Fuxi had been closely watching Luo Zheng, and saw that Luo Zheng's pain was gradually calming down. Fuxi was very curious.

"Luo Zheng, have you blocked your hearing?" Fuxi knew the channel by his spirit.

Luo Zheng is still carefully distinguish the low recitation, heard Fuxi's problem, he shook his head, "No."

"Then you don't seem to be suffering any more..." Fuxi was even more surprised.

"There's no more wailing. It seems that the treacherous people you mentioned are reciting something now," Luo Zheng replied.

"Reciting something!" Fuxi's eyebrows raised abruptly.

We should know that Fuxi and Nuwa had made careful preparations before they passed the wailing road.

After all, on the way to shangqingtian, if you don't pay attention, you will die.

They also shut off their hearing when hiding in the grass shed, but in order to know the trend of the outside world, Fuxi took out a mouse from his spirit beast bag every once in a while.

These howling sounds are very strong on the road of howling. These mice were also captured in taiqingtian. They are close relatives with the rat. Although they are not a "alien race", they are not too weak.

But the mouse persisted for less than three breaths, and his eyes were red with blood. Then he burst his head and died in a crazy struggle.

The road of mourning has six hours in the day and ten hours in the evening.

Every hour, Fuxi would send out a mouse to test.

As a result, the wailing continued until the tenth hour, until dawn.

After daybreak, the mice released by Fuxi were intact, and then Fuxi and Nuwa dared to restore their hearing.

From the reaction of the mice, the whine of the devils would last all night.

Luo Zheng now says that the wailing has stopped. It's impossible.

But Luo Zheng's reaction explained everything, he did not show any pain at all.

What happened to the devils of the wailing road?

Fuxi moved a little in his heart and put his hand to his ears. With the green light in his palm, his hearing returned to normal.

He also trusted Luo Zheng's reaction too much, but forgot that Luo Zheng had a unique blood and was totally different from ordinary people.

At the moment when Fuxi's hearing recovered, the piercing and intolerable wailing directly poured into his mind.

Fuxi's eyes turned white and twitched constantly.

"No more

One side of Nu Wa's face suddenly changed, she quickly stretched out her hands in Fu Xi's ears a fierce press, once again destroyed Fu Xi's hearing, Fu Xi stopped twitching - people have completely fainted.

"What have you done?" Nu Wa does not understand of ask a way.

Just now, Luo Zheng and Fuxi communicated with each other by divine consciousness. Naturally, Nu Wa did not know the dialogue between them, nor did she know why Fuxi could not recover his hearing.

When Luo Zheng saw Fu Xi's reaction, he was also puzzled. He said, "these treacherous things are no longer wailing. Why can't Fu Xi's elder bear it..."

"No longer wailing," Nu Wa frowned and stared at Luo Zheng, "the voice you hear may be different from us?"

At this time, Fuxi also awoke, a sense of resentment released along the divine consciousness, he glared at Luo Zheng, "smelly boy, do you want to kill me?"

Now the intensity of the whining sound of the treacherous people is very high. If it wasn't for Nu Wa's quick eyes and quick hands, Fu Xi's soul would be seriously damaged, and the time spent in the whining sound would be enough to kill Fu Xi!

"It's my carelessness, master Fuxi," Luo Zheng said apologetically, "but I heard that it was really recitation, and it was very regular recitation..."

Luo Zheng spread his words to the people in the hut in the form of divine consciousness.

"Regular recitation..."

"Do these treacheries have language?"

"Is your ear burned by the whine?"

Nu Wa, Fu Xi and the three immortal hunters all looked at Luo Zheng with strange eyes.

Treachery is a kind of thing of unknown origin, which occasionally appears in Shangqing heaven.

They seem to be a collection of complaints from some kind of creatures. As for the purpose of their existence and why they come from, no one knows. The more we don't know the origin of the treacherous, the more we fear them.

"I can't hear it wrong," Luo Zheng said, shaking his head. "These regular chanting sounds seem to be..."

Speaking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light, "as if reciting Sanskrit!"

The chanted voice is full of rhythm. Although the voice has no ups and downs, like chanting scriptures, it is very similar to Sanskrit.

Previously, the voice of the bald giant "Bofan" was like singing, but also full of rhythm

It turns out that these treacherous things are not wailing, but communicating in Sanskrit, which I can't understand!


Everyone looked at each other.

"Ha ha," the blood wolf waved his hand, "let's not say whether the treacherous people know Sanskrit, whether the ghosts and wolves really communicate in Sanskrit, even if they do, you can't understand it."Don't understand the language is unable to confirm, blood wolf think Luo Zheng said a nonsense.

"Not necessarily," Nu Wa said with a smile. "He just can understand."

The blood wolf, the blood lion and the blood crow all stare at each other, showing a "you are teasing me".

Immortal hunters roam in the Sanqing sky all the year round and know Sanskrit well.

The engraved Sanskrit has the possibility of interpretation, but the recited Sanskrit is totally impossible.

That kind of language contains too much meaning, too complex

The creatures in chaos have inherent limitations. To let the creatures in chaos interpret Sanskrit is to let the dumb speak and the blind draw, which is beyond their cognition.

Donghuang and yinglao also looked at Luo Zheng with strange eyes. They didn't know many things happened on the other side. Naturally, they didn't know when Luo Zheng had such ability.

"I'm not sure I can understand it, but I can try," Luo said.

Perhaps what the treacherous people say is not Sanskrit, and naturally, Tianzhi civilization has no ability to crack it.

Soon Luo Zheng communicated with Tianzhi civilization.

He did not dare to let Tianzhi civilization directly listen to the wailing of the outside world, but introduced the voice he heard into the inner world.

When the instrument of civilization is ready, it begins to decipher the chanting sound.

At the same time, the core of Tianzhi on the second floor of yushengtian also began to run crazy

It took quite a long time to decipher this time. After waiting for a long time, a voice came out from the instrument of civilization of Tianzhi civilization, "these voices are really Sanskrit."

"What are they talking about?" Luo Zheng asked in a hurry.

"Most of the voices are meaningless. They may be scriptures in some kind of ceremony, reciting repeatedly," the civilized instrument of Tianzhi civilization replied.

"Some kind of Scripture..." Luo Zheng was disappointed.

Just then, the instrument of civilization added, "besides the meaningless scriptures, there is a sentence in it."

"What's that?" Luo Zheng's spirit was shocked.

"They have been shouting 'you come back quickly', which seems to lack a similar person, so they are constantly calling for their own kind to return," the instrument of civilization said.

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