After the eagle was cut off five heads, he was also scared out of his wits.

It did not dare to attack Luo Zheng any more. It raised its wings and flew high.


The female eagle also hovers beside it and flies away with it.

This pair of six Eagles were cut off nine heads by Luo Zheng today, which was a big loss.

But in the face of such a powerful existence, it's also luck to be able to pick up a life. No matter how aggressive these six eagles are, they have only one idea to escape.

As for the falling eggs, they have no time to care.


After seeing two six headed eagles fly out of a certain distance, a dragon shaped lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck two six headed eagles.

In the glare of thunder, the six Eagles turned into two groups of ashes and drifted away with the wind

Tashan wing Wang and his party saw the thick lightning, their faces also changed.

"Who released the thunder and lightning with such power?" Donghuang said in a voice.

There are irregular crystals in the thunder. The energy released after splitting is amazing.

After seeing the thunder, the blood wolf's throat was dry. In addition to worry and fear, there was a trace of deep hatred in his eyes. "As I guess, it's Leisha, one of the three pillars of Yuanling civilization!"

Lei shazai is a tough opponent. He once cleaned up six immortal hunters. At the beginning, Lei shazai led people to encircle and suppress immortal hunters.

"With the existence of a fire, the strength should be a little weaker than a fire," said Nu Wa.

"Is that really the case?" The Eastern Emperor's face changed slightly.

The other people on the wing King's back were gloomy.

Although they had defeated ahuo of Yuanling civilization, it was in the mother world after all.

Lishan people and chaos ancient god can give full play to their own strength, but ah Huo comes down through Ji Xuanyuan's body, and his real strength will eventually be limited.

Now we are on the other side, and our strength is also greatly affected. As a living creature on the other side, Lei Sha can give full play to his strength. The gap will be big.

The most important thing is that Luo Zheng himself is still under the control of treachery. They still can't find a way to deal with it. Now there is another Lei Sha. What can they do?

"Boom boom..."

A series of thunder came down, getting closer and closer to this side, as if an invisible thunder giant was rapidly approaching.


After the last big thunder appeared, it directly blasted on the collapsed and horizontal Tashan, where there was a transparent sphere, and it was Leisha floating in the sphere.

"Oh," said Leisha in the transparent sphere with a chuckle, "if you want to rescue the trapped humans, this is the wrong way!"

When Luo Zheng and his party were rescued by Yiwang in Taiqing heaven, the yuan spirit civilization could still be traced through the shadow mark.

After entering the road of wailing, the yuan spirit civilization lost their trace.

But a few days later, after Yiwang and Donghuang, Fuxi and others left the road of wailing, Youying imprint again sent a message. Although there was no Youying person to follow, the general location could still be traced.

Leisha, ahuo and Jieyan decided to let Leisha do it in person after some discussion.

Jieyan originally wanted to come with Leisha, but Leisha refused.

On the other side, Leisha has overwhelming power. Bringing shangjieyan means bringing countless Yuanling people. He thinks it's an insult to himself.

Ah Huo held the attitude of going to the theatre and didn't express her opinion. She didn't like Lei Sha all the time. What's more, she failed once when she came, and now she would like Lei Sha to go alone and go back.

Leisha traces the shadow on Nu Wa and the East emperor, but when he arrives at his destination, he focuses on Luo Zheng. Other people are the last part of Leisha.

Leisha didn't know the current state of Luozheng. He thought Luozheng was going to open the tunnel of Diyao, but it was obviously wrong to put down the Tashan now.

Treacherous control Luo Zheng's body, coldly glanced at Lei Sha, immediately started running towards the West.

It's going to bring down the next Tower!


The corner of Leisha's mouth tilts slightly, and the surface of the sphere catches up when the thunder shines.

"We'll follow!"

The king flapped his wings and followed Leisha with all the people on his back.

The only people left in place are those in black

Three black robed men are holding an egg. Next, they are going to take the egg back.

These eggs are translucent in the sunlight. You can see the dark green liquid in the eggshell and the rudiment of six eagles. The corrosive power of the liquid in the eggs is stronger than that of the adult six eagles. Naturally, they should be very careful. If they are accidentally broken, they will end up with no bones.

"Dad, we're going back," the chief's son urged.

Although a lot of clansmen were damaged, they were very lucky to get these eggs in the end.

Stay here for a long time and dream a lot. Now it's the right way to return quickly."That human, very special," said the chief.

"That's not the fight we can take part in," the leader's son said plainly. "Dad, don't forget, this is the light field."

Their strength is not weak.

There is no weak one who can stand in shangqingtian.

However, their ability can not be exerted in the light field, just like the sharks on the shore, no matter how powerful their fangs are, there is nothing they can do in the face of the existence of six eagles.

"I still want to find out," the leader suddenly said firmly, "after all, he is the benefactor who saved our family!"

"I will follow the leader!"

"I will, too!"

"Chief, please take me with you!"

Other black robed people came forward one after another.

The leader nodded, counted out more than 20 black robed people from the team, and then walked quickly in the direction of Luo Zheng's departure. The other black robed people returned home under the leadership of the leader's son.


A thunderbolt, which was as thick as Tashan, cut a huge hole in the ground.

Treacherous control of Luo Zheng is still running on the ground, it has no intention to fight with Leisha, just want to put down Tashan according to their set goal, but Leisha has been pestering behind.

However, Luo Zheng's seemingly ordinary running actually contains some strange body method.

When Lei Sha uses his magic power, Luo Zheng is not in the thunder, but the next moment he comes out intact, as if he and thunder are in two different spaces.

Leisha is also very strange

I didn't see this magic power from Luo Zheng before!

"Boom boom!"

He blew out four thunders in a row, all of them.

It is clear that Luo Zheng's figure has gone into the thunder, but Leisha can't feel the existence of Luo Zheng.

"Strange means, but that's all!"

Lei Sha's transparent sphere suddenly flashed and appeared on Luo Zheng's head.


The surface of the transparent sphere began to flash five colors of lightning, red, green, purple, black and blue. These lightning were like tiny snakes, shrouded in Luo Zheng Dang's head.

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