With those purple flowers growing and disappearing

It seems that there is an invisible force running down Luo Zheng's feet.

The moment that this power rushes into, a sharp pain comes.

What's spreading in Luo Zheng's body? It's spreading rapidly along his steps!

Luo Zheng's heart was shocked, and he was about to rise.

That thing actually fixed itself firmly on the ground, but it didn't jump up in one jump.

"Get up!"

Luo Zheng's power suddenly burst out and pulled himself out of the air. He saw that there were two more pure green saplings standing on his feet.

These are the two saplings that just got into your body?

The sapling didn't stop growing. Instead, it extended at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is..."

After seeing the shape of the saplings, Luo Zheng's pupils shrank slightly.

The saplings seem to grow according to the meridians in Luo Zheng's body. With continuous growth, they finally outline a person's shape completely.

"It seems that if I don't leave just now, this sapling will completely fill my meridians?" Luo Zhengning said in a voice.

"It should be so," Yuanshi Tianzun reminded, "look at the other trees. Do they look like some creatures?"

After Luo Zheng swept one eye, the eyebrow center is beating fiercely.

Just now, he found that all the trees in this forest have shapes.

The tree on the left side has four limbs and crawls on the ground. It can discern its head vaguely. It's also very big. The tree on the right side, like Luo Zheng, usually stands on both legs. It's only tens of feet tall. It's about the same size as the bald giant Bofan. Maybe it's one of his people?

"These creatures have successfully integrated the blood of all the ways of life and death?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Maybe," Yuanshi Tianzun nodded.

"It seems that there are a lot of original blood in Xuanliang world?" Luo Zheng analyzed that there were about 70 or 80 creatures in this forest.


At this time, Luo Zheng just standing out of the growth of seedlings, made a strange sound, the surface of the green quickly faded, become yellow, black, and then disappeared into ashes.

"It seems that these trees have to grow inside to survive..."

Luo Zheng stood on the ground and tried again. After a while, he felt that there were two needles under his feet, but this time he resolutely avoided.

Two young plants did not have time to drill into his feet, they quickly returned to the soil.

"It's worthy of the origin level blood. Even the spirit of Hunyuan can easily penetrate, but I want to see the last blood."

Luo Zheng wants to look at the four original blood lines one by one before making a decision.

So he flew to the end of the space. There were two Sanskrit texts on both sides of the cracks in the bronze wall at the end. One was to explain how to obtain the blood of "the birth and death of all Tao".

Similar to Luo Zheng's conjecture, if you want to obtain the blood of Wandao shengmie, you must let those seedlings take root and germinate in your body.

However, Luo Zheng was wrong. The trees of various shapes in the forest were not the successful fusion of blood, but the loser!

After the successful fusion of blood, he left with the saplings in his body. This is Daosheng.

The loser will stay here forever and turn into a dead tree. This is Dao Mie.

There is a price for merging this blood

Of course, the first two blood fusion failure may also have a price, but Luo Zheng did not find it.

The second Sanskrit record is the last blood, which is called "limitless beginning empty".

After Luo Zheng passed through the crack, what he saw was a strip of blocks joined together. These blocks were isolated internal space, large and small, arranged in a neat way, and all the blocks operated according to certain rules.

This time Luo Zheng didn't break into it.

In terms of name and appearance, Luo Zheng has been able to judge that the blood of "wuliangshikong" is related to space to a certain extent, and may also be related to time to a certain extent. This kind of strange space is involved in it, and I'm afraid it's not easy to get out.

We have a rough understanding of the four original blood signs, but we can't see whether they are good or bad for the time being. We should not be weak for the same original blood.

"Master Tianzun of Yuanshi..."

"It's up to you to make this decision. Even I can't give you any advice."

This step taken by Luo Zheng is a field that Yuanshi Tianzun never touched. Yuanshi Tianzun will not regard himself as a past person.

Luo Zheng looked at a string of diamonds flashing in the near distance, and hesitated.

Just as he hesitated, a shadow suddenly flashed across one of the squares. It was a pale face with thin scales. There were three sharp corners on the top of his head, but the front sharp corner was broken.

That face hair, toward Luo Zheng struggling to make a series of sound, it is a strange song.

"Metaphysical world language?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows slightly raised, "Heaven upholds civilization, can it be deciphered?""Deciphering," a female voice came from the instrument of civilization.

Just when Tianzhi civilization started Tianzhi core operation, the square with that person had gone away with other squares. Later, Zhiwen would decipher what that person said.

"Are you here for blood? Do you want to get stronger blood? "

After listening to this sentence, Luo Zheng's pupils shrunk slightly.

Isn't the original blood the strongest?

There's more blood here?


Luo Zheng leaps up and wants to follow the square, but the square here is like a winding snake. Just now, the square has gone nowhere.

However, the number of squares here is limited. All the squares are in line. As long as Luo Zheng stays in place, he will turn back sooner or later.

After waiting for a while, the square with miserable white face finally appeared, and he sang the same song to Luo Zheng.

"Do you want a stronger blood? It's stronger than the four primary blood lines! "

"I think so!"

Luo Zheng replied.

After that, he realized that the other party couldn't understand him

"Cough, master Yuanshi Tianzun, I'm going to trouble you..."

In the thirtieth heaven, Luo Zheng had a dialogue with Bofan in the way of "chorus", at that time, the chorus was the spirit of many heroes, such as Nvwa, Fuxi and so on.

Later, Yuanshi Tianzun specially trained a group of people to deal with this situation, but it never came into use. I didn't expect that now was the time.

In that group of people's "chorus", Luo Zheng answered the word "I want to".

"I'll tell you how to get stronger blood, but on one condition..."

The voice of that pale face was hoarse and feeble.

"What conditions?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Kill me!"

Hearing this condition, Luo Zheng was also stunned. Looking at the face full of despair, this square is by no means a good experience.

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