After stepping into the door, I haven't adapted to the darkness yet. A sweet smell of rust has entered my nose.

Ling Shuang frowned, confused in her eyes.

Suddenly, why can you smell it?

She is just the body of Yang soul

But when she looked at herself, she was startled.

The body of her soul is full of red silk threads, which exude Ruby like luster.

These red silk threads from her arms outline a vein, at the same time, the five viscera, six Fu organs, cervical spine and so on, and even the head of the eyes, ears, mouth and nose are roughly outlined.

"I What's the matter? "

Ling Shuang steps back. She wants to get out of the door.

But when she thought of her grandmother, her inner fear melted like a snowflake in June

No matter what fate she met, she would accept it without hesitation.

If Ling Shuang has been to the soul City, she will find that what happened in her Yang soul is very similar to stepping into the Holy Spirit.

The difference is that she doesn't have to go into the cloud of soul, she just takes a step towards that door.

When the soul has five senses, Ling Shuang becomes more sensitive to the surrounding illusions, and even a dark passage is presented to her in every detail.

"Is this a prison?"

On both sides of the passage is a room fenced off.

The fence partition nearest to the gate is damaged. It seems that it was broken by brute force. Naturally, the room is empty.

Ling Shuang continues to move forward along the channel, and her eyes are constantly sweeping to the partition on both sides.

"It's all empty..."

"Have all the things shut in gone?"

"But I have seen those monsters..."

In Ling Shuang's mind, those monsters represent fear.

When she was young, she often woke up in nightmares because of these monsters

But monsters also represent power.

She needs strength and these monsters, no matter what she pays.

All the way out of the distance of hundreds of feet, the barriers of the rooms on both sides of the passage were broken. Ling Shuang was disappointed. She summoned up so much courage, but broke into an empty door, which she didn't want to see.

Just as she passed an empty house again, a rustle came from the front.

Hearing the sound, Ling Shuang's eyes flashed and stepped forward quickly.

When lingshuang was just near the iron fence, a big Plush hand grabbed the fence fiercely, "bang!"

All the fences vibrated violently

"Bang Bang..."


When the monsters in the room in the deep passage heard the sound, more people rushed to the fence.

They thumped and swayed and made all sorts of strange shouts.

The whole passage seems to be alive at this moment. The darkness in the distance turns into the monster's mouth. The surging breath pushes Ling Shuang back several steps.

The excited cries of the monsters in the room startled something.

In the dark in the distance of the passage, two red lights suddenly floated up. The red light quickly shortened the distance from lingshuang from far to near.

When walking near, Ling Shuang finally saw its face clearly.

It looks like a giant horse monkey, with long hairy hands falling down on the ground and sharp nails on both hands. When walking, the nails drag on the ground and make a harsh sound.

Ling Shuang's pupil suddenly widens, which is the monster who has been observing himself on the door for countless times!

"You I come in, "said Ling Shuang.

She wanted to ask who it was.

But I feel familiar with it in my heart.

It has observed itself many times, and it has also observed him many times, so it should not be suitable to ask.

The monster stretched out its long arms and pointed nails towards the frost.

Even in the dark environment, the surface of the nail is shining with cold light. Ling Shuang has no doubt that the monster can easily tear itself to pieces.

But he stretched his nails to the front and back of Ling Shuang's face and knelt down in front of her.

"I, I, we I've been waiting for countless years. It's too painful. Wuwu, please keep your promise and help us! "

The voice was hoarse and rough, as if two pieces of iron were rubbing on the ground.

But it doesn't stop it from imploring.

"Let you go?"

Ling Shuang's eyes are full of confusion.

"The curse on us has been too long. Those brothers can't hold it. They all ended their lives. I dragged them out of prison and buried them..." It added.

Now Ling Shuang understands something.

There are also these monsters in those fences, but they are cursed and have been locked up here waiting for their arrival.But whether they come too late, some monsters choose to commit suicide.

The big holes in the fence should be how the monster opened them. It broke the big holes just to bury them.

"I don't know how to lift your curse," Ling Shuang said truthfully.

Grandma knew that she had this door, and even knew that she could command the monsters in it

But what does this door mean? What does Ling Shuang have to do with these monsters? Grandma didn't mention it.

Maybe grandma didn't know

Ling Shuang's voice just fell, and the monsters on both sides of the passage roared.

Her answers didn't satisfy them.


Suddenly, she grabbed her paw in the air.

"No way! You can't have no idea! " Monster's voice is full of unwilling, "the agreement is not like this, you should have saved us!"

The power of that monster is beyond imagination.

Ling Shuang feels that she is in her hands, just like a fragile porcelain. As long as she works hard, she will turn into pieces.

"Ah Wuwu, ah Wuwu, ah Wuwu..."

The voices of those monsters on both sides of the passage changed from messy to uniform.

"Do you hear me?" It said to Ling Shuang: "they say that if you can't do it, they will kill you My brothers have been in despair for a long time. They don't care about crushing the last hope! "

This is both a threat and a reality.

Ling Shuang, who grew up carefree, never thought that she would be the last hope of these monsters.

When she finally entered the door, Ling Shuang didn't know anything.

Their mood can be imagined

"Guwuwu --"

just as the crowd was shouting, a sharp voice came from the distance.

The owner of the voice seemed to have great authority. When the voice came out, the passage was silent again.

Ling Shuang bit her lip, "but I really don't know..."

"Gulu Wuwu..."

The voice in the distance continued to tell.

After listening for a while, the monster holding lingshuang put lingshuang on the ground, and his tone eased slightly. "You follow me..."

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