In the heavenly palace, all those who are strong in holy spirit are standing on the surface of the giant flying boat.

When they realized that Ji Xuanyuan was coming, all their faces were filled with despair.

Gan Gaohan, Ning Xuyuan and others' hearts fall towards the bottom

The other side has three flying boats, the bear in the middle, and the inscription "Shennong" on the left and Min Yue on the right. I'm afraid both Lieshan and min Hu are here

Ji Xuanyuan looked down at the boat below, and the long sleeves of Huafu shook gently, "go on, I know you can't wait."

On the boat behind him, a thin looking figure came out. It was the black haired boy Guiqing.

Ghost Green's pupil has the color of crazy flicker, from jump off the boat, he has been like an arrow away from the string towards the giant flying boat.

"I'll tear this ship to pieces!"

Ghost Green's heart is beating violently, there is a kind of strange excited color on his face.

Although Guiqing was able to kill wantonly before, those who were killed were carefully selected by Ji's family. To a certain extent, they would be forced to fall into a deep sleep.

At this moment, it can be regarded as a real free hand!

He rushed directly to the giant flying boat and felt that there were a large number of living people in the boat. It was the most efficient way to tear the boat apart.

"You dare!"

Gan Gaohan's face sank slightly, and the whole person seemed to be bathed in the frost.

His right hand was shocked violently, and a handful of blood mist came out of his right arm. The blood mist condensed quickly and turned into a long sword.

"Sword, death!"


This sword, like lightning, crossed the dog's toothed path and cut toward the front of GUI Qing.


In Gui Qing's eyes, it seems that there is only the huge flying boat. In the face of Gan Gaohan's all-out sword, he did not dodge, and suffered the blow with his body.

The powerful sword left a trace on GUI Qing, but the trace only existed for a few breathing time and then disappeared.

"Isn't this boy hunyuanjing?"

"But can you stand my full blow?"

"How can it be!"

Gan Gaohan's eyes are full of incredible colors.

If the black haired boy is hunyuanjing and can block this sword, he can understand, but he is not! The edge of the sword left a mark.

Can a person who is not in Hunyuan be beaten by him?

He suddenly felt that the world was becoming more and more crazy. Some young people who came out of the world seemed to be completely beyond his expectation and imagination, such as Luo Zheng and the young man with black hair.

"Stop him!"

The three evil eyes on Ning Xuyuan's body have been floating out, and countless sharp swords have been shot from those evil eyes.


those as like as two peas, they were stabbed on the black haired boy, but the effect was exactly the same as that caused by the cold. The sword could leave a scar on his body, but the wound was shallow and small, and it was healed in a flash.

"No way!"

"Die for me!"


Lin zhanting, qiuyinhe, Hechi and others also took action one after another, and they all achieved their goals. All the powerful forces poured out on the young man, but the results were the same. They could not stop the young man.



Soon, the ghost Green has been hard hit on the side of the huge flying boat.

The whole huge flying boat was shocked fiercely, and the disciples of the heavenly palace in the flying boat were also tilted for a while.

The golden light on the surface of the boat exploded, and the prohibition on the surface was directly destroyed. At the same time, a huge crack began to spread along the boat. When the crack was torn, there was a huge sound of fragmentation.


The light from the cracks cast into the cabin. There were pale faces in the cabin. These disciples thought the flying boat was safe for the time being. They didn't expect that the flying boat would be torn so fast.

Through the crack, they can see that outside the boat is just a teenager

In the face of this young man, none of his disciples dare to rush up!

As they retreated, a quick figure rushed to the crack.

Li BeiXue's long legs are gently on the ground. Every time she touches the ground, she will leave a soulful shadow. When she approaches GUI Qing, she lifts her sword and shakes her right hand at the same time.

"Cold and deep!"

A grommet is put on the ghost green with the power of lightning.


After this chain is put on, it turns into a mark and appears on GUI Qing's neck.

"Get out of here!"

Li Cup snow Jiao rebukes a, face is a sword, toward the ghost green blast past.

This sword has 18000 divine power!

GUI Qing stares at Li BeiXue's heroic goose face, and the excitement in his eyes is even stronger. He grabs Li BeiXue's sword with his hand and wants to take the blade with his bare hands.The power of more than 10000 gods is really not enough for him to see

He went through the baptism of the heavenly palace strongmen, such as Gan Gaohan, without any injury.

But when GUI Qing touched Li BeiXue's sword, his face changed slightly.

The power of Shenjun contained in this sword has been increased by three times, which is 54000 Shenjun power!

With the power of Guiqing, not to mention 54000 Shenjun power, even if it is increased ten times, he has a way to follow!

But he didn't understand the ability of cold chensuo. As a bound man, all Li BeiXue's attacks would be multiplied by three times, which suddenly increased his strength.


Jian mang hits directly and blows GUI Qing out of the crack!

"Elder martial sister is really powerful!"

"A sword will blow this person out, worthy of being the strong one in the holy spirit realm!"

"My younger martial sister Bei Xue has always been in my sword mourning place..."

Many disciples of the heavenly palace in the cabin were excited when they saw this scene and praised Li BeiXue.

Li BeiXue is holding a sword, his forehead is locked, and there is no light on his face. It is almost a sword she goes all out to blow, but the black haired boy is unharmed?

Gao Qinggan was not killed when people saw her

When the praise continued, two more roars came from the ship.

"Bang, bang!"

The first sound came from the outer shell, and the second sound came from the deck under the feet of the people. The next moment, GUI Qing appeared inside the cabin.

He touched his chin, with a playful smile on his face, staring at Li BeiXue, and said with a smile, "I won't kill you now. I'll tear it down first and then have fun with you..."

"You dare!"

Even in the face of her own invincible existence, Li BeiXue is not at all timid. She is a pure disciple of the heavenly palace, and she can make her step by step become so powerful.

A long sword follows GUI Qing like a shadow.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Li BeiXue's sword, like flowing water, blows continuously on GUI Qing.

The ghost green with the flesh body one dint bear, at the same time continuously retreat.

However, as he retreated, his hands kept turning out all kinds of strange fingerprints, each of which left a strange seal in the air.

He retreated from the far left side of the cabin to the far right side, while Li BeiXue chopped him thirty or forty swords.

Li BeiXue tried her best with every sword, but she couldn't hurt the black haired boy

"Is that enough? Cut enough to get out of the way, this line It's dangerous

The ghost green drew a stroke, that is the route that he retreats all the way.

After that, he made a seal with his hands again, and then the seal he left all the way lit up, and a huge blade emerged.

The blade formed by space unfolds instantaneously.


As if there was a huge invisible blade across, with a clear sound, the boat had been cut in two.

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