what are those?"

"That's the ball of metamorphosis," the man said again. Instead of waiting for Luo Zheng to ask, he continued to explain, "all the true divine realms can enter the ball of metamorphosis for cultivation, strengthen their own souls, and prepare for rushing to the other side..."

"What are those storms in the distance..."

Luo Zheng also didn't expect that he left this period of time, Yuanshi Tianzun, they actually made so many things!

Of course, Luo Zheng didn't know that Yuanshi Tianzun and his group of people gathered most of the elites in No. 77 chaos. The most suitable way of cultivation and the most convenient means were all created by them at the beginning.

After the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty determined that Luo Zheng's inner world was the place of his birth, he was really very attentive.

As the most gifted and powerful man of the human race, Yuanshi Tianzun explored Luo Zheng's inner world in almost every detail, including the setting of forbidden areas, the composition of race, and so on. Then he called together Fuxi benzun and others to discuss, and then planned a change plan.

Luo Zheng believed in these people, and had promised Yuanshi Tianzun that the inner world would be left to them.

So in a short period of time, the world is constantly modified!

In addition to revising the world, it also deliberately guides the whole world.

Before, Luo Zheng's world structure was very simple. The powerful people in the whole world were controlled by evil spirits. After the evil spirits left, Xiuzhu and her family controlled them. Their purpose was not to make the human beings in Luo Zheng's inner world stronger, but to control the inner world from chaos, so sometimes they even suppressed some strong people.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun took charge on behalf of Wei, and then made deliberate changes.

They weave the stories of ancient myths and the gate to heaven. Only when they reach the true divine realm can they set foot on the gate.

In addition, he deliberately provoked the struggle of several forces. During this period, the cultivation atmosphere of the inner world was extremely strong. In order to become more powerful, all creatures were practicing crazily, which was exactly the result that Yuanshi Tianzun wanted.


Just when Luo Zheng understood the situation, a wisp of golden light suddenly flashed in the distance, and those golden lights soared into the sky.

"What is that?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Well I don't know, "the man replied.

Luo Zheng couldn't find the answer, so he had to explore by himself.

As soon as his figure flashed, he appeared in the golden place, which was actually a golden column.

Yuanshi Tianzun was in the middle of these gold pillars. He was looking up at the gold pillars with a satisfied face.

"For five years, the true meaning of the five directions, the sword cloud forever traces the true meaning, and the void disillusiones the true meaning..." Luo Zheng looked at it and noticed the handwriting on it.

There are 14 gold pillars, which record the true meaning of 13 kinds of Tao, one of which is blank.

"In the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, why did Tianzun engrave the true meaning of Tao here?" Luo Zheng asked.

Yuanshi Tianzun calmly replied, "it's for the cultivation of thousands of living beings in the place where they were born. Don't forget that as the place where they were born, they can also reach the other side after they understand the true meaning of Tao."

Are the creatures in the world within themselves on the other side? Luo Zheng did not consider such a problem

"this blank gold pillar..."

As soon as Luo Zheng opened his mouth, Tianzun in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty said, "it's reserved for carving the true meaning of the three spirit buildings. But as you said, the king of worry free just taught you the true meaning of the three spirit buildings. Now I don't ask Luo Zheng to carve it out. I'll wait until I see him.""You can go now," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Luo Zheng had promised Yuanshi Tianzun before, but because of the Tiangong war, it has been delayed so far.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes brightened and said, "that's good!"

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

After Luo Zheng was dispersed and internalized, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty summoned other people in the book.

In the blink of an eye, the spirits of Fuxi, Nuwa, Dijun, zhurong, Gonggong and so on all appeared beside Yuanshi Tianzun.

They all have great interest in "worry free king", that is, they want to see who this worry free king is, who can create another shore in the "land of ashes"!

Luo Zheng scattered his inner incarnation, sat down with his knees crossed, and began quietly brewing the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings.


After a while, Luo Zheng was haunted by a mysterious true meaning of Tao, and his whole person appeared in another space, which was the recycle bin where "mountain" exiled himself.

In the distance, pieces of distinctive ruins are connected end to end, forming a slender "garbage belt".

When Luo Zheng just came to this space, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty led Fu Xi, Nu Wa and other people to appear on the top of Luo Zheng's head.

Looking at the dense head on his head, Luo Zheng is also a little sad.

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't care about such details. They opened their eyes and looked at this strange space curiously.

"Everything in the ash dump should be destroyed, but it's incredible that these things have been kept since they were exiled..." Yuanshi Tianzun sighed.

"What's more incredible is that the carefree king also transformed the world into another shore," Nu Wa said.

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