The road of testing is a road of assessment and opportunity for new disciples.

It's not only the strength of disciples, but also the way to assess them! Some people may have strength, but not enough luck, they can get the treasure in the road of the tester. Some people have enough luck, but they don't have the strength to get their own chance

Different from the feeling of passing through the teleportation array, it seems that the path of the experimenter is not the teleportation array, but it is also different from the blood mountain of Qingyun sect, because it is not a magic array.

After entering the vortex, just feel stepping into a door, random Luo Zheng will see the surrounding scenery has been completely different.

"Alien world..." Hua Tianming looked at the distance and murmured.

The world you see is a completely strange world, or a broken world.

Before setting out, Shi Jingtian told the three of them the road of the tester in detail.

It turns out that there are many special mysteries in this world. These mysteries do not even belong to this world. Just like the killing sword mountain that Luo Zheng entered when he realized the meaning of perfect sword, they do not exist in this world, but in another world.

In fact, the road of the tester in front of us is a broken world, a treasure land left by an ancient clan.

This ancient ancestral gate may have been destroyed ten thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago, and became a relic. This relic finally fell to yundian. Yundian sealed off other entrances of the relic, built a portal, and took this relic for itself.

However, all the treasures and heritages in the ruins have long been wiped out, and the road of the experimenters in this place should also be left by this ancient sect, which used to assess its disciples, so the cloud hall was used to assess the second grade sect and its disciples.

Those who can pass the examination can be regarded as the elites in yundian and get the best resources of yundian.

"Let's go! I'm waiting for you at the end of the road of the experimenter, "Pei TIANYAO said with a smile, randomly stepping forward.

There is a main road in front of them, and many small roads extend out. It seems that the road of the experimenter is not the same road. I'm afraid it's difficult to choose different roads.

Hua Tianming nodded and set out.

Luo Zheng, however, stayed in the same place, and he began to be in a daze again.

If you look up at the sky, you can't see the edge of the whole world. If you occupy the highest place, you can only see the horizon at most. As for the farther place, you can only see the boundless.

However, the world is a broken world. In the sky, large areas of space are split, and many cracks are formed at the edge of those spaces. Some cracks are like dog teeth, serrated, while some cracks extend to the edge of the sky with a straight thin line, which looks very strange.

Since Luo Zheng realized the rule of space, his sense of space has become very sharp. In other people's eyes, those fragments may be just a messy line, but in Luo Zheng's view, the edge of each crack seems to be full of beauty.

How much power does it take to break the space of the world? Luo Zheng can't imagine that although he knows that there is a time limit to the path of the experimenter, if the best real yuan is used up, the exit will be closed, but he still can't help it and stands in the same place to understand!

At this time, outside the arch, Shi Jingtian frowned.

It's not very difficult to observe the movement of each disciple through Xingui. Now almost all the disciples have set out, and only Luo Zheng stands at the door, staring at the sky in a daze. Naturally, the patriarchs will be a little strange.

"What happened to the boy?" Shi Jingtian has a strange look on his face. He knows Luo Zheng's character and what kind of fate he is carrying. He is different from Li Yifeng's character. He can't do strange things, but why does he stand still? What happened?

At this time, Wei Yulong suddenly said with a smile: "brother Shi, won't it be the same as last time? I remember that three years ago, there was a disciple named Li Yifeng in Qingyun sect. He seemed to fall asleep on the road of the experimenter, right

Hearing Wei Yulong's words, the other patriarchs immediately thought of it, and their faces were full of laughter.

Frankly speaking, Li Yifeng's talent was really extraordinary three years ago. If it wasn't for sleeping, Li Yifeng would have been able to enter the cloud hall almost 100%, and he would have won the first place on the way to the test. Unfortunately, the boy didn't win and fell asleep on the way. They all remember Shi Jingtian's face at that time, as if he wanted to kill people

It won't be the same this time, will it?

"It's OK, brother Shi. The three disciples you brought this time are better than each other. The one who ranked the third has already understood the meaning of the perfect sword. I think this boy must have understood it?" Wei Yulong said with a smile that he had been worried about China's destiny, not that he hated China's destiny, but that Qingyun sect was so lucky that a disciple who understood the meaning of the perfect sword appeared.After hearing this, Fei Han asked, "Wei Yulong, do you think a disciple of Qingyun sect has understood the meaning of the perfect sword?"

Wei Yulong nodded and said with a smile, "yes, Fei Lao, and he realized the meaning of the perfect sword. It's only the third place in Qingyun sect. I'm surprised that he's so powerful. How strong should the first two be?"

Fei Han nodded and became interested, so he continued to ask, "yes, the perfect sword idea. Even the cloud hall will attach great importance to it, but he is the third. Shi Jingtian, the top two can really beat the disciple who has the perfect sword idea?"

This is what Wei Yulong and others said. His status is equal to that of Shi Jingtian. Shi Jingtian can completely ignore him, but Shi Jingtian can't ignore the words of elder Yun Dian!

However, Shi Jingtian nodded and said with a smile: "tell elder Fei that the whole peak competition of Qingyun sect was held among hundreds of thousands of disciples. Naturally, it is impossible to make a fake. Huatianming is indeed ranked third. Now the disciple in a daze at Shimen is the first of our Qingyun sect."

"Congenital triple, Qingyun sect first?" Even Fei Han doesn't believe it any more. In the face of Hua Tianming's perfect sword idea, this congenital triple little guy may not have the ability to fight back at all.

Fei Han's strength is far beyond the presence of these masters of Shendan realm, but even his eyes can't figure out how Luo Zheng won huatianming.

Who knows that Shi Jingtian smiles a little and says frankly, "the meaning of the perfect sword is powerful, but it's not without solution. Hua Tianming understands the meaning of the perfect sword, and Luo Zheng also understands the meaning of the perfect sword, and after he understands the meaning of the perfect sword, he also gets a chance, which should be greater than the chance in the sword washing pool!"

Hearing Shi Jingtian's words, Wei Yulong coughs for several times. At least he is also a warrior in the realm of divine elixir. His control of his body has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine. Now he can't help coughing. It can be imagined that he is really stimulated by Shi Jingtian.

Shi Jingtian's words are too good. What is "certainly powerful" and "not without solution"? Wei Yulong is very proud that he has trained his disciples who think Dacheng's sword spirit is perfect. The little guy brought by Shi Jingtian has perfect sword spirit, and one of them is two?

Several other suzerain masters' faces also showed the expression of horror or envy. Even Fei Han also said: "congenital triple, can you get such a big chance? According to the records of ancient books, xijianchi is a semi holy place. You say this boy's chance is better than that of semi holy place. Did he go to a holy land of Kendo? "

Shi Jingtian nodded, "although he didn't tell me what the holy land is, I infer from the evil spirit suddenly gathered from him that it should be the killing sword mountain in the three holy places of kendo."

Fei Han's face finally changed. Even in the holy land, it's good or bad. Killing Jianshan is one of the three holy places of kendo, which belongs to the top level. Fei Han even envies the chance of this congenital triple little guy!

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