Luo Yan slowly floated over, some vigilant looking at the huge body.

This huge monster is hard to connect with the image of his brother

But after all, she witnessed the whole process of fierce fighting with her own eyes!


Luo Yan called.

Hearing Luo Yan's call, Luo Zheng raises his head.

When she saw Luo Zheng's face, Rong Dun took a cold breath and stepped back tens of feet.

Round muscle balls bulge around Luo Zheng's cheek. This special muscle is like a refined treasure, tough and indestructible.

The eyes, nose and mouth are deeply sunken. This sunken structure can protect the eyes, ears, mouth and nose to the greatest extent.

Can give people to watch is very terrible, this ugly and terrible shape than the devil is also terrible.

Luo Yan forced to endure the discomfort in her heart and called again, "brother, is that you?"

Luo Zheng shows a smile and reaches out to Luo Yan.

This kind action finally lets Luo Yan put down her heart, she drops on Luo Zheng's palm and says, "brother, how did you become like this?"

"There are some things that I can't control," Luo Zheng said, shaking his head.

After changing a form, Luo Zheng's voice changed.

His voice did not seem to come from his throat, but from his chest. His voice was not only hoarse but also harsh.

"What if you can kill the ancient god of chaos and become like this?" The rat king has floated on Luo Yan's side. His eyes the size of soybeans are full of admiration. "This body may be ugly in your eyes, but I think it is full of strength. This is a body born for fighting!"

Luo Zheng killed an ancient chaotic God!

From this point, she is the first person in the mother world!

What's more, Luo Zheng's way of killing "Leng" is to swallow it. In turn, "Leng" can make Luo Zheng stronger

This Terran boy really lived up to the expectations of the public!

"What's born to fight? It's so ugly. It's not human!" Luo Yan shrugs small nose to say.

Looking at his sister's unwillingness, Luo Zheng said with a smile, "I'll scatter the body of the wild God. Maybe I can change it back."

With that, Luo Zheng's body shrinks rapidly, and quickly returns to its original size.

When Luo Zheng shrank to a height of Zhang Xu, his body couldn't shrink any more, and his appearance didn't recover!

He looked at his fluffy hands, the size of an orangutan, and his face became a little ugly.

In the past, when practicing various strange powers, the body would change. On the one hand, those changes could be controlled. On the other hand, they were not so ugly. As long as they could not be changed back, it would be troublesome

The problem should be the origin of divine blood

Just when Luo Zheng planned to communicate with the origin of Shenxue, there was a roar in the distance.

The heavy sound was caused by the cracking of the ground.

Then Luo Zheng, Luo Yan, Sheng Tian, rat king and others saw a huge black crack in the distance. The black crack almost spread to the edge of Lishan Mountain and stopped after touching the boundary wall.

After seeing the distant scene clearly, the rat King took a deep breath and said, "daochan state, they tore it apart..."

In Lishan, the limit of eyesight can only be seen in daochan state. It's not difficult for a few chaotic ancient gods to fight and tear up several big states. God knows how serious damage they caused.

"I don't know what happened to Nu Wa," Luo Yan murmured. She was still worried about the safety of Nu Wa and Fu Xi.

"They have their own body, which should be unimpeded," Luo Zheng comforted.

Fu Xi and Nu Wa are powerful enough to fight against a chaotic ancient god. In addition, Dong Huang, Ji and Ze are powerful enough to fight against Li Shan. They should not be defeated.

"Kaka kaka..."

The second crack appeared again, and the whole daochan state disappeared directly.

In the face of such a fierce war, Luo Zheng finally couldn't sit still.

If Li Shan and the ancient chaos God on Li Shan's side are defeated, Li Shan is doomed to fail.

Luo Zheng has the ability to devour the ancient gods of chaos because of the magical power of the origin of the blood. He can feel the struggle of "cold" in his body, but the origin of the blood is constantly changing, and he can digest "cold" abruptly.

It seems that the origin of divine blood is never allowed to fall into the hands of the yuan spirit civilization. Luo Zheng can use this to exert the power of the origin of divine blood!

"I'll go and have a look. Yan'er and the rat king will guard Lishan together!"


Luo Zheng's figure drifted in the air and disappeared after pulling out a series of shadows.


Two huge cracks lie in daochan state, as if the two mouths of monsters devour the whole daochan state.

The brown chaotic clouds flutter quietly under the crack. At this time, the chaotic clouds rush, and a red golden sword stirs the world!"Hua Hua..."

The sword extended tens of millions, hundreds of millions of feet long, stabbing toward the side of the chaotic cloud.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The red golden sword bumps into a solid object, and the crisp sound can spread out tens of thousands of miles, and the nearby creatures can be directly crushed by the huge sound wave.


Even a few swords could not break the solid object, so that the swordsman quickly retreated.

When he rushed out of the chaotic clouds, the man's face was revealed, that is, the body of the wild God had been inspired, and turned into a huge Eastern Emperor of more than 600000 feet!

"Still want to escape? It's too late

When the Eastern Emperor retreated, he suddenly bumped into an invisible wall and made a dull hum. At the same time, the Eastern Emperor rolled over and tried to cross the wall from the other side. However, the left and right sides of the wall were sealed by invisible walls, and he was trapped in this space.

The next moment, "empty" figure has appeared outside the wall, huge only eyes contain a trace of anger and depression.

Lishan's strength suddenly showed far beyond the expectation of "emptiness". Not to mention the "stillness" and "Chee", the strength displayed by the Eastern Emperor, Fuxi and Nuwa was extremely exaggerated!

I'm afraid it would have been defeated if it hadn't been the leader of the church.

When the leader of Tongtian sect entangled Ji and Ze, "Kong" finally found an opportunity to trap the Eastern Emperor.

There was not much confusion after the emperor was trapped.


The powerful blood power surged out of the Eastern Emperor's body, and a golden sword surged in the space.

"Kuang Kuang..."

The sword was ejected back and forth in the space where the emperor was trapped, but the space was so stable that the sword could not destroy anything.

"It's useless to struggle. The gap between you and me is the gap between blood itself," Kong sneered.

With the twinkling of blue light in its eyes, crisscross small spaces began to appear in the space trapped Donghuang. "Kong" is to use these small spaces to directly cut Donghuang into countless pieces.

When these small spaces appeared, the emperor's body was fixed by them. At the same time, large and small incisions appeared on his body surface. The incisions deepened continuously, and blood flowed out along the incisions.

Just when "Kong" really wants to breathe a sigh of relief and finally solves an opponent, a small figure suddenly appears at the top of the space.

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