A white bone boat floats on the blue sea.

Bone boat forward is rely on bone slave paddle, forward speed is not fast.

Now that Luo Zheng can fly, he can also fly across the ocean, or help these bone slaves push bone boats.

But at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor told Luo Zheng not to break the rules of the place where the bones were robbed. In those days, they went in like this, and Luo Zheng let the bone slaves paddle slowly

These bone slaves have the most basic intelligence and can communicate with Luo Zheng smoothly, but they seem to know very little. When it comes to questions like the origin of bone slaves and the place where they robbed bones, they just answer mechanically and don't know.

After a few words, Luo Zheng asked.

"Hua, Hua, Hua..."

Slowly forward, over a section of bones inserted in the sea, a white Island appeared in front of the convenience.

This small island is made up of thick bones. In the middle of the island, there is a huge skull, but I don't know who it is.

"This is where the bones are?" Asked Luo Zheng.

"Yes," Bonu nodded.

With the slow landing of the bone boat, Luo Zheng landed on the island with a slight jump.

When Luo Zheng just stood firm, a handful of sea water splashed on his head!

After walking in the other bank for so long, Luo Zheng is still afraid of such things as soul avoiding water. The thunder wings behind him explode fiercely, and his body turns backward, so he can avoid these soul avoiding water!

When Luo Zheng stabilized himself in the air, he could see clearly under his eyes. There were more than a dozen creatures on both sides of the island!

The shapes of these creatures are different, some are as small as the main pole, some are as big as giant, obviously they are other creatures!

"Isn't it that no one has been in the land of bone robbery for a long time?" Luo Zhengqi road.

He thought that he was the only one in the whole bone robbing place. He didn't expect that so many creatures from the other side would come out suddenly!

"The creatures in chaos can't enter the land of robbing bones, but the creatures on the other side can," said Yuanshi Tianzun.

As long as God is not bound to a certain level of heaven, the creatures on the other side can become powerful step by step, and they can also cast the Holy Spirit, accept the baptism of the land of robbing bones, enter the immortal picture and go to the thirty-three heavens.

"It's the Terran boy!"

"Human beings, do you understand the rules? The guy on the other side must be contaminated with the water to avoid the soul before he is qualified to land!"

"Yes, we don't mean to aim at you. We'll let you down after bathing in this soul avoiding water!"

Compared with Soul City, it is more difficult and takes more time to pass through the land of bone robbing.

These creatures from the other side have been here for quite a long time, and they are getting familiar with each other. It's easy for them to form a consistent external pattern, and Luo Zheng is obviously an outsider.

"Rules? Who made the rules? " Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's not decided by anyone. It's always been the rule in the place where bones are robbed," one of the other creatures explained.

"Ha ha," Luo zhengsen said with a cold smile, "since ancient times, no one in chaos has been able to enter the land of robbing bones. After such a long time, has this rule not been broken? Or is this the rule you just set up? "

Soul avoiding water only works for the creatures on the other side. Naturally, this rule is aimed at chaotic creatures, but chaotic creatures have not been here for quite a few years.

Now as soon as Luo Zheng appears, the rules come out. Ninety nine percent of them are yuan Ling's troublemakers.

Asked by Luo Zheng, those creatures on the other side were suddenly speechless.

"There's only one purpose of sprinkling water to avoid my escape, isn't it?" While Luo Zheng asked, he lowered slowly. At the same time, the power of the other side in the instrument of civilization was surging wildly.


As the surging force of the other side burst out, he was like a meteorite falling from the sky and smashed down towards the island.

Those creatures from the other side originally wanted to gather together, but they could feel that Luo Zheng's face changed greatly after falling the stone, and they could not help retreating!


Luo Zheng hit the island heavily.

Under the transmission of great power, the whole island trembled violently, and the surrounding water also spread out a circle of tsunamis.

Luo Zheng was surprised to see the ground on the island. The ground was also made up of bones, but the strength of these bones was far beyond Luo Zheng's expectation. Under such impact, there was no trace of broken bones.

Instead of shattering the bones on the ground, it was calming the creatures on the other side.

Just as Luo Zheng guessed, they did receive the news and knew that there would be a "chaotic creature". If they could take this chaotic creature, they would be rewarded!

These creatures from the other side thought that the comer was very weak, and they could easily take advantage of it by throwing water to avoid souls. How could they think that this person had such strength?

After a long time, they remained silent, their heads bowed as if they had done something wrong.After all, they are not chaotic creatures, unable to exit the other side.

"I don't know who else wants to sprinkle the water to avoid the soul?" Luo Zheng glanced around and asked in a cold voice.

Still no one answered, they only looked at Luo Zheng with awe.

Luo Zheng moves towards one of the big creatures. The big creature has a head like an ox, a pair of sharp horns and a strong body. He is the yingniu clan of the 27th heaven. Seeing that Luo Zheng comes straight to him, the yingniu clan explains: "it's the news it brings. When it comes to the bone robbing place, it tells us that if you are dealt with, the Yuanling clan will have a reward, which will benefit us "The tribe

The yingniu people refer to a cat like creature not far away, which is the Tianyan cat people.

When the yingniu people pointed at it, the eye cat people stepped back two steps this day. Their eyes narrowed and gave off dangerous eyes to deal with Luo Zheng's attack at any time.

Luo Zheng just a light glance, then said: "I came here just want to rob the bone of the land, as for my resentment with Yuan Ling family, you'd better not interfere!"

These creatures on the other side are also the best of all ethnic groups. They used to treat Luo Zheng as a soft persimmon, and naturally want to rush on.

But they don't want to show their lives like this!

"Yes, I'm not a member of the Yuanling clan," the yingniu clan nodded.

Others were relieved that Luo Zheng did not show much hostility, and the atmosphere relaxed.

Luo Zheng's eyes looked toward the deep part of the island, and asked: "now the land of bone robbery has not been opened?"

Just when he was on the bone boat, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty roughly explained the rules of the land of robbing bones.

Like the soul City, the land of bone robbing has a time limit for opening and closing, and the opening and closing cycle is much longer than that of the soul city.

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