Since records began, they have never heard of anyone getting 18 engravings, and the body protection light they had received before had never been so rich.

Even Luo Zheng himself felt that the protective impression was too dazzling. He was used to it for a while.

Others stare at Luo Zheng for a long time with envy in their eyes.

With this level of protection light, you can easily enter the inner ring, even impact the first three circles, the first two circles

We have also been to the soul city and the land of robbing bones. Why is there such a big gap!

No wonder the Yuanling clan and Wukong clan both want to fight for this boy. I'm afraid that's the inside story?

On the other side of the square, another huge hexagonal star array is drawn.

All of them gathered in front of the hexagonal array after they got the shield light. Standing here, they could see the sand floating on the ground.

"To rush out together? I can take the lead, "Luo said.

If Luo Zheng takes the lead in blocking the front, it can really make the people behind take advantage.

But as soon as Luo Zheng opened his mouth, these people behind him suddenly showed their strange color.

"Brother Luo Zheng, you can't do this," Fei Yu shook his head.

"Why?" Luo Zheng looks puzzled.

"The more people get together, the more concentrated the nihilistic sand's attack will be, and the sharper the attack will be," Kuai Jian replied.

At the beginning of the design of the immortal scroll, I'm afraid the problem of entering in groups was considered. After all, it's not easy to find a strong person in the front, and the people behind can fish in troubled waters.

Some people have tried this before, but when many people go in, the nihilistic sand in the vortex will gather madly and become more difficult to resist.

Since then, we have learned to be good, and we have to go into the whirlpool one by one.

"But it's just the body protection."

Luo Zheng felt that the protective seal light was very powerful, but it also needed strong energy to maintain such a powerful form, and the time to maintain it was probably limited.

"Brother Luo Zheng, don't worry. As long as you are in the square, the protection light will not decay," Feiyu assured.

Luo Zheng didn't say anything more. After all, these people are not the first time to enter the immortal picture. Their experience has been handed down from generation to generation, so it should not be wrong.

"Then I'll go first!"

The Ming people were the first to stand up.

After stepping on the hexagonal star array, he turned into a picture and ran forward.

As soon as the Ming clan rushed out, the creatures from the other side of the sky gathered their eyes, especially the Ming clan gave a burst of cheers.

The last person of the Ming clan has eight seals, and there are four seals for each of the bone robbing and the Holy Spirit, which is very balanced. The more balanced the body and soul are, the more balanced the body protecting light will be.

"Younger martial brother Li Ming will definitely get a good result!"

"His goal is to get into the first seven laps, he will get in."

"I believe in the strength of Liming..."

In the whirlpool, the people are running wildly.

As soon as he left the square, grains of nihilistic sand opened towards him, and his chest was hit by more than a dozen grains of nihilistic sand at the same time. However, after touching the body protection seal, the moment of grains was dispelled by the body protection seal.

Of course, the protection of the imprint is also part of the digestion, but more than a dozen grains of nihilistic sand digestion of the imprint is almost ignored.

With the protection of body protection light, the outer circle of the vortex has no obstacle to him, but the time of incense has passed, and the next is the 19th, 18th, 17th circle

In Pingyi, many creatures in the sky can see it clearly. In contrast, Luo Zheng and others don't know much about it. They can only see a golden light spot galloping on the ground in the distance.

Soon after, the Ming clan had entered the first ten circles.

Ten circles away on the ground, sparse distribution of some hexagonal star array, these hexagonal star array behind are a circular room.

If the Ming clan wants to get a kind of blood at will, they can directly choose a hexagonal star array to go in.

But the Ming clan, called "Li Ming", set the target at the seventh circle and did not intend to compromise.

After entering the Ninth Circle, Wu's great nothingness sand came to him.

These nihilistic sands are eroding his body protection light crazily, and the golden body protection light is fading at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Younger martial brother Li Ming's seal is very weak!"

"It looks like it's hard to stay in the seventh lap."


Ming clan is a race full of sufferings. Although they are under the protection of Yuanling clan, they are weak and neglected. They have been oppressed by oppressive races. So far, the clan leader has only one immortal.

After his gradual growth, Li Ming secretly vowed that he would become a powerful immortal realm and go to explore for thirty-three days to revitalize his family.He has a will in his heart, so he is especially cruel.

"Eighth lap!"

After entering the eighth lap, the protective light on his body surface was already very weak.

In principle, the eighth lap should be the end of his time, but he said that if he entered the seventh lap, he would enter the seventh lap. Every time he went deep into the seventh lap, his blood would be stronger. He must reach his limit.

If we can't do that, what can we talk about?

In the eighth circle, the golden light of lifeguard disappeared completely.

After the golden light disappears, the situation will become extremely difficult and dangerous.

"My younger martial brother, choose a blood line quickly!"

"You don't have any body protection."

The people of Ming clan are all screaming, but they can't transmit their voice to the immortal picture in Pingyi days. Even if they hear it, they won't stop.

Grains of nihilistic sand hit his arms, chest, stomach and legs, leaving innumerable sand sized pits. The dense pain, like thousands of needles, madly pierced his Yang soul.

Weak willpower, this kind of pain can make people directly faint, but immediately still clench teeth, with arms in front of the face forward.

Close to the seventh lap, his arm protecting his face had been completely eroded by nihilistic sand, and the bone in it broke and fell off his shoulder.

The legs were also mutilated by erosion, and they could only move forward one by one.

The people of Ming clan are shouting in pingqi day. They see that the painting "Li Ming" on the immortal scroll is getting smaller and smaller. At last, they almost stagger on the ground.

In the end, the incomplete Lifeng climbed into the seventh circle, but as soon as he was afraid of entering the seventh circle, he was inundated by the avalanche of nihilistic sand, and finally completely disappeared in the vortex, and every tissue of his body was completely engulfed and eroded by nihilistic sand.

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