This group of tentacles is the one Luo Zheng had been removed by the leader of Tongtian sect.

The original blood is not willing to be divided, and the separated individual is eager to return.

But this time the origin of the blood allows the individual to remain outside, hiding in space, and then began to proliferate.

When Luo Zheng broke the light column again and again to adapt to the boundless sky light of Da Fan, the hidden tentacle could also receive Luo Zheng's "experience", and the suction cup on its surface was also adjusting synchronously.

When the leader of the Tongtian sect, who had been transformed into a Buddhist light body, arrived, he was like a lion grinding its teeth and swallowed the leader of the Tongtian sect.

This group of tentacles on the sucker crazy sucking bite, and the God also desperately struggle!


The white long sword in the hands of Tongtian sect leader suddenly penetrated many tentacles, and half of the sword was exposed.

But the lower part of the sword turns black quickly, swallowing up the holes. Finally, the sword breaks, and the exposed half of the sword is involved in the tentacle

As for the body surface of Tongtian sect leader, there are also hundreds of black spots.

The power of the foundation is absorbed a little bit, and the power of the God is becoming weaker and weaker.

At the beginning, he could tear his tentacles at will. Gradually, his tentacles could not be torn off. The whole person fell from his neck to his arms and legs, and was rigidly entangled by his tentacles. The boundless sky light in his body was dimmed at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Maybe he was very unwilling. At the last moment, the leader of Tongtian suddenly ran forward, and at the same time, he desperately stretched out a hand toward the tentacle, and a finger was exposed.


After a ray of light from the fingertips towards the distance, the body of Tongtian sect leader was engulfed, and that finger was also rolled into the tentacle.

The light of Tongtian sect leader's fingertip condenses in another place, and it still turns into the appearance of Tongtian sect leader.

However, the leader of Tongtian sect is very dim, his body is almost transparent, and his energy is also very weak. This is not a candle like separation.

Luo Zheng was not in a hurry to kill the Tongtian sect leader, but said with great interest, "is this the power of the foundation?"

"This is it," Tong Tian's leader stared at Luo Zheng with complicated eyes.

He never thought that he would lose even if he used the power of his foundation. From the perspective of the master of Tongtian, this is incomprehensible.

"Very weak," Luo Zheng shrugged.

Hearing this, the head of Tongtian sect wants to spit blood

Fuxi himself and the "Fuxi" lurking in his body are also speechless. This boy is more crazy than the two Fuxi.

"You think that's all I have? Do you think that's all the power of the foundation? " The head of Tongtian sect was a bit dead, but suddenly he was excited, and his already gloomy body dissipated faster.

"Maybe, but after all, you have fallen," Luo Zheng shook his head.

"Fall? Hey, hey, hey... " The leader of Tongtian suddenly pointed to Luo Zheng and laughed, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world, "are you sure to enter sanqingtian? We'll meet again. I'll be there waiting for you, waiting for you to show up... "

The voice of Tongtian leader became smaller and smaller until he could not be heard. At the same time, the white light of his body completely disappeared.

Luo Zheng stares at the void for a while, suddenly remembers something, suddenly turns his head, and realizes that there are several intermittent spatial fluctuations in the distance.

"It's very fast..." Luo Zhengning said in a voice.

After the leader of Tongtian sect used the Sanskrit light body, most of the black boat and the old boat didn't take part in the battle.

Maybe they had a secret communication with the leader of Tongtian sect. Seeing that the leader of Tongtian sect was at a disadvantage, they fled ahead of time.

Fu Xi, Nu Wa, Ze, Ji and Dong Huang all focused their attention on the leader of Tongtian sect and ignored the black boat. Now it's not easy to catch up with him.

They didn't want to pursue and kill, but the black boat group was nervous.

The boatman stood still. Although he could not see his expression, his breath was gloomy and terrible.

"Even the Vatican light body of the Lord can be broken, that boy, that boy..."

After a while, the boatman murmured.

Not long ago, the boatman regarded Luo Zheng as a younger generation.

This just how long Kung Fu, Luo Zheng has already killed the object that his ship boss wants to look up to!

That's the leader of Wukong people!

There are giants on the other side

"That's not his strength," said Shencha, shaking her head as if unwilling to believe the fact.

"If it's not his power, it's his power," corrected the boatman.

"That's also the master's carelessness," another member of the black boat said.

Luo Zheng's strange physical body, the means of constant adaptation and evolution, is indeed beyond the imagination of ordinary blood. It is not the strength that immortality can show."Ha ha ha..."

When the black boat was immersed in the gloom, there was a cold laughter not far away. It was the evil spirit that gave out the laughter.

Shencha looked back at the evil god and asked, "what are you laughing at?"

The evil god grinned, "the master of Tongtian sect is inferior to others. If he fails, he will be defeated. It's ridiculous to excuse him..."


As soon as the evil myth sound fell, an invisible fist seal had hit him.

There was a big hole in the splint of the black ship, and the evil spirit was directly smashed into the hull.

It was the bronze man, his fist clenched, his face covered with frost.

In fact, even if the bronze man didn't do it, others in the black boat would do it, "no one can belittle the reputation of the Lord!"

The evil spirit slowly climbed out of the cave, with the smile still on his face. He didn't mean to reflect at all. "It's almost time. We still need to rely on our strength to maintain our ridiculous reputation. Ha ha ha..."

Hearing the laughter of the evil god, a nameless evil fire rose in the heart of the bronze man.

"Dong Dong..."

His heavy body ran wildly on the splint, and he rushed to the evil spirit again. He also stepped on the deck one by one.

When the bronze man approached the evil god, the evil god's "ha ha ha ha" voice suddenly increased a bit!

The captain, Shencha and other members of the black boat heard the loud laughter, raised their eyebrows, and felt a throb in their hearts. Then they listened to the order of the evil god and said, "kneel down!"


A strong willpower came from the top to the bottom.

This will power contains boundless vastness, endless antiquity

"Bang, bang!"

Under the pressure of this willpower, the fierce bronze man knelt directly in front of the evil god!

"Evil god, do you want to die?"

"If you do it, you will have no life today..."


The members of the black boat were angry when they saw that the bronze man had been humiliated. Only when the boatman gave an order, they would hold down the evil god.

But the captain looked up at the top without saying a word.

From this point of view, he can see the broad outer wall of the mother world above, from which the strong will just descended.

"Is that the will of the mother world?" Asked the captain.

"That's my will!" The evil spirit said haughtily.

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