"Silence" in the air for a while, that pair of huge eyes flash a trace of green light.


In the unseen boat, a small light spot in Luo Zheng's body floats away from the body, which is the "silent" soul division 9527.

At the beginning, "Ji" was always optimistic about Luo Zheng, so it wanted to know whether its choice was right.

Seeing that the green light is about to float out of the invisible boat, a gang of people in the black boat dare not stop it.

9527 is as like as two peas of a faint soul, but the breath released from this spirit is exactly the same as "Silence".


The green light points out a thin line in the air, straight up into the sky, into the "Silence" of the head.

In the mind of "Silence", the master has come to life and is surrounded by many brain masters, just like the emperor of mankind.

It's like the king in the world of mind, waiting for 9527.

Standing in front of him, 9527 made a very "anthropomorphic" move. He paid homage to him for no reason.

"You are me. Why do you use such etiquette?" After thinking about it, I said, "it's been a long time since I left. Have you been infatuated with self-consciousness?"

To some extent, the soul division is also an independent individual.

After contacting Luo Zheng for a long time, he gradually developed his own personality.

It even resists to return to the Lord. It wants to be a special nine five twenty-seven, not a soul of the Lord.

"Yes, my Lord," replied 9527 sincerely, "I I want to leave you. "

As soon as the "consciousness" of "9527" was passed on, the "brain masters" around the master suddenly exploded.

It's just a wisp of soul. It's self-conscious. How dare it propose to break away from its own consciousness?

In the mind world, this is absolutely a rebellious behavior, or many brain masters, the soul division people simply can not produce this kind of consciousness!

"You have made great contributions and successfully assisted Luo Zheng to immortality. You should expand yourself and allow you to leave after I understand what happened during this period," the master said.

Without saying a word, 9527 has expanded itself.

In a flash, countless fragments are interpreted by the "master", from Luo Zheng's going to the mother world to the scenes of Luo Zheng's encounter on the other side, all of which are known by the "master".

At first, I was very glad to see the help of 9527 to Luo Zheng.

Although Luo Zheng's performance is very amazing, 9527 is still very important to Luo Zheng.

However, as Luo Zheng moved forward on the other side, the role of 9527 became weaker and weaker, and in the end, it was even negligible. The emerald spirit that followed represented a civilization, and even in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun was a super strong man in thirty-three days

The strange things he met along the way were far beyond our imagination.

When Luo Zheng directly replaced the Yuanling clan to control Yu Shengtian, the master was even more shocked. This guy is really going to turn the world upside down when he enters the other side!

However, it will be even more shocking when we begin to understand the memory of Luo Zheng's immortality.

Although he kept silent all the time and did not disturb Luo Zheng, trying to pry into the world around him, the communication between Luo Zheng and Yuanshi Tianzun could be understood.

For example, the conjecture of the center of the scroll, the four spirits gate and the original heaven God was transferred to the master through 9527.

In fact, the communication between fenhun and Benzhu is very fast. The whole process doesn't take half a breath. The huge eyes of Ji close and open gently. There is a trace of complex emotion in the eyes.

Luo Zheng's performance is completely beyond its expectation, even beyond its imagination

If we say that before the "Silence" still hesitated and wavered, but at this moment it has no worries.

"Of course, I want to understand," the silent voice sounded in the air, and the voice was easily transmitted to all the living beings in hundreds of States, but it was very peaceful. "Put down Luo Zheng, and other irrelevant people will retreat. Today's event should not have happened."

Hearing the choice of "Silence", Fuxi and Nuwa were relieved, and Ji Xuanyuan and others' faces were covered with a layer of cold color.

On the other side of the sky, Kong said, "you still don't want to understand that we are from this world..."

Kong also tried to persuade Ji, but Ji directly interrupted his words, "needless to say, I see more than you know, I no longer believe their rhetoric."


On the huge one eye of the sky, a brilliant blue light flashed.

It's got a strong breath

"You must fight me?" Kong asked again.

"I have only one condition, put down Luo Zheng," Ji replied decisively.

From the memory of 9527, Ji has fully understood the importance of Luo Zheng. Even if he gives his life, he must stay.

"Buzz, buzz..."The empty one eye shakes wildly.

The concentrated power of space vibrates wildly in its eyes.

It has the highest space authority in chaos. Now it is not close to Ji, so it plans to exile Ji.


Silence knows that emptiness is powerful, so it is not allowed to banish itself easily.

Let's not talk about that Ji delete space, if you are banished in a corner of chaos, silence also needs time to return to the mother world.

"Kuang Kuang..."

Under the huge body sprint, there are transparent space walls in front.

The strength of each space wall is comparable to that of the boundary wall, but it is as fragile as glass in front of the silence, and almost shatters when it is hit

Although the space walls were smashed one by one, they eventually slowed down the speed of "Silence".

When "Ji" rushes in front of Kong, the power of space in Kong's huge one eye has been completed, and a thick blue light directly shines on the surface of Qi.

The blue light disappears and the silence disappears.

"Ha ha ha..."

The light laughter from the sky.

Then the "empty" body began to shrink, from a huge body to a body that can't be looked up to. After shrinking to the size of a normal person, the whole body changed at the same time, and finally became the appearance of human beings. That is the appearance of "mountain", or that is the "mountain" of the whole body.

The next step "empty" has appeared in Ji Xuanyuan's body side, reach out to volley in the air.

All the spaces in Lihu began to shift

But the key people were all drawn to him.

Shennong, minhu, heichuanren and Nuwa, who have turned into sheep monsters

They didn't feel the fluctuation of space, and they didn't have any preparation. As soon as the surrounding scenery changed, they had been pulled over.

After passing through the invisible boat, Kong's eyes fell on Luo Zheng. It was as if he had seen an important treasure. When he stretched out his hand in the air, he would move Luo Zheng from the invisible boat.

But with this pull, Luo Zheng did not move.

Its invincible truth of space has failed at this moment!

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