Luo Zheng did not entangle too much on this issue. He came to the two rows of fences with the crowd.

These fences look like they've been around for a long time, rotten from the inside out.

The surface of the fence has been exquisitely carved, and it has long been rotten.

Luo Zheng noticed that there was a complete carving on the top of a railing, but it was partly covered by dust. When Luo Zheng wanted to brush away the dust, Fu Xi's face changed. "Luo Zheng, don't touch the fence!"

Luo Zheng's finger stopped an inch before touching the fence, "why?"

"There's something unknown on the fence, and the people who touch it can't walk out of the wailing Road," Fuxi said with great certainty.

"So amazing?" Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows.

He didn't believe Fu Xi's words, but everything could happen on the other side. Maybe this fence is really related to the road of wailing.

After all, Luo Zheng didn't touch these fences. At this time, Tianyan yanteng stretched out a thin vine and gently touched Luo Zheng's forehead, passing his thoughts to Luo Zheng, "I have sent you here, can I go?"

Tianyan yanteng was completely threatened by Luo Zheng, and its life origin is still in Luo Zheng's hands.

Luo Zheng took a look at the big eye of Tianyan yanteng, and then said, "as far as I know, if you go back from here, you can only take the silent plank road. Do you think other people will let you go?"

Tianyan yanteng is also a member of the alien race. The problem is that in the eyes of the alien race, Tianyan yanteng is on Luo Zheng's side.

Even on weekdays, it's hard for Tianyan yanteng to survive alone without the arrow cluster demon. Moreover, those alien people can be in a rage now, and it's very unlikely to expect them to let Tianyan yanteng go.

The vine thought very seriously for a while and replied, "no..."

"What are you going to do?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"I I'd better follow you... "

Tianyan yanteng is unwilling to follow Luo Zheng and his party.

The road of wailing is extremely dangerous and full of strange things.

What's more, with its current state, even if it really reaches shangqingtian, it is difficult to survive.

"If you're ready, you'll go in with us. This wailing road is very mysterious and terrifying in the rumors. I think you've heard of it except Luo Zheng?" Fuxi said in a loud voice.

Luo Zheng's canthus drew and glared at Fuxi.

"The road of wailing is really dangerous, but once I master the secret, the road of wailing is the simplest. That's why I choose the road of wailing," Fuxi said. He turned to the road between the two rows of fences, and continued, "please stay close behind me, and I will pass safely."

"Rustle, rustle..."

Tianyan yanteng arched behind Fuxi for the first time, obviously afraid of falling behind.

But as soon as it goes over, other people have no place.

Fuxi helplessly looked at Tianyan yanteng, then said, "do you want to enter my spirit beast bag?"

The space of Fuxi's animal bag is not small, and it is more than enough to hold Tianyan yanteng.

However, most of the alien people are not willing to enter the spirit beast bag unless they trust each other very much.

Perhaps frightened by the horror of the wailing Road, Tianyan yanteng quickly stretched out a thin vine to touch Fuxi's head and passed on the thought of "agreement" to Fuxi.

After Fuxi released the hexagram dog in the spirit beast bag, he put the Tianyan yanteng in it. The hexagram dog was a necessary thing to go through the wailing Road, which was originally to be released.

Then the crowd went into the road in the fence one after another. The body of the king was too big. In order to enter the road of wailing, he shrank his body before entering.

When they entered, the situation did not change much.

In the distance is still the plain that can not be turned back, on one side is the cliff, on the other side is the end of zifengjian gorge.

As for the two rows of fences, they were like a row of wood pestled on the plain, meaningless.

However, after a certain distance, a light white fog began to appear around. The more forward, the thicker the white fog.

When Luo Zheng looked back, the cliff disappeared and zifengjian gorge disappeared, but the two rows of fences were still reluctant to prove their position tenaciously.

"Is the middle of the fence closed?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice.

It used to be two rows of fences, but now it's a row. It's like juggling.

"Don't ask," Nuwa whispered.

Her eyes were tinged with a trace of crimson light. It seemed that she was pouring Wa's shadow into her eyes. She didn't know what she could see with this move.

Since Nu Wa asked Luo Zheng not to ask, Luo Zheng would not ask more.

Donghuang, yinglao, and three immortal hunters were also full of confusion, but they also obediently followed Nuwa and Fuxi.

After a short distance, a pointed room appeared in the thick fog.

After a little closer, Luo Zhengcai could see clearly that it was a thatched hutThere is no door in the hut. I can't see the inside clearly.

It's just that when we got close to each other, there was an extremely unpleasant feeling in everyone's heart.

For Donghuang, yinglao and others who have been in high positions for a long time, this kind of unhappiness is enough to make them kill each other.

But in this secret place, they restrained themselves.

When they passed the first straw shed, everyone could bear it.

But soon there was a second, a third hut ahead

These huts are closed, and the creatures inside give them this feeling.

Driven by curiosity and uneasiness, the rat King finally asked, "what's in it?"

"Don't ask," Nuwa replied again.

The yellow bean eyes of the rat king had a twinkle, and he had no choice but to move on.

But once again passing a row of neat thatched cottages, the blood wolf suddenly stopped, "you have to tell us what it is, before we decide whether to move forward."

The blood wolf doesn't trust Nu Wa either, but the immortal Hunter doesn't want to place his hope on others.

Knowing in advance is helpful for them to deal with emergencies.

Nu Wa some regret, she should be outside the rules said, now there is no chance.

"It's treacherous," Nuwa replied.

Hearing this answer, the blood wolf just frowned. He had guessed that now he was just forcing Nu Wa to speak out, which was not very unexpected.

But the blood crow and blood lion's faces turned white, and a trace of fear released from their eyes.

On the contrary, Donghuang, yinglao, Shengtian rat king and Luo Zheng had no reaction.

Even in Shangqing heaven, there are not many creatures who know the existence of "treachery". Of course, they are unheard of in Taiqing heaven.

But when they saw the faces of the two brothers, they immediately understood that it was not something to deal with.

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