From the outside, although it's terrible, these little drops didn't hurt the muscles and bones.

As Luo Zheng's body glowed with green light, the wounds on his body began to grow and heal quickly

The other side of the creatures to see this scene, is still stunned.

Luo Zheng persisted for nearly a month, and most of the creatures on the other side retreated again and again. However, Luo Zheng stayed in the 16th floor for training, and they all acquiesced that Luo Zheng was used to the 16th floor

I didn't expect that when there were still a few days left in the end, Luo Zheng withdrew from the storm directly, and seemed to be injured

"Is there something wrong with the means of body protection?"

"It's supposed to be..."

"Hey, it's enough to persist in the 16th floor for so many days! He has surpassed many of us in robbing bones! "

Even if Luo Zheng was embarrassed to withdraw, he was still a God in their eyes.

After all, we all rely on the means of body protection to stay in the storm. Although they can't see what means Luo Zheng used to protect his body, they have persisted for a month, which is very exaggerated

After the green light had been restored for about a long time, Luo Zheng's body surface had returned to normal.

What Luo Zheng is most concerned about is not his own injury, but the spirit of Hunyuan!

"There seems to be something wrong with Hunyuan spirit," Luo Zhengning said.

"What's the problem?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

"I don't want to be aware of them," Luo Zheng replied.

Previously, he was able to clearly detect the aura of Hunyuan scattered in his body, but from the beginning, the aura of Hunyuan directly disappeared

"How can it be like this," said Tianzun.

Hunyuan spirit was originally a very special thing. For example, Yuanshi Tianzun had a certain research on it, so Nuwa was able to use Hunyuan spirit through the information hidden in Liuwen Dingxue secret species.

But even at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun did not fully understand the shape of Hunyuan's spirit, and most people could not enter the country at the later stage of cultivation.

Even in the later period of Hunyuan, such as qiuyin River and fengnu, it was almost the limit to bear the power of 8000 to 20000 Shenjun. If you want to bear more Shenjun power, you need special blood or body protection magic to make up for it.

However, because of the inability to cultivate the body of Wanjie, the gap between the strong in Hunyuan realm and the East emperor is still very big.

Luo Zheng has set a precedent. He is probably the first one who has integrated the spirit of Hunyuan and set foot in the land of bone robbing. Unexpectedly, something happened.

"I'll check again," Luo Zheng said.

If you really lose the spirit of Hunyuan, Luo Zheng's strength will drop a level.

After all, without the help of Hunyuan's spirit, even if you have the weapon of civilization, the power of Shenjun that can be exerted will be limited. Unless you open the world inheritance, the consumption of the weapon of civilization by the world inheritance is also very large, and it is impossible to use it every time you fight

Just when Luo Zheng explored carefully again, he finally found something wrong.

He had a lot of light spots in his body, which were as small as the tip of a needle. Because the light spots were too small, Luo Zheng had ignored them before, but now it's true to look at them carefully. These light spots spread in his body like grains of dust.

"This is the vanishing point of Hunyuan? Why is it so small... " Luo Zheng was surprised.

All of Hunyuan's aura points became extremely small, and at the same time, the number of them increased. Yuanshi Tianzun was also completely incomprehensible.

The golden liquid in the storm is related to the crown of coming, and the crown of coming comes down to the mother world together with the spirit of Hunyuan. There must be a certain correlation

"Luo Zheng, you can try these Hunyuan spirits. Can they help you bear the strength?" Yuanshi Tianzun suggested.

If everything on the other side can provide Shenjun's power, then Hunyuan's spirit can provide "negative" Shenjun's power.

According to the theory of Yuanshi Tianzun, all the things on the other side are the projection of some energy in the metaphysical world, so the spirit of Hunyuan is on the contrary, it projects all the absorbed energy to somewhere in the metaphysical world.

Of course, these inferences are the conjectures of Yuanshi Tianzun

"Well, I'll try," Luo Zheng nodded.

He stepped on the bone plate again and got into the storm of doom. Even if there was no Hunyuan spirit, the first layer of the storm of doom would not do him much damage. Moreover, he had practiced in the 16th layer for nearly a month, and with his own bones, he could enter the range of the 7th and 8th layers.

But Luo Zheng is just to test those tiny light spots, and there is no need for that.

"Da, Da, Da..."

The blue and gold water droplets on the outermost layer are sparse, and the black cracks on Luo Zheng's body are much less powerful.

Luo Zheng is paying close attention to those light spots of the same size as the tip of a needle!

When the first blue and gold droplet bloomed on Luo Zheng's body surface, the needle like light spots all went out!"Tired..."

Luo Zheng said speechless.

However, just at the moment when those needle like light spots were tired, the true meaning of Tao produced by the body was flowing in the body. The originally tired light spots were lit up like stars in the sky, but just at the moment when they were lit up, another small drop of water hit Luo Zheng.

Tired again

These new born light spots, then repeatedly fatigue, light up, fatigue, light up.

Luo Zheng probably also wants to understand that this Hunyuan realm needs to be re cultivated.

"I have already stepped into the later stage of Hunyuan realm before. Do I squeeze these Hunyuan spirits to the limit?" Luo Zheng said.

"Of course not," yuan Shitian shook his head.

In the mother world, many strong people in Hunyuan realm, whose bone age is countless times more than that of Luo Zheng, are stagnant in the later period of cultivation, and there is no such situation as Luo Zheng.

"That is to say, two conditions are needed," Luo Zheng said again. "When you reach the later stage of Hunyuan realm, you have to accept the baptism of Wanjie storm at the same time?"

"It's possible," Yuanshi Tianzun nodded.

Looking at the current situation, Hunyuan's Lingguang point has obviously completed a split!

After this split, the number of Hunyuan spirit in Luo Zheng's body increased a lot.

If these Hunyuan spirits grow stronger again, and Luo Zheng enters the later stage of Hunyuan realm again, will not the power of Shenjun which can be borne by the physical body suddenly increase?

What if we practice again to the later stage of Hunyuan realm and split again?

When Emperor Yuanshi told Luo Zheng this conjecture, Luo Zheng's eyes lit up.

If you really split up in such an infinite way, I'm afraid that your physical strength can be raised to a terrible level!

It seems that I'm going to stay in the storm for some more time.

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