The only key to Tianyan yanteng is the "Tianyan".

As a plant, any part of its body can grow savagely after being cut.

Once upon a time, the archery demon clan fought with the "flash ghosts" of taiqingtian. These flash ghosts can make space breakthrough thousands of miles away.

In the process of advancing, Tianyan yanteng was cut into dozens of sections by the flash ghost.

However, each period of Tianyan yanteng has become an independent part in a short period of time. Under the barbaric growth, it has even gained more combat effectiveness.

However, this round of golden axe cut from the void is different. The parts cut by the golden axe are all plated with a circle of golden light.

If you observe carefully, you can find that this circle of golden light is a small golden flame.

The fire quickly spread along the vine incision, like a golden mouth, to burn the vine clean.

"Whew -"

a sharp golden sword cut on the vine is to cut off the small section of the burning vine, and the sword is the Eastern Emperor.

That small section of cut vine was burned clean in the twinkling of an eye

"Who is the golden axe?" Gall old facial expression dignified ask a way.

"I can't find the target, the power of space is very strange," Fuxi said, spreading the divine consciousness with his heavenly eye.

After the giant axe appeared, it broke through the air and disappeared in the eyes of the public. Fuxi could not trace the origin at all.

"The golden axe just appeared is the weapon of tauren," said the blood lion.

Niushouren is one of the most dangerous alien people in Taiqing heaven. The individual combat effectiveness is extremely terrible, but the action ability is relatively weak. As long as you keep a distance from niushouren, you can ensure your own safety.

"Hum, those alien people are not stupid. Since they have the same goal, they will help each other, which is the most difficult thing," said the blood wolf.

It's not terrible to be alone.

The strength of many alien races in Taiqing was very strong, but almost every alien race had its own limitations.

Niushou people claim to have the strongest fighting capacity. If they are surrounded by them, they will surely die.

Immortal hunters at that time were not afraid of Tauren at all, and they could easily tease them with their speed.

But now it's different. All the alien people have to deal with Luo Zheng and his party. Their abilities complement each other and become extremely terrifying. Let alone Luo Zheng and his party, even if Wukong and Yuanling civilization meet these "alien alliance", they have to drink a pot.


All of a sudden, there was a wave of space above the heads of the people, accompanied by a golden light blooming, and a golden axe chopping down!

This time, Tianyan yanteng had already made preparations. With a slight twist of its snake like body, it accurately avoided the chopping of the golden axe, which only cut a pure gold crack on the ground.

The small golden flame in the crack was burning, but it seemed that the golden flame could not burn the stone, and it soon went out.

"No matter where they are, climb to the top of TIANTI plateau first," Luo said.

Tianyan yanteng did not dare to have any delay, wriggled his body, and began to gallop on the plain.


While Tianyan yanteng is flying, there are spatial fluctuations above. This time, two golden axes appear at the same time!

These two golden axes, one on the left and one on the right, completely stop the route of Tianyan yanteng's dodging!

"To the left!"

Luo Zheng looked up at the golden axe and yelled.

Tianyan yanteng doesn't think much anymore, and the vine turns to the left.

When the golden axe was beheaded, Fuxi, Nuwa, Shengtian rat king and others scattered, but Luo Zheng went up!

"This kid..." The pupil of the blood lion suddenly opened.

"Get out of the way, you're not going to die?" The blood crow called out.

Niushouren's axe is not only extremely powerful, but the golden flame on the axe is called "Jinling biting flame". If it's dead, it's not afraid, so it can't burn stones. But if it's living, it will be burned clean in a short time.


Luo Zheng put his hands over his shoulders and stood on his side. He held the golden axe hard!

The extremely sharp golden axe failed to cut Luo Zheng's body.

"What a strong body!"

"His flesh is stronger than Hermon!"

"The problem is that Jinling swallow flame is very troublesome, it will swallow him up..."

Three immortal hunters stare at Luo Zheng nervously.

The little golden flame quickly spread along the blade of the giant axe on Luo Zheng's shoulder and "Zizi" began to burn.

Luo Zheng's almost indestructible body quickly became wrinkled, cracked and blackened.

"Will you let me burn it all?" Luo Zheng murmured with a huge axe in both hands.

The Jinling flame will burn faster and faster.

If you don't restrain it, Luo Zheng's whole life will be completely burned, including the origin of God's blood.In fact, Luo Zheng's only bargaining chip in the face of the origin of divine blood is to "die together". If Luo Zheng is to help his companions and does not threaten himself or even the origin of divine blood in his body, the origin of divine blood will not yield at all.

And in this case, the reaction of the origin of divine blood is quite fast


Luo Zheng's shoulder suddenly swelled up, forming a big bag, and then the big bag burst open, inside was a mouth full of fangs!


Luo Zheng saw the mouth on his shoulder, and some helplessness appeared on his face.

The origin of divine blood is really powerful, at least until now Luo Zheng has not seen where its limit is, what is its short board.

But every time this thing shows its magic power, it will make some strange and even terrible things on him


This big mouth sucks fiercely, then inhales all the golden spirit's flame, including the golden light on the axe blade.

In the blink of an eye, the glittering axe turned into a piece of dim iron

Luo Zheng made a little effort with his hands, and with a "Lo", he broke the axe!

Immortal hunters see this scene, almost eyes will stare out.

What's the matter with the mouth on the boy's right shoulder!

Can you swallow the golden spirit directly?

Among the three immortal hunters, the blood wolf is the most resourceful and knowledgeable.

He probably guessed that Luo Zheng could adjust the deconstruction of the body to deal with the crisis.

Is there a corresponding way to deal with other magical powers?

Is it not omnipotent to really do it?

But the blood wolf just guessed in his heart, maybe Luo Zheng's body just restrained Jin Ling's flame.

The problem is that Luo Zheng has struggled out of the "Black Sun" with strange physical form, and there can not be so many "just right" in this world.

Maybe Is the blood crow and blood lion's choice right?

At the moment when the blood wolf was thinking, more power of space suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a round of golden axe chopped off in succession!

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