The tail needle with bright colors was nailed to the table of the main body of the Tongtian sect, and directly penetrated into half of his Brahma body.

According to the length of 30000 feet, the tail needle is about 20000 feet deep.

This length is enough to break through the Vatican light body!


"Tongtian sect leader should be unable to resist the poison of analysis!"

"Kill him!"

People are full of expectations.

Theoretically, the poison of analysis is not a kind of poison, but an energy that makes matter collapse. No matter who it is, there is no good way to resist it.

When they thought they were successful, the face of "Ji" changed slightly, "there's no..."

"No body, right?" Tongtian sect leader sneered.

The needle of "Silence" is really inserted into the body of Brahman light, but the body of Brahman light is empty and has no substance!

"What if you don't have a body?" Said the silent voice.

The poison of analysis can decompose everything, including energy and soul, and "Silence" is full of confidence.

There is a mass of black in the place where the tail needle is inserted. It seems that the ink drops on the white paper begin to spread slowly, but they stop when they reach a certain extent.

In front of the light of the past, it will lose the same effect!


Tongtian sect leader despises Tao.

At the same time, the sword with pure light has been waved fiercely.

There is a white sword arc in the void. The speed of breaking the void is incredible.

"Ji" has the most flexible tail and the fastest reaction. Rao has no time to take it back from the leader of Tongtian sect.


With a stream of green plasma, the silent scorpion's tail breaks.

The leader of Tongtian sect raised his sword and cut it towards the silence. The sharp white edge seemed to shine on the whole chaos.

Fortunately, Ji's reaction was not slow. As soon as his tail was cut off, he moved away to avoid the second sword of Tongtian sect leader!


In the face of these powerful beings, the Tongtian sect leader who offered sacrifices to the Brahma light body no longer had any scruples.

He took a light step and floated forward.

Space seemed to solidify in front of him. He dragged the white shadow to Fu Xi in an instant.


The white arc light fell down on Fuxi.

"So fast..."

Fu Xi himself watched the head of Tongtian come straight to him, but he didn't have time to avoid it.

The speed of Tongtian sect leader has reached an extreme. Compared with his speed, other people seem to be in slow motion.

Seeing that the sword could not be avoided, Fuxi turned his body over abruptly.

"Poof, poof!"

Fuxi's legs were cut off from the root.

Tongtian sect leader's face didn't change, and he took advantage of the situation to kill Fuxi.

"Hundred million tons of water!"

"Ze" came up from one side, and a drop of water suddenly appeared.

This drop of water suddenly becomes big, and at the same time envelops the leader of Tongtian.


The water looks as clear and transparent as ordinary water. In fact, the water is extremely dense. After the leader of Tongtian sect sealed it in, his action was immediately blocked, and Fuxi had a chance to escape from the sword of Tongtian sect leader.

The nearby "Ji" quickly approached Fu Xi, stretched out a pair of pliers and patted Fu Xi's wound. Two dark green forces of truth poured into the wound, and Fu Xi's severed legs began to recover quickly

"Ze" of the 100 million heavy water only sealed the two breathing time of Tongtian sect leader. After a short pause in the water drop, Tongtian sect leader's body suddenly shocked, and the 100 million heavy water suddenly burst and splashed in all directions!

Just when the leader of Tongtian sect was going to continue to hunt down Fuxi, a fist sized spore suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. These spores took root and germinated on the surface of Vatican body, turned into vines and wrapped around the leader of Tongtian sect.

Before "Ze" launched the attack, "Ji" quietly put the spores into the hundred million weight water. As the hundred million weight water wrapped the Tongtian sect leader, the spores naturally rooted in the Tongtian sect leader.

The dense golden vines are extremely tough. The leader of Tongtian sect fiercely broke part of them, but more golden vines entangled them

These ancient chaotic gods and the strong of immortality are not ordinary people. Rao Shi, the leader of Tongtian sect, has the power to understand Heaven and earth, and is still stumbling by their various means.

"Kill the prison!"

"Xu" is now firmly on the side of Lishan, offering another magic power of his own.

Six lightning like pillars around the Tongtian sect leader began to take shape. When the "killing prison" was about to be completed, a pure white bare hand was stretched out from the layers of golden vines.

The bare hand gently pointed to the "market", and a holy white light shrouded the "market".

"Xu" is still concentrating on urging his blood to set up the prison. Suddenly, he feels white in front of him and is stunned."Hum!"

The white light column forms a space and traps it.

"Xu" realized that it was not good, and wanted to rush out of the light column and hit it violently.

But it's hard to imagine the firmness of this light column. Even the origin of God's blood can't be restrained. It can only be absorbed by tentacles. Now the ruins just use brute force to collide and can't break it.

"Beep -"

"Xu" bumped back and forth for several times, and a strange sound suddenly came out in the light column. Then "Xu" stopped, as if there was an extremely powerful force pressing on it, making it unable to move.

With the strength of the light column pressing down, Xu's body became lower and lower.

In a short time, "Xu" was completely attached to the bottom of the light column.




The bones of the ruins began to break and the flesh began to collapse.

With the increasing strength, "Xu" couldn't even struggle and make a sound. After his eyes showed a strong color of help seeking and sorrow, "Bo" burst out and mixed with other parts of his body.

After being pressed into a pool of flesh and blood, there was no sound, so the ancient God fell.

"Ji", "Ze", Fuxi and Nuwa saw this behind the scenes, their faces became extremely ugly.

But under the constant cleaning up of Tongtian sect leader, he finally removed the golden vines from his body, and his eyes were full of killing.

The real enemy is not here. He didn't intend to use too much basic power, but these guys are too troublesome, so he had to sacrifice more powerful means!

"You asked for it!"

The leader of Tongtian sect reaches out his hand and points to "Ji" again. Ji knows that something bad is about to move away, but the pillar of light comes in a flash and comes before "Ji" moves.

"The second, death," the leader of Tongtian said coldly.

The pressure in the light column suddenly increases, and "Silence" is also pressed tightly at the bottom of the light column.

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