The writer has never experienced the course of Luo Zheng. I don't know why Luo Zheng asked such a question.

However, Luo Zheng's position in the eyes of the writer has changed greatly.

"Come on, what's the problem? I know everything," the writer said.

Luo Zheng looked up at the top and asked, "what kind of power is silingmen? Are they the pioneers of instant civilization

Everything is related to the instant civilization, which has a great connection with the four spirit gates. He wants to know the connection.

"Since you have been to the eternal court, you should have known that the four spirit gates are a force formed by the four holy spirits. They are invincible beings in the outside world. They can create and destroy everything. They are both pioneers and destroyers..." The writer replied.

The Four Holy Spirits, worthy of nature, are human, monkey, snake and bird. In a larger sense, it is difficult to define the quality of the four spirit gates.

"When you talk about instant civilization, you should refer to the pioneers in the chaotic world," the writer continued, "instant civilization does belong to the four spirits gate, but they are only a branch of the four spirits gate!"

With the development of silingmen, there are many factions inside, and their division of labor is very different.

There are pioneers who are responsible for exploring the world, exterminators who destroy other creatures, and world builders who create sub worlds.

"The instant civilization you think is the world builder of the four spirit gates, and among the world builders, the number of human spirit is the largest," said Youyou, the writer.

Luo Zheng's face was silent. The writer's answer was almost the same as his guess. Then he asked, "the world builder can build more than one chaotic world, right?"

"Yes," the writer nodded.

"The purpose of building these worlds is to gain energy?" Luo Zheng asked again, that is what he saw from the ultimate cycle.

"Yes," the writer nodded again, "the creatures in the second world are very weak, but there are a lot of them. As long as a world is opened, with the acceleration of time, there will be extra energy overflow. In order to expand, the four spirits gate needs this energy..."

The energy produced by a world in an era is astronomical, not to mention that the four spirit gate can open up dozens, hundreds and even more worlds.

"Then why the end? Wouldn't it be better to keep a world growing? " Luo Zheng asked with a frown.

Some answers are given in the picture of the ultimate cycle, but it does not solve Luo Zheng's puzzle.

"There are too many sub worlds," the writer replied. "If these worlds are allowed to exist all the time, sooner or later, they will threaten the status of the four spirit gates. Moreover, extracting the energy of one world will bring violent turbulence. Under comprehensive consideration, the best solution is to destroy the whole world and restart it."

The rules set by silingmen are not achieved in one move, but also the best plan formed after endless years of exploration!

Including the time of a chaotic era, including the size of the birthplace and so on, all of which are embodied by experience and attention.

"The second world creatures threaten the status of the four spirits gate?" Luo Zheng showed a smile, but not a smile. "Our sub world creatures can't understand the space and time of the metaphysical world. How can they threaten the four spirits gate?"

When Luo Zheng asked this question, the writer stopped for a moment, but asked, "have you ever been to Xuanliang world?"

According to the writer's understanding, the whole chaos should have only one exit from sanqingtian, while Luo Zheng could not go to the outside world before entering the immortal picture.

"Yes," he said.

"Is there another way out of chaos?" Asked the writer.

"There's no comment," Luo shrugged.

Luo Zheng can tell the writer about the eternal divine court, because the writer himself is the master of the immortal painting scroll, but he will not reveal anything about how he enters the mysterious world through Ji's space.

The writer didn't ask, but said: "the creatures in the second world really can't survive outside, but it doesn't mean that the four spirits gate has no way."

The four spirit gate itself is not monolithic, the internal dispute is very intense.

There is no limit to the sub world of the most pioneers. The result of letting the sub world survive is the birth of many extremely strange creatures.

Most of these creatures join in the four spirit gate, but some of them are rebellious. After they refuse to join in the four spirit gate, they collude with the traitors in the four spirit gate and cause great turbulence to the four spirit gate.

Later, silingmen began to restrict the development of the sub world. Every other era, it allowed the sub world to restart and extract its energy.

However, there will be many gifted people in the sub world. If all the creatures in a sub world are destroyed, it will be a big loss for the four spirits sect.

Those pioneers of the world have come up with a remedy, that is, to add "the other side" to the top of a sub world, which is like a fishing net.The truly powerful geniuses will eventually enter the immortal picture, and a few of them can go to the deepest part of the picture, step into the eternal court, and finally be incorporated by the four spirits gate.

If all the sub worlds were in normal operation, and the eternal court had not been abandoned, Luo Zheng would have joined the four spirits gate now.

But great changes have taken place in the four spirit gates now, which gives Luo Zheng the chance to get the eternal blood. After getting the eternal blood, Luo Zheng can come back safely.

This is the chance of chance

"Originally, this is the real function of the other side," Luo Zheng murmured.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the original masters of Nu Wa also fell into meditation. Nu Wa even said to herself, "it seems that we are too weak to see the four spirits gate."

Any immortality on the other side is the existence of dominating a chaotic era. Especially in the time of the Terran, the strong of immortality came out like a blowout.

But it takes a lot of hard work for these immortal realms to get to the root level blood, not to mention the root level blood, and the original blood in the eternal court

Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun and Fuxi, who are the representatives of the human race, have been commanding the existence of a star realm.

Not to mention the No. 77 chaos, they are not inferior to people even in the horizontal comparison of the more than 1000 chaos.

However, after listening to the words of the author, I had some bad feelings in my heart. It turned out that although I stepped into the immortal realm, I didn't even cross the lowest threshold of the four spirits gate, so it was normal for me to feel lost.

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