As soon as the black round hole sucked Luo Zheng in, the two immortals separated their hands, and the black round hole disappeared.

these two as like as two peas in immortal will immediately show a winner's smile.

Then a thin spider silk appeared behind the two immortals. This spider silk kept winding and converging on the ground, and soon formed a body. It was the immortal realm that had just become a spider silk and entangled Luo Zheng.

Fu Xi, Nu Wa, Dong Huang and others, who had been hit by the seven meat and eight vegetable, just woke up to see this scene, their faces immediately changed, and Luo Zheng disappeared with the black ball?

"Who are you?" Asked the Eastern Emperor in a deep voice.

When the three immortals heard such a question, they all burst out laughing sarcastically.

"Who are we?"

"We don't even know..."

"Maybe it's because we haven't come down in shangqingtian for a long time. All the rubbish in taiqingtian have forgotten. Hahaha, it seems that this time we are going to be famous again!"

The three immortals are very sophisticated.

Tianyan yanteng, they didn't pay attention.

The five immortals of the Terran, they also did not look at.

The only target of the surprise attack was Luo Zheng. Now that Luo Zheng is eliminated, other people seem to be no threat to them.

"What a big tone!" Old gall said in a deep voice.

The big eyes of the rat King were flashing. After a while, he suddenly cried, "Gee, I remember. They are immortal hunters!"

As soon as the rat King reminded them, Fuxi, Nuwa and others immediately remembered their identities.

Immortal hunter is a team of immortal realm.

In the Sanqing Dynasty, in addition to the place where the yuan spirit civilization and Wukong people can have a seat, immortal hunters can also be regarded as a place.

These immortal hunters have never had a bottom line or a position. They neither join the Wukong group nor join the yuan spirit civilization.

There were more than 20 immortal hunters. They were all outstanding in the immortal world. They had strong fighting power. It is said that they had fought with Wukong people. Although they were defeated by the leader of Tongtian sect, they still escaped from Wukong people. Their strength can be seen.

Because immortal hunters have no position and bottom line. As long as they are interested in something, they will grab it. They have been very active all these years.

Later, the immortal hunter was chased by other people one after another. There was a big war in Qinglan mountain of taiqingtian. The losses were heavy, and only three of them escaped.

And these three are also the strongest of the immortal hunters!

Those alien people hate their teeth, but they have nothing to do with them.

Later, the three immortal hunters found a way to open the channel. After going to Shangqing, Taiqing was a little calm.

Nuwa, Fuxi, Donghuang and others became immortal. When they entered taiqingtian, three immortal hunters had entered shangqingtian. Naturally, they had never seen them, but they had heard the legend of "immortal Hunter".

As the king of the ear rat family, the rat king likes to collect and exchange all kinds of information wherever he is. He knows these immortal hunters best.

I didn't expect to be met by them today

After thinking about it, the rat king said to the three immortals, "since they are from pingyitian, they are equal to me in immortality. Why do you want to attack us? What's the matter

In fact, the difference between immortality and immortality is not small. Take Ping Yitian as an example, there are once dominant civilizations, and there are also alien races born on the other side. Besides, there are moral differences such as end Yan, keeping order and no emptiness.

The immortal realm is just a realm, not an identity. There is not much identity between them.

However, the vast majority of immortality is struggling in sanqingtian. After all, they are people from the same place. Generally speaking, they will help each other unless they come from hostile forces.

The three immortal hunters had no grievances or grudges with them, so the rat King moved his mind and wanted to know it with emotion and reason.

The immortal realm, which was named spider silk, gave a sharp smile, "you have no enmity with us, but Yuanling civilization has enmity with you."

"So the famous immortal Hunter also took refuge in Yuanling civilization?" Said the rat king.

The twins immortal scene had a casual smile on their faces. When they heard this, their faces suddenly became serious. One of them said sternly, "what nonsense? How can we take refuge in them! It's just the "secret soul of broken bones" offered by the yuan spirit civilization. It's a must for us. Naturally, we'll come and take you

Another twin immortal realm went on to say, "I advise you to give up your resistance and suffer less. Maybe the yuan spirit civilization won't kill you."

"Why talk to them? These people are the marked targets, and killing them is, "said the immortal realm behind the twins impatiently. With a swing of his hands, he has turned into countless fine spider threads, which flutter with the wind.

Luo Zheng was entangled by the spider silk before he fell into the black hole without resistance. Naturally, the spider silk is not as simple as it seems.Fuxi, Nuwa, Donghuang and yinglao all had a sharp flash in their eyes, and the energy in their bodies was surging, so they would not wait to die.

Even Tianyan yanteng has been extending its spines underground. Its life is still in Luo Zheng's hands. Even for himself, he has to fight with these three immortal hunters.

Only the rat king didn't have the impulse to start, but continued to say, "I know you are the blood crow and blood lion brothers of the Kou clan. At that time, the whole Kou clan was killed in the hands of Yuanling civilization. Your brothers and Yuanling civilization had a feud against each other. Now why do you help Yuanling civilization to suppress us?"

The elder brother of the twins is the blood crow, and the younger brother is the blood lion. The immortal realm behind them is called the blood wolf. These names were taken after joining the immortal hunter.

Referring to the painful past, both the blood crow and the blood lion had a hint of hatred in their eyes, but the blood crow said, "we just want to get the secret soul of the broken bones. Sooner or later, our hatred with the yuan spirit civilization will be cleared up. How can we talk about helping the tyrant?"

The rat king of Shengtian has long been ready to say, "in those days, the Kou clan was also a powerful civilization dominating one side. It is said that in order to complete the end of Yan, they sacrificed tens of billions of people's blood sacrifice, but in the end, they fell short. We can admire them very much. We never thought that the Kou clan would help the yuan spirit civilization to suppress the end of Yan. What is this

"A lot of nonsense!"

Blood wolf hands a shake, the spider silk all over the sky is about to entangle toward the people in the past.

At this time, the blood crow suddenly grabbed the blood wolf's shoulder and asked with a smile, "what's the hope of completing the end? Is it up to you? "

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