Although there are many forces in chaos, they are not complicated.

After the six chaotic ancient gods split into two groups, the division of power in the mother world was basically stable.

Fuxi is the one who wants to finish the final Yan. He has been trying his best to make himself stronger, strong enough to kill the ancient chaos God and break the balance.

The ancient god of chaos is invincible, which is also one of the truths in chaos.

Fu Xi failed to break this truth. Now Luo Zheng has

"Kong" looks at Luo Zheng with more caution and fear. After all, the ancient god of chaos is not immortal. In the face of the possibility of killing himself, no matter who is on guard.

Although "empty" letter seven or eight minutes, it said, "on you? Don't be ashamed

Luo Zheng looked at "Kong" indifferently and said, "you'll know immediately if you're not ashamed."

Said, Luo Zheng's body suddenly disappears from the original place.

There is no spatial fluctuation

No space access built

As if Luo Zheng used another magical power to move!

"Empty" see suddenly disappear of Luo Zheng, face suddenly a change.

It is the ancient god in charge of the truth of space. How clever can Luo Zheng avoid his own detection?


The blue light in the eyes of "Kong" is surging, the powerful power of truth is released, and finally it can distinguish a clue.

In the black void, there is a very thin line, like a worm, swimming towards itself.

"Empty" see this line, the line has been very close to it!


"Kong" did not hesitate to make a big move.

As soon as the "empty" disappeared, Luo Zheng rushed out from the end of the line, but it was a step too late. The "empty" had moved in the distance.

"I can't find me. Other chaotic ancient gods can't do it, can they?" Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

After engulfing "Leng", the blood of the original God was obviously interested in engulfing the ancient god of chaos.

Luo Zheng plays an active role in dealing with "emptiness". For example, even "emptiness" is hard to detect because of this magical power of space. Luo Zheng almost succeeded again.

Although "emptiness" can still be turned into countless tiny spaces to escape, for "emptiness", this way of escape consumes a lot, and it should be unable to escape after several times.

The first time he failed, Luo Zheng turned back and nodded to the emperor.

The Eastern Emperor naturally understood the meaning of Luo Zheng. His eyes flashed with sharp light. The sword in his hand had turned into a golden light. At the same time, Luo Zheng disappeared again!

"Kong" dodges the golden sword released by the Eastern Emperor, and at the same time, he should be careful of the crooked line.

This line is easy to be ignored, and can hardly be distinguished under the cover of countless golden swords!

"Kong" once again made a big move. While avoiding the golden sword, its huge body flickered and moved millions of miles in a short time.

But when "Kong" just stopped, the silk thread appeared behind it like a maggot of tarsal bone. Luo Zheng's chest ribs were all up, and he once again hugged "Kong" from behind.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Sword like ribs pierce the "empty" body with 16 blood holes

This time, the "empty" did not make a meaningless struggle, but directly turned into a trillion trillion tiny space, got rid of Luo Zheng's embrace, and then condensed again.

For the second time, it turns into innumerable minimal space state, which is as strong as "empty" and very tired.

But it just formed, Luo Zheng disappeared, once again into a thin line straight to it, do not give "empty" the slightest chance to breathe.

Looking at Luo Zheng's aggressive attack, "Kong" sighed a little and chose to exile directly.

It can't banish Luo Zheng, but it can banish itself

When Luo Zheng appeared from the end of the thread, "Kong" had banished himself to the edge of the mother world.

"Isn't this a big move?" Luo Zheng's face showed some unexpected colors.

"I should have banished myself. I'm afraid it's going to take some effort to get back," the Eastern Emperor affirmed.

"It's fast," Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders. At this time, a strong energy wave burst out behind the chaotic clouds in the distance.

Without any hesitation, Luo Zheng and the emperor went straight away.


The size of the chaotic cloud cluster is huge, and the size of tens of thousands of feet is only a drop in the ocean compared with the chaotic cloud cluster.

On one side of this chaotic cloud cluster, there are 16 huge purple pillars floating, each of which is painted with mysterious lines, and there is a great power of confinement.

These purple columns turn into a perfect cage, trapping all the people in Lishan.

Fu Xi, Nu Wa, Ji and Ze have suffered a lot.There was a big hole on one side of Fuxi's chest. There was a black fire burning at the hole, which prevented the terrible wound from healing.

She broke her arm and half of her head was broken.

Ji looked the most embarrassed, its double tongs were all broken, leaving only a bare tail.

Only Nu Wa was in a better condition. Although she was not injured, her face was still tired. The battle with Tongtian sect leader obviously made her lose a lot.

Their wounds can be healed in an instant, but their wounds are burning with black fire.

This black fire is the killer of the truth of life. It took a lot of time to clean it up before it was entangled by this black fire. Now under the fierce fighting, it naturally does not have this time.

What's more, the cage of the purple column is the illegal cage of the ruins to imprison the truth.

In the illegal cage, their strength has been weakened by more than half!

The head of Tongtian sect stood on one of the purple pillars, looking down at the injured people, with a cold smile on his face, "I can give you a chance to join my empty family and submit to me."

Xu, who built the illegal cage, heard this, but his face sank slightly.

The leader of Tongtian sect is very powerful, but he can subdue these four people, and the market also has a lot of credit.

Moreover, Xu's position was totally different from that of the leader of Tongtian sect. The reason why they joined hands was to fight against Lishan. I'm afraid that after Lishan was solved, it was a battle between them.

Now the leader of Tongtian sect wants to make all the people in Lishan submit. How can Xu agree?

"Master Tongtian, you and I join hands to capture Lishan. These people can be killed, but they can't be brought down," Xu said bluntly.

"Who knows why you want to look at the market with a sneer

"It's my credit to take them," Xu Ning threatened. "If I take away the illegal cage, you'll be in trouble."

No matter how powerful the Tongtian sect leader is, it is difficult to deal with the two chaotic ancient gods, and it is even more impossible for Fuxi and Nuwa to be their own masters.

"This illegal cage is really powerful, but you don't know it by yourself," said the leader of Tongtian sect. Ignoring the threat of the ruins, he stretched out his hand and slapped it in the air. Four of the sixteen purple pillars suddenly rose and imprisoned the ruins in reverse.

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