After Yuanshi Tianzun came to this conclusion, he also got the approval of Nu Wa, Fu Xi and others.

On the other hand, in a flash, civilization seemed mean and aloof.

As for the reason, they also made a lot of speculation.

Nu Wa thought that the reason was very simple. The instant civilization was too strong. In the eyes of the instant civilization, these dominant civilizations were as weak and ridiculous as insects.

Who's going to leave clues for the bugs?

Nu Wa's inference is simple and rough, but not many people agree with it.

The reason is very simple. If the instant civilization really looked down upon the later dominant civilizations like "worms", it would not have come up with all kinds of complicated rules on the other side.

For example, every heavy heaven on the other side has different suppression. If this rule is removed, the preconceived yuan spirit civilization will directly dominate the whole other side, and the latter will not have any chance at all!

For example, the soul City, the land of bone robbing, the painting scroll and so on. This deliberate and careful arrangement is obviously for the promotion of the latecomers.

With such careful and painstaking layout, it is impossible to be regarded as a bug

People are always arguing about the unknown, and the assumptions put forward by everyone can't be proved. So up to now, no matter the people, the Yuanling people or the Wukong people, they have never figured out what the attitude of civilization was at that moment

"It's natural that the key to the gate of the soul city is placed in this small house with a pointed roof," yuan Shitian said with a smile.

Luo Zheng looked at the golden pot and suddenly put out the flame at the mouth of the pot.


The gates of the ghost city began to close again.

At the same time, the souls began to float around again, as if a feast was about to open.

"Ah, why is it closed again?"

"Luo Zheng hasn't come out yet!"

"Fortunately, we came out..."

Li BeiXue and others outside the soul city can't help twitching when they see that the soul city is closed again.

Seeing the ghosts dancing again in the soul City, Luo Zheng takes a candle to light the pot again, a light flame lights up again, the souls return to the wall again, and the door opens slowly

Light up

Put out

Light up

Put out

Luo Zheng after so many times, finally attracted strong dissatisfaction.

The spirits howling in the walls roared angrily, and the dark blue eyes that had been immersed in the wall reappeared, "Wuwuwuwu..." I don't know what I'm talking about, but listening to the tone, I should be accusing Luo Zheng of Hu Lai.

"Luo Zheng, what are you doing?"

Even the God of the Yuan Dynasty is not clear.

Luo Zheng turned his mouth rather reluctantly and said, "the golden pot must be lit to open the gate. The gate will only open after sixty-six hours. That is to say, someone must light the pot every sixty-six hours..."

This is a very simple logic. Maybe it was too long for Yuanshi Tianzun to think of human affairs.

"The floor, doors and tables in this room are untouchable," Luo added.

After Luo Zheng became the holy spirit realm, the soul had the actual shape like the body. With a touch, the things in the house would be destroyed. This shows that no one touched those things before Luo Zheng.

"It shows that the people who light the golden pot come from above," Luo Zheng said, looking up.

The top of the head was empty, and the whole interior of the house was made of stones the size of fists.

After staring at him for a while, Luo Zheng jumped up abruptly, put his finger into the crack of the stone, and fixed himself on it. At the same time, he raised the golden pot in his hand and went towards the stone.

Under the light of the golden pot, the stones began to change color.

The original gray stone turned into a dark blue like a deep sky, and the dark blue was dotted with colorful light spots, just like a roll of colorful starry sky, unfolding above the pointed cabin.

"It's a painting. It's a fish. It's really a mystery..." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

All the stones are glossy. The lights are not meaningless. Some of them form lines, which outline a huge fish.

"It's not a fish, it's a horned Kun, starry sky horned Kun!" Yuanshi Tianzun said cautiously, his voice even trembled, obviously he was more excited than Luo Zheng.

"What is the star of the sky?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"It's a giant star in the sky," Yuanshi Tianzun replied. "When jiaokun passes by, the whole sky will change with its appearance. It's a kind of gentle and beautiful creature."

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng said, "but if you look at the other side as a special space, the space is still in chaos, and the thirty-three heaven is just the top of chaos. If you look out, you should see the lid on your head?""Your inference is wrong," yuan Shitian shook his head.

At that time, when Luo Zheng first told Yuanshi Tianzun about the "worry free king", that is, Jiang Ziya, and Xuanliang world, Yuanshi Tianzun was not too surprised. The reason is that Yuanshi Tianzun saw Xuanliang world in thirty-three days, because you can see it when you look up!

Thirty three days is different from Ji delete space. Ji delete space is separated by a wall. Jiang Ziya spent a long time and means to open that wall.

But at the top of sanqingtian, there is no "cover". The bright spot above is the starry sky, and the starry sky is the mysterious world!

"Since there is no lid, why didn't you go there?" Luo Zheng asked again.

Yuanshi Tianzun mentioned that there was an entrance to Xuanliang world in the 33rd heaven, but the entrance was controlled by the Yuanling clan and they had no chance to go there.

"Although the metaphysical world is on the top of the head, there is an invisible force field millions of miles above the head. The inner and outer forces of the force field are not equal. When any material crosses the force field, it will be torn because of the strong unequal pressure," Yuanshi Tianzun explained. "This force field was discovered by Fuxi, so it is named" Fuxi unequal force field. " ’The whole force field covers the sky... "

"The only place that can cross this force field is the road to heaven, which is naturally controlled by the yuan lingzu," Yuanshi Tianzun added.

"I see," Luo Zheng nodded and gazed at the wall.

There is a thin sharp angle on the head of the star, and a flame is drawn at the sharp angle.


"Golden pot..."

"Master Yuanshi Tianzun, I think the golden pot should be lit by this star horn Kun," Luo Zheng said with certainty.

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