After the remaining two chains were untied by Yuanshi Tianzun, the bald giant finally stood up and stepped out of the cold prison.

The smooth ice covered with light reflected on him, emitting a primitive and powerful atmosphere!

After squatting down, the bald giant opened his hand to Luo Zheng and said, "my friend, it's time to find those guys to settle the accounts!"

After the core of Tianzhi decodes his words, Luo Zheng smiles and walks into the hand of the bald giant with Phoenix girl and Li BeiXue.

"Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong..."

As the baldheaded giant steps on the upper ice sheet, the ice is constantly shaking.

Although the temperature here is very low, it can't be cold after all.

As soon as the frost condenses on the body surface of the bald giant, it turns into heat and disappears

The skin of the baldheaded giant turns bright red, and the transpiration heat comes from his body, easily resisting the low temperature of the upper ice sheet.

"This ghost place is full of ice. Where is Yuanling civilization hidden?"

The baldheaded giant advanced a distance before he asked.

Yu Sheng is not familiar with Tian Luo Zheng, but he has already walked once before. He only needs to follow this direction to the end, and then he can go to thirty-one chongtian.

Just when Luo Zheng was ready to show the way, Feng Nu suddenly said, "since this bald giant wants to revenge the Yuanling family, why don't you let him have a good time?"

"Have fun?" Luo Zheng's eyes were fixed.

"The Yuanling clan is stuck in yushengtian. It's not convenient for other races to get up and down. Luo Zheng, your body has passed yushengtian, and your soul is still in the 29th heaven. When you want to go to the 32nd heaven, I'm afraid it's also a trouble. Not only that, it's not easy for you people in Tiangong to pass yushengtian..." Phoenix female hint way.

Luo Zheng's eyes brightened slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Destroy 30 days," Feng Nu shrugged.

The Yuanling clan keeps the business of the 30th heaven intact. Other races and civilizations on the other side, some powerful individuals, when passing through yushengtian, can only tolerate everywhere.

If the base camp of Yuanling clan in 30 chongtian is destroyed, other forces on the other side may also take advantage of the situation to enter yushengtian, such as Wukong clan, and some civilizations that support Zhongyan.

This is a good opportunity to weaken the strength of the Yuanling clan. There is no reason to miss it.

"Please show me the way," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Feng Nu shrugs her shoulders. She has been shuttling through yushengtian for quite a long time. She is too familiar with the distribution of those ice castles of Yuanling civilization!


Yusheng is the central area of the world's ice sheet, where octagonal ice castles stand.

These ice castles are small in size, but they are connected with each other, forming a permanent ice city. The Yuanling people even built a thick ice wall on the outside of the ice city.

Many other creatures come and go in and out of the ice city. The types of other creatures are very complex, including Yang soul, original other creatures, and once chaotic civilization, but they are all the races that belong to the yuan spirit civilization.

Today, the atmosphere in the ice city is very delicate. Both the other side creatures and the five elements slaves are extremely silent.

Not long ago, the team formed by yuehuonu, ningbingnu and huanleinu suffered a heavy loss. Except for huanleinu, yuehuonu and ningbingnu were all destroyed!

In the center of the ice city, there is a round platform carved with ice crystals, and the center of the round platform is covered by a black light.

The black light of the dark field is absolute darkness, and you can never see clearly what's inside.

But the creatures living in the ice city certainly know what the black light is.

Many Moonfire slaves, burial slaves, and frozen slaves gathered around the platform and knelt down to the black light. They bowed their heads and said nothing.

"You are a bunch of rubbish!"

"It's just two Yang spirits, one body!"

"I can destroy all my Moonfire slaves and ningbing slaves..."

"I underestimated that giant with low IQ!"


After a long roar in the dark, a ball came out slowly.

Inside the sphere, there are blue ice crystals floating.

These ice crystals circled in the sphere for several times, forming a small Iceman.

This Yuanling people is the "water spirit" of Yuanling people, named Houqu.

As the God of thirty days, Yu Shengtian is in charge of it. This time, after discovering the trend of Luo Zheng, he immediately dispatched his troops to the top of the ice field to encircle and suppress him!

Originally thought it was a matter of catching by hand, but it turned out to be a matter of returning at the expense of the enemy. This was the unacceptable result of Houqu, so he was furious.

"Whew -"

the little body of Houqu jumped out of the ball.

It looks very small. In fact, it is as tall as a person.


With a gentle move of his hands, two flipped moon blades with flashing cold light appeared on both sides of his arms.Just as Houqu was about to lead the five element spirit slaves to set out, a spirit of Yang came not far away.

That Yang soul is from the Shennong clan's Holy Spirit "Yuanchen". He came in a hurry to report: "Lord Houqu, naluo has come down. It's at the gate of ice city!"

Hearing the report from Yuanchen, Hou Qu was slightly stunned.

It felt that Luo Zheng had escaped a robbery and had to find a place to get away from the other side

If so, Houqu will hold the boy for a while and a half. There's no choice but to place his hope on the bears and shennongs in his mother's world.

It never occurred to Luo Zheng that he didn't run away, instead, he came to the door. He was so happy that he said, "I want to see what tricks he wants to play!"

Then it floated and went straight to the gate.

The five elements slaves followed behind Houqu.

Before burning incense, pieces of ice suddenly fell over the ice city.

The guardians of the ice city are quite strange. The ice on their heads is very strong. Without external force, it is almost impossible for the ice to fall off.

Just when the guardians were still murmuring, the upper layer of the ice sheet was dug through, and a figure fell straight down from the cave and smashed in front of the ice city gate.

"Who's coming?"

"Give me your name quickly!"


These guards come from the other side of the yuan spirit civilization.

The strength gap between the races on the other side is also very big. The strength of these guards is far less than that of the five elements lingnu.

However, with the protection of the yuan spirit civilization, these other races have a good life.

Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't answer, several guards stabbed Luo Zheng with guns!

Luo Zheng's body shape is only a tiny flash, the body has passed these guards.

The guards only felt that their eyes were dazzled, and their hands were empty. The long guns they had held had already appeared in Luo Zheng's hands.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Luo Zheng throws out the long gun with a handle. The long gun carries the power of terror and inserts itself into the ice wall.

Then Luo Zheng jumped up, with the help of the end of the long gun, stood on the top of the ice wall, looked at the distance and showed a faint smile, "we should make more noise."

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