The road not returning to the wasteland is not a straight line, but a zigzag road that spreads to the end of sight.

Treacherous control of the body after Luo Zheng step and go, speed is not fast.

They kept ten feet away from Luo Zheng and followed him.

All the way from dawn to dusk, and from dusk to dawn, Luo Zheng is still steady and never stops.

"How far has it gone?" Nu Wa asked.

Fuxi has been counting his steps since he entered the wasteland. When Nuwa asked, he replied, "about 400 Li."

It's like a snail's pace for people to walk for hundreds of miles in dozens of hours.

"Then we are more than 400 li away from Shangqing heaven," sighed the blood wolf.

as like as two peas, there is no scenery left and right.

Although they know that they can always follow the same path back, there is still a bit of confusion in their hearts.

"Leave shangqingtian?" Hearing this, the leader of the black robed man nodded in agreement, "it's really OK."

Although shangqingtian is not small, its scope is limited.

The wasteland surrounding shangqingtian is obviously not within the scope of shangqingtian.

"If you go on like this, I don't know where you'll go, Zhi," said the rat king.

"It's impossible to go on like this all the time," the emperor shrugged his shoulders with an optimistic smile.

At this time, Nu Wa suddenly pointed to the front and said, "look at the side."

Everyone's eyesight was concentrated in the front, but Nu Wa accidentally saw a black line on the side.

"What is that?" The blood wolf's eyes showed surprise.

I've been walking in this wasteland for a long time. It's very strange to see anything.

"I can't see clearly."

"Too far away..."

"There's no way to tell."

Everyone looked far away, but the distance of the black line was too far to distinguish. From such a distance, it was like a thin black snake lying on the ground.

"It's the river," the king said suddenly.

"Can you see clearly? Squeak Asked the rat king.

"Good eyesight," the blood wolf nodded.

They all thought that the king's eyesight was far better than that of others. Unexpectedly, the king shook his head and said, "Luo Zheng told me."

Luo Zheng still keeps in touch with Yiwang through the instrument of civilization in the inner world, and Luo Zheng can see things through his own eyes, but his eyesight is far beyond those behind him.

"A river in the wilderness? Why is there a river? " Nu Wa was suspicious.

"Luo Zheng said it was Shenhe," the king continued.

When people heard this, their faces changed slightly.

Blood wolf is lost in thought.

The birthplace of Shenhe river is yuqingtiannei, which flows through shangqingtian and taiqingtian.

Along the Shenhe river all the way to the upper reaches, in theory, we will be able to return to yuqingtian.

But theory is theory, and no one has ever succeeded.

"The Shenhe River in taiqingtian flows upstream and reaches the central plain of taiqingtian, which should be connected with the wasteland," the blood wolf suddenly concluded.

"That is to say, the boundless center of taiqingtian is actually connected with the extension of shangqingtian," Nu Wa also thought of this.

Fuxi said with a smile, "it's really interesting to design sanqingtian."

As they walked and discussed, they found that the line of Shenhe River converged from a distant place. As the distance got closer, they could see it more clearly.

"Hua, Hua..."

There was a sound of waves in the Shenhe River, and then a piece of golden things swept across the river.

"It's golden bite," said the rat king.

When these gold bites appear, they can devour everything along the river.

"If you can enter the Shenhe river here, I don't know how many good things you can get," said the Eastern Emperor.

He has been living in Shenhe for a long time, but the competition of Shenhe in the maple forest is extremely fierce. There is no one here to fight for the things of Shenhe, but it is really first come first served.

"I think you'd better give up this idea. You and I are mostly dead when we get out of this road," said Ying with a strange smile.

The East emperor shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe this road will meet the Shenhe river."

He got a lot of benefits in shenhanoi, and also gave many holy spirit places and a lot of help to taiyitiangong. He really wanted to go into shenhanoi to get some rare other shore keepsake.

And Shenhe, as the Eastern Emperor said, is getting closer and closer to the road under their feet.

One river and one road are only three Zhang away from each other. When the emperor was looking forward to it, the ground in front of him suddenly raised.

Two brass brackets arched out of the ground, forcing out the entrance to a cave.

brass bracket as like as two peas in Copper Mt., apparently the open channel is the cave."Is it difficult to become the machine brackets at the bottom of the hundreds of millions of pagodas, stretching all the way here?" The rat king asked questions.

"Certainly not," said the blood wolf, shaking his head. "If so, isn't it easy to find these channels of the heaven along the underground machine?"

"Yes..." The rat King nodded.

Luo Zheng went to the cave and stopped for a moment. He suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth.

"Here comes the fellow again!"

Fu Xi's mouth had destroyed his hearing.

People are deeply afraid of the strange wailing sound. Before the strange wailing, they have broken their hearing, and their movements are uniform.

After wailing at the cave entrance for a while, Luo Zheng quickly went into the cave.

The crowd did not stop and followed.

What I didn't expect was that the cave was very shallow, but it was only ten feet away from the end.

And above the end of the cave, there are lots of fishhooks.

These hooks are shining light blue and stand out in the dark.

Treacherous is obviously skilful, jumped up, actually with a mouth bite one of the hooks.

Luo Zheng was hanging in the air, pulling the hook and twisting, like a fish biting the hook.

When Luo Zheng, Yuanshi Tianzun and the people in the cave were puzzled, a huge force came from above and "whoosh" dragged Luo Zheng into the darkness above the cave.

It's like a fisherman has caught a fish

"Luo Zheng has been fished away!" Said the rat king.

"The cave is only ten feet deep. According to the calculation of the slope, it should be only ten feet high. Why is the space above so large?" Fuxi said.

"The rules of space in Sanqing days are extremely chaotic, so let's follow them," Nu Wa went up to look at the hooks.

How can I get up? Is it the same as Luo Zheng? " Asked the rat king.

"Only so."

Nuwa also jumped up, biting the hook that fell down from nowhere.

After hanging for a while, it didn't mean to end.

Nu Wa could only wriggle her slender body like Luo Zheng. When she was frowning and depressed, she suddenly felt a huge force coming from her mouth, and she was dragged up in an instant.

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