Ah Huo didn't expect anyone else to do it.

In the eye of fire, there is no one who can fight except the God of Tongtian and those chaotic ancient gods.

After she moved for a moment, she was ready to rush to her left side. The head of Tongtian sect just fell in this direction.

Who knows she just drilled out of the space channel, there is a long gun in front of her!


The spear itself is extremely strong, and its strength is not weak.

Under such bombardment, ah Huo was directly smashed back into the space channel.

And the space passage can't bear the impact of ah Huo, and is directly smashed by her. The area that flies upside down along the way is immediately covered with space cracks like cobwebs.

The hand of the evil god made a circle out of thin air, and the spear that had been transformed by the boundary wall also flew in the air for several circles.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

After the long gun adjusted its direction, it fired at ah Huo again.

Ah Huo was caught unprepared. After reaction, he looked at the long gun, and his face was full of fierce light.


She swung her backhand, and Luo Zheng reverberated and smashed the long gun to the side.

The long gun did not break, of course, let ah Huo some accident, but also limited to this, in her concentration on defense, the long gun did not constitute a threat to her.

But as soon as ah Huo hit the spear to the side, the head of Tongtian sect emerged from ah Huo's back.


A little green light blooms, and there is a thin chain in it, which is the heart piercing lock.

As long as three heart locks are planted, the battle will be over.

But ah Huo's speed and strength were far beyond the expectation of the Tongtian sect leader. Just after that round of fighting, the Tongtian sect leader fell completely behind.

As he watched his retreat, a long gun suddenly came out to help the leader of Tongtian sect.

The sword of master Tongtian has penetrated into ah Huo's body. Just when master Tongtian intends to plant the first chain, ah Huo's body suddenly changes dramatically.

Her eyes, ears, mouth and nose spewed out flames, and most of her body turned into flames, which carried Luo Zheng to one side.

This red flame is the noumenon form of ah Huo.

There is no concept of Shouyuan among the Yuanling people. From the moment of birth, they will become stronger and stronger, and the process of becoming stronger is often mutual phagocytosis.

A fire can grow up to now, I do not know how many of the fire spirit, she is a collection of various forms of fire energy.

Ah Huo also realized the power of the sword of Tongtian sect leader, that is to turn it into noumenon and avoid the sword of Tongtian sect leader.

However, under her plot, she forgot to carry Luo Zheng, an energy black hole.


All the flames that come into contact with Luo Zheng are quickly absorbed by Luo Zheng!

A Huo noticed that her body was absorbed by Luo Zheng, and her face suddenly sank in the fire. But she thought that the energy Luo Zheng could absorb might be limited, so she was so tolerant.

But the next moment, when she felt the speed of Luo Zheng's crazy absorption, she was shocked. If she kept in touch with Luo Zheng, I'm afraid the whole person would be absorbed by Luo Zheng

What's the matter with this boy

After ah Huo came to Ji Xuanyuan's body, he suppressed part of his energy.

Even the strong of immortality can't bear the burst of her energy.

But Luo Zheng is a direct absorption, which is too exaggerated and unreasonable

In desperation, ah Huo could only abandon Luo Zheng, who had absorbed more than one third of ah Huo's body.

And in the eternal court, more than 30 pillars of light suddenly rise in the atlas around the Holy Grail!

All kinds of flame energy are mostly destructive forces, and the rising light pillars are also in the quadrant of destruction. Only a few light pillars are in the quadrant of "creation" and "life".

The four bronze statues were numb to the light columns that appeared from time to time. The boy in the cup was obviously different from any other creature in the past.

But now more than 30 beams of light suddenly appeared, which shocked them again.

"This guy is a monster..."

"Is he doing this to create a miracle?"

"Even zhuzhong people, I'm afraid they didn't reach this step!"

In a series of shock, they are looking forward to Luo Zheng more and more.



After avoiding the sword of Tongtian sect leader, ah Huo condenses again. As soon as the shape of ah Huo's body flashes, he grabs Luo Zheng, who is falling straight down.

How can Tongtian sect leader let ah Huo win easily? Qingping sword shakes gently, like a poisonous snake, and goes straight to ah Huo.

A fire eye is about to catch Luo Zheng again, but the green mang is impartial, just between her and Luo Zheng.

Ah Huo had to withdraw her hand when she bit her teeth, and then she moved the space. This time, she appeared on the other side of Luo Zheng.However, the leader of Tongtian sect did the same, Qingping sword trembled again, and a green awn once again sealed ah Huo's castration.

In the process of fighting for each other, Luo Zheng is falling rapidly.

at the moment when Luo Zheng is about to fall to the ground, a figure comes out of the space fluctuation, and suddenly appears with both hands, grabs Luo Zheng and drags him into the space channel.

Tongtian sect leader and ah Huo were stunned when they saw this scene.


Tongtian sect leader's face was gloomy again.

Because of ah Huo, he didn't have time to take the lives of the two fakes, which gave them a chance to live.

I didn't expect that they didn't run away, instead, they fought against each other!

It's really bold!

Just now, the leader of Tongtian sect and ah Huo are still killing each other. Now they are all aiming at Fu Xi.

After dragging Luo Zheng away, Fu Xi immediately went back to the space passage and was galloping along the space passage.

With his speed, ordinary immortality can't be pursued, maybe only chaos ancient god can match.

But ah Huo and the leader of Tongtian sect are both beyond common sense. With a flash of body shape, they also penetrate into the space channel and chase away behind Fuxi.


Small fire snakes come out of ah Huo's hands. These fire snakes have their own intelligence. They gallop in the space channel and rush towards Fu Xi.

On the other side, the leader of Tongtian also pointed out blue swords.

Seeing the two men's great powers quickly approaching themselves, Fuxi turned over and stopped "Luo Zheng" in front of him.

"Da Da Da..."

Whether it's a sharp sword or a fierce fire snake, it's all gone when it touches Luo Zheng. Now Luo Zheng is really a handy protection magic weapon.

After chasing for a period of time, the two faces showed the color of surprise.

Under such pursuit, the distance between them and Fuxi is not closer, but farther and farther away!

"How can it be so fast?"

"It seems that something is dragging him..."

Both Tongtian sect leader and ah Huo were puzzled that Fuxi could not travel at such a speed, but they were acutely aware that something was dragging Fuxi forward.

In the space channel, a thin energy beam wound around Fuxi's waist.

This red energy beam is the shadow of Nu Wa.

One of the characteristics of Wa Ying is that it can be extended infinitely. Now Nu Wa is dragging Fu Xi at a high speed hundreds of miles away.

In front of Nu Wa, there is a huge light sail. In order to achieve this speed, Nu Wa is throwing most of Wa's shadow into the light sail. The light sail also produces a very fast speed to drag her. Fu Xi and Luo Zheng flee quickly.

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