"Kong" stares at Luo Zheng with his monster's eyes, unable to speak for a moment.

He then remembered why Ji Xuanyuan was so eager to take Luo Zheng away, and why the Yuanling clan was sure to take Luo Zheng.

This boy is really beyond common sense

"How did you do that?" Kong can't help asking.

Luo Zheng light glanced at him, "no comment, you can go out."

Although he integrated the origin of divine blood, his use of divine blood is still in the stage of energy conquest. If he confronts hard, Luo Zheng may not be able to fight against the existence of "Kong" and Tongtian sect leader.

Luo Zheng didn't know enough about the situation outside, so he needed to use the power of "air".

When Luo Zheng quietly changed the state of space in the drum, the leader of Tongtian sect didn't notice. He was fighting with Nu Wa and Fu Xi, and had no time to investigate the drum. The change of space character actually cut off the connection between the leader of Tongtian sect and this magic weapon of space.

But chuanxinsuo was really connected with Tongtian sect leader. When Luo Zheng broke the three chains, his face changed dramatically.

At the same time, Fuxi printed the eight trigrams on the master.


Tongtian sect leader once again took Fuxi's hand and flew out.

Fuxi and Nuwa are strange. Even if they are as strong as the leader of Tongtian sect, they need to do their best. But just now, the leader of Tongtian sect seems to be distracted? What's his problem?

Two people have this conjecture in the heart, nature won't the slightest soft hand, body shape at the same time a flash, straight after and go toward the Tongtian sect leader.

When the leader of Tongtian sect was flying backward, he had no time to worry about Nu Wa and Fu Xi. He took advantage of the "emptiness" to catch him easily in the fishing drum.

If he really wants to escape, it's his biggest trouble!

Now "Kong" is still trapped in the fishing drum. For a while and a half, "Kong" can't break the fishing drum. There is still a chance to remedy it.


When he flew backward, Fuxi and Nuwa caught up with him again.


The head of Tongtian sect frowned, turned his hand and raised the six spirits flag.

There was no wind in the flag, and a cold breath diffused from it, which suddenly made the temperature drop within a hundred miles.


Six black one horned ghosts suddenly rushed out of the six spirit banners and howled strangely.

The six spirit banners are made of six powerful ghosts, which are also equivalent to the spirit of the six spirit banners.

As a last resort, the leader of Tongtian sect will not let these ghosts fight, but if he wants to deal with the "emptiness" in the fishing drum, he can only let the six spirits flag block Fuxi and Nuwa.

The six one horned ghosts wandered straight to Fuxi.

Fuxi looked calm and gently wiped his hand. There were eight diagrams on the heads of the six one horned ghosts.

"Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by six blasts, six Unicorn ghost hair out of a whine, have been hit to fly.

These six ghosts are also very powerful, and they have not been destroyed by Fuxi's hand. But under such confrontation, the damage to the six spirits flag is also great.

The leader of Tongtian sect was extremely distressed when he heard the wails of those one horned ghosts. He ignored them. Instead, he raised the fishing drum and used the power of space in the fishing drum to restrain "Kong".

But he just grabbed the drum, his face suddenly stagnated.

This space magic weapon that accompanied him for countless years lost contact with him at this moment!

The shackles of "Kong" have just been untied. Can we break his fishing drum during this period of time?

Tongtian sect leader doesn't believe it at all!

Just when the leader of Tongtian sect planned to control the fishing drum by force, the drum suddenly made a light sound of "Dong".

An invisible space wave spreads out along the gentle sound

"Dong Dong, Dong Dong..."

Soon, the drum made a rhythmic beat.

This sound accompanied by spatial fluctuations, and even caused the attention of Fuxi and Nuwa not far away.

"Dong Dong, Dong Dong..."

Tongtian sect leader's frown was staring at his drum, and his heart was even more shocked.

The nine rhythms of Yugu are lock, buckle, chop, release, change, clear, calm, release and twist.

This rhythm, the eighth law, is to release the creatures trapped in the space!

What the hell

Only he can use these techniques himself

Can emptiness be easily grasped by its own understanding of the truth of space?


The head of Tongtian sect is wearing a damned expression, watching "Kong" come out of the fishing drum easily.

Looking at each other in this way, the two top strong men read the unusual shock color from each other's faces.

"Emptiness" is a means to shock Luo Zheng, while the leader of Tongtian was shocked that "emptiness" could come out, but he was even more confused.What's the "empty" expression like?

Why does he also look confused?

Didn't he come out by himself?

Just when the leader of Tongtian was strange, the fishing drum rang again.

"Dong Dong, Dong Dong..."

It's still the eighth law, interpretation.

Soon another figure came out of the drum, and it was Luo Zheng.

When the leader of Tongtian sect saw Luo Zheng, some doubts were instantly solved, and Luo Zheng woke up!

It seems that Luo Zheng released "Kong"?

But more perplexity comes. How can Luo Zheng unlock the heart piercing lock and control the fishing drum?

"Luo Zheng?"

"Is he awake?"

Fuxi and Nuwa's expressions were not much better than those of Tongtian sect leader.

Luo Zheng's awakening means that he left the immortal painting and got a blood. He is also a member of the immortal realm.

However, it's hard to exert the power of blood, even if I wake up now, I'm afraid I can't fight against the leader of Tongtian sect

But why Luo Zheng and "Kong" can be separated from the drum, Fuxi and Nuwa also can't understand.

"Empty, I'll let you out, you can do it," Luo said.

Hearing this, Fuxi and Nuwa couldn't help looking at each other, and their eyes were full of shock.

Is the emptiness released by Luo Zheng?

What happened to Luo Zheng?

"Empty" saw Luo Zheng one eye, on the face peeps out a big meaningful smile, "hand of course, but you don't want to leave!"

His voice fell, and the waves of spatial truth gushed out of him.

It's extremely terrible that the ancient chaos God's blood powers burst out. Before that, the leader of Tongtian easily detained Kong, but he was not prepared, which is also the reason for Kong's indignation.

Now that Kong is free, he feels that he will not repeat the same mistakes.

He wants to kill the leader of Tongtian sect, so does Luo Zheng!


Within a radius of ten thousand li, a huge triangular space suddenly appeared, which was extremely stable and completely self-contained.

This can be regarded as the most extreme means of using the truth of space. As far as this magic power is concerned, it has surpassed the fishing drum of the leader of Tongtian sect. It is obvious that Kong is trying to catch them all.

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