The ripples in the soil layer lasted for a while before they stopped. Then people saw a body thrown out of the pit. It was Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng's blue transparent crystal has opened numerous cracks, large and small cracks extend to the inside, even the dark blue bone is also cracked, his powerful body can't resist the black Meng's three fists after all!

Those alien people who originally had a lively mind felt the power of the three fists and kept silent.

these alien people originally mixed with the jittery of the empty family and Yuan Ling civilization. These Eyeliner plans to report the news of the maple forest that may be "easy to master". The sudden turn makes them even more nervous inside.

Although heimeng is defined as almost invincible, who knows his real strength is still far more than expected!

It's terrible!

"Ha ha ha..." After he stepped out of the pit, he made a gesture to Wu Meng.

Wumeng understood and quickly took a basin of water from the Shenhe River to spill on Luo Zheng, so as to prevent Luo Zheng from escaping again.

Then heimeng looked down at Luo Zheng's cracked body and said, "no one can challenge my body. You are an alien of sanqingtian. It really surprised me, but you are still not qualified!"

He heimeng put one foot on Luo Zheng's leg. With heimeng's constant exertion, the cracks in Luo Zheng's leg increased.

"Ka, Ka, Ka..."

With more and more cracks, Luo Zheng's legs suddenly burst open, turning into thousands of pieces and falling on the ground.

Nvwa, Fuxi and others' eyes twitched.

Luo Zheng's body is still defeated after twice strengthening

His journey in sanqingtian suddenly ended today?

"Well, what's my old life worth saving? Luo Zheng's life is much more important than ours. I'm really confused, confused!" The Eastern Emperor suddenly remorsed.

Although yinglao was silent, he thought the same.

Now it seems that Luo Zheng is the real hope, and the only one who has the possibility to complete the end of Yan. But this man lost his life in order to save them. It's not worth it.

Nu Wa did not speak, still with dignified eyes looking at Luo Zheng.

She believed that Luo Zheng would not admit his life until the last moment.


Heimeng broke Luo Zheng's right leg and burst out countless pieces of blue crystals.

Then he raised his legs again, and then he would crush Luo Zheng's body.

See black Meng's feet on Luo Zheng abdomen, Luo Zheng Huoran opened his eyes, a pair of eyes in two demon red eyes.

After contacting with the demon's red eyes, heimeng could not help shivering in his heart, and a sense of crisis rose from his heart. Heimeng almost instinctively wanted to kill Luo Zheng, so he had to step on Luo Zheng's body!

But he just stepped on the moment, Luo Zheng's body pan out of a wave of space, quickly disappeared at the foot of heimeng, heimeng this foot is naturally stepped on empty.


When the spatial wave spread, the maple leaves in the red maple forest were lit up, and they swarmed in one direction, just like migrating butterflies.

"Ten breath of life," black masked with a smile shook his head.

Many hemong people, alien people and immortality sighed one after another when they looked at the maple leaves.

No matter how far or near, no matter how fast you run, no matter how you hide, these maple leaves can always arrive on time in ten breathing times to take the lives of those who violate the rules. The only exception is to escape from the other side. But just after Wumeng spilled the water of Shenhe River, the road has been blocked.

So in people's eyes, Luo Zheng's life has ten breathing time left. It depends on how he struggles in the last ten breathing.

The hemong people like to appreciate the ten breath time very much. In the last ten breath time of their life, no matter they are alien or immortal, they will try their best to struggle, but the final result is always the same.

Once upon a time, the hemong people had madly forced the alien people and immortality to stimulate their energy in order to enjoy the dance of the last ten breath.


After Luo Zheng disappeared, he directly built a space passage, and the maple leaves along the space passage were all shining quickly, separated from the red maple trees, and flew all over the sky!

"That boy has attracted so many maple leaves!"

"It doesn't make much difference to be more or less. He will die after all..."

"So many maple leaves, enough for him to die ten times!"

There are several magical characteristics of the maple leaf in the red maple forest. For example, ten breathing time is only one of them. Another characteristic is that the damage caused by the bursting of the maple leaf is unstoppable.

No matter how powerful the boundary is, no matter how clever the space is, it can't stop the damage of maple leaf explosion.

After Luo Zheng got out of the space passage, a burst of green light surged on his body surface, and his broken legs recovered quickly. Then he looked back at the maple leaves and immediately got into the space passage.He drew an invisible path in the red maple forest to attract the maple leaves under the path

"There's six minutes left..."

"The boy runs fast, and turns a big circle in a short time!"

"Five breath!"

"Four breath!"

"Three breath!"

"Two breath!"

"A breath Bang

Next to him, Lomon made an expansive expression.

According to the way people calculate time, those maple leaves will explode.

So many maple leaves, no matter where Luo Zheng fled, the sound of explosion would be quickly transmitted, but the explosion that everyone wanted to hear did not appear.

On the contrary, you can see Luo Zheng flying over the sky. This time, he doesn't even drill into the space channel, so he attracts more maple leaves!

Large maple leaves are still chasing behind Luo Zheng, still keeping a distance, neither narrowing nor throwing off

Black Mongolia sees this scene, pupil is a burst of contractions more, almost biting a tooth to say, "how possible!"

Then heimeng tilted his head slightly, and there was an energy fluctuation on his shoulder. Although the energy fluctuation was very slight, a maple leaf hanging on a red maple not far away still sensed it, and the lit maple leaf floated in.

Black Meng legs fierce a pedal, quickly and maple leaf distance, the whole person like a ghost general turn circle.

Ten breaths later, the maple leaf accurately drew the black monk closer and exploded on his shoulder.


Heimeng's physical defense is amazing, but a maple leaf burst, just burst a gap in the surface!

"These maple leaves have no problem," black Meng puzzled looking at the top, "that is the boy has a problem?"

Luo Zheng still drags those maple leaves in circles. The distance between maple leaves and Luo Zheng can't get closer!

"Hell, these maple leaves are stupid?"

"Nothing like this has happened since ancient times!"

"How did he do it?"

The alien and the immortal are all gaping.

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