Yuanshi Tianzun, Nuwa, Fuxi and others were staring at Luo Zheng, waiting for him to make a decision.

There are many reasons for Luo Nian to stay here to help Jiang Ziya, for the great cause of the human race, for the end of Yan, for

But Luo Nian is Luo Zheng's son after all, and it is human to worry about his son's safety.

"I'll tell your mother that you're here to learn arts," Luo said.

Hearing his father's reply, Luo Nian's indignant face swept away.

Looking at the change of his son's attitude, Luo Zheng also shook his head slightly, but he still told him: "although I let you into the metaphysical world, you should know that this is not the inner world I control. When you encounter danger, you can only save yourself..."

It's OK for luonian to make a world shaking in his inner world. The real world is much harsher.

"Nianer knows!" Luo Nian's eyes flashed.

Now luonian is not young, but he has been living in the glory of his father.

When he was in yundian, he grew up listening to all kinds of Legends of Luo Zheng. Later, he went to Shenyu, where there were more powerful yushenfeng, Han Jiuyi and others, but his father seemed to be more powerful.

When he went to the mother world, he was simply thrown into the mother world.

Father asked himself only when he needed to read Sanskrit. Other times, he was forgotten.

Luo Nian knew that his father had been very busy and didn't seem to have a good rest for hundreds of years.

The more so, the more luonian wants to prove that he is very useful!

It's impossible to catch up with my father at the level of cultivation, but it's my strong point to travel in the metaphysical world.

At least these powerful people who seem to be more powerful than their father are very concerned about the metaphysical world.

Most importantly, Luo Nian also likes the feeling of staying in the metaphysical world, and he wants to continue to explore in that world!

Next, Jiang Ziya asked Luo Zheng again, and Yuanshi Tianzun and others moved to the palace.

He has shown the metaphysical world to the public. In addition to the metaphysical world, Jiang Ziya also needs to ask Yuanshi Tianzun how to create Jijie space.

In the past countless years, it was Jiang Ziya who worked hard in this space alone. Now more people have come up with suggestions, which naturally makes Jiang Ziya's pressure greatly reduced

After staying in the palace for more than half a day, there was a violent roar and a bright blue flash from somewhere in Jicha space.

After hearing this sound, people's faces all appeared strange colors and looked at Jiang Ziya one after another.

Jiang Ziya looked at the north of Jijian space and said, "it's started again. Recently, the ancient god of chaos seems to be very active..."

Then he gave his hand a gentle brush.

The space above him is like a mirror, which has projected the picture of the north.

The lava is bubbling in the north, and there's a lot of red heat coming out of the surface.

"How could Kong delete such a large space?" Luo Zheng's eyes were fixed.

Jiang Ziya nodded, "it's all like this recently. Is there a fierce battle in the mother world?"

Luo Zheng shook his head blankly.

Although the mother world is in danger, the ancient chaos God still takes part in the battle. I don't know why "Kong" is constantly deleting space.


In the dust and blood state.

A little bit of a bright fire.

The flame from the tiny space is spreading at an incredible speed.

It didn't take long to fill the whole dusty state.

Lieshan's Shennong looked at the spread of the flame without expression, and then turned away.

The fire will kill most of the creatures in chenxue state, which makes Shennong numb.

In a short time, he had come to the next big state. With a flick of his finger, the light of fire bloomed again

There are trillions of people dying in every big state!

Since the birth of the mother world, it has also experienced countless disputes and battles, among which the number of fallen creatures in several major battles is also a terrible number!

Among them, the scuffle of various ethnic groups in the late Middle Ages was the most fierce. Almost all the ethnic groups in the mother world were involved in the war, and the number of people at the bottom was very large!

"Guiqing" was born after the scuffle of various nationalities!

In a short period of time, this character, which is shaped by the negative emotions of his mother world, rose rapidly. At the peak of his fame, he even surpassed the boatman and became a character that many forces are extremely afraid of.

Later, the "ghost green" rebelled against each other, so that the boatman had to join hands with other super forces to kill the ghost green.

Guiqing has been dead for many years, but those who have gone through the chase know the strength of Guiqing like the back of their hands!

It's a demon lurking in the mother world. He's everywhere, waiting for someone to wake him up.

There are bears and shennongs. If they launch a war sweeping the mother world, they may wake up the devil. But the most economical way is to use the flame of this extreme space.

Shennong appeared in baiyinzhou after a long time of incense burning.Just as he was about to pop up the "extreme space", a sculpture appeared in front of Shennong.

It's a huge Gangfeng carving. It's a big family in Baiyin.

Although this big clan is not well-known in the mother world, the clan leader of the Gang Feng carving clan is not weak. Although he did not become a man in the scroll, he traveled in 32 days for a long time.

Once the clan leader of Gangfeng carving was on the other side of the river, he also helped Lieshan.

"Why did brother Shennong set fire everywhere and burn thousands of innocent creatures?" The vigorous breeze carves to ask a way.

"Mission," Shennong's answer was concise.

"Can you spare Baiyin?" Gang Feng Diao asked again.

"No," Shen Nong's eyes flashed a trace of pity, "but brother Diao can lead the Gang Feng Diao clan to leave."

In the golden eyes of Gangfeng carving, there is a color of loss. "Baiyinzhou is the ancestral home of our Gangfeng carving family. How can we give up easily? If brother Shennong wants to burn baiyinzhou, please step through me!"

Shennong, as a man in the middle of the scroll, is far more powerful than the spirit wind carving. The spirit wind carving knows that he is a mantis, so he has the consciousness of death.

"Brother Diao was kind to me. Please don't embarrass me," Shennong said.

As if he had not heard of it, a keepsake on the other side of the head of the carving was spinning. Then it spread its wings and came towards Shennong

After a while, a carved image of broken wings fell down in the sky, and what it fell down with was the "tiny space" flashing with fire.

As the big states burned down, a restless negative mood spread in the mother world.

Between the living beings and between the races, if there is a little friction, they will fight each other. There are many conflicts between the big races and the small races!

Soon after, this negative emotion reached an extreme value, and suddenly disappeared without a trace!

And in a corner of the mother world, a new creature is born, which exudes great evil.

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