Previously, although the wing king accepted these black robed people.

But Fuxi and Nuwa still had doubts about what the leader of the black robed people said.

You know, these black robed people can't even make six eagles. How can they deal with the more powerful and treacherous?

However, the so-called obsession of the leader of the black robed man was verified, and people's expectations suddenly increased.

While quirky wails in front of the statue, Luo Zheng has delivered the recitation he heard to his body.

In a short time, Tianzhi civilization passed on the result of the decipherment.

"I remember..."

"My name is legendary!"

"I Revenge

Luo Zheng and Yuanshi Tianzun heard these words with a slight jump in their hearts.

These treacherous words reveal two messages.

Its name is tianzhuan, and it has enemies.

As the "soul" of the instant civilization, treachery's enemies can't be the Yuanling civilization or the emptiness group, but they must be the creatures of the metaphysical world.

"Who will be its enemy?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice.

"Who do you think is qualified to be the enemy of the human spirit?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

"According to the strength of the four spirits sect, there should be no confrontation with the four spirits in the Xuanliang world. The enemies of the human spirits may be the other three spirits," Luo Zheng said.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, "there must be disputes in the four spirits gate, otherwise things would not have happened to this step."

The "writer" in the immortal scroll refuses to reveal more, and many news can only be pieced together like fragments.

Luo Zheng can only piece together a general picture of what treacherous said now.


After whining, he stepped forward and ran all the way.

Next to this huge pool is a passage paved with bluestone. At the end of the passage stands a fan.

After the door was pushed open, an open world appeared in front of Luo Zheng. It was a starry sky.

Countless white light spots are densely arranged in the sky, sometimes far away, sometimes close

Gazing up, it seems that the human soul will be sucked into the starry sky.

"Xuanliang world..." Luo Zheng recognized it at a glance.

"How close is it to chaos?" Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes flashed slightly.

In many places of Sanqing sky, you can see stars all over the sky, and your eyesight can reach Outland.

But those places are very far away from the stars, and there is an insurmountable force field in the middle of a hundred Li high. So far, no one can cross this force field. In the immortal realm of Sanqing heaven, the alien people can't explore the mysterious world, and the only way to reach heaven is controlled by the yuan spirit civilization.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, look at the distance," Luo Zheng's voice became excited again.

When they looked into the distance, they saw huge round trays floating in the air. These trays seemed to be water lilies floating on the water. A pillar in the middle of the tray, like the rhizome of water lilies, extended downward into the void space.

These round trays are big and small, while Luo Zheng and his party are in a smaller tray.

After looking at it for a while, the emperor said with certainty, "this is probably the top of sanqingtian, yuqingtian."

"Well, I think so," Luo Zheng nodded.

As a matter of fact, Yuanshi Tianzun and Luo Zheng had already speculated about this when he was pulled up with a fishhook in his hand, but they were not sure. After all, it might be a special space.

But so many round trays and so close to the metaphysical world are powerful examples.

"In this way, the road of Diyao should also lead to yuqingtian. I don't know which tray the road of Diyao leads to," Yuanshi Tianzun said suddenly.

At first, Tianzun thought that only one road could be opened in the hundred million pagoda mountain, that is, the Diyao, which trapped thirty-six heroes of the human race.

After the immortal hunters passed some news of the hundred million Tashan through the wing king, Yuanshi Tianzun realized that there was more than one way for the hundred million Tashan to open, except for the Diyao Road, there were three ways for the yuan spirit civilization and the Wukong clan.

As for where these roads opened by billions of Tashan eventually lead, it is not known.

Now I understand

Every road opened by billions of Tashan goes to yuqingtian.

It's just that yuqingtian is divided into large and small round trays. Different roads naturally lead to different trays.

The people behind Luo Zheng also looked at everything in the world. Their eyes were round and their faces were shocked.

"It must be yuqingtian here!"

"It's a branch of yuqingtian."

"Hundred million Tashan is really the key to yuqingtian..."

In a low voice, the crowd continued to move forward.

Although the round tray they are in is not big, it is more than ten li long and wide.After a long distance, mysterious patterns appeared on the ground. These patterns were not Sanskrit, and Luo Zheng did not let Tianzhi civilization decipher them.

After a while, treacherous stopped beside one of the patterns and controlled Luo Zheng's body to stamp his feet.

Then there was a shaking sound from the ground.

"Hua, Hua, Hua..."

From the bottom of those patterns drilled a three foot square stone column.

These stone pillars are arranged neatly, and the number is just 200. The inside of the stone is hollow, and the silver armor is stored in the hollow.

Armor and blades are of different shapes and sizes, but the styles are the same.

"They are the objects of the treacherous people in their lifetime," the Yuanshi Tianzun said.

If "human spirit" is an instant civilization, then these things are the weapons of the instant civilization. The grade of these weapons can't be defined in chaos.

Treacherous went to one of the pillars and put his hand inside.


The armour inside the stone pillar made a sharp sound, which vibrated rapidly with a slight amplitude.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

All the armor flew out of it, as if he knew the master. He kept pressing on Luo Zheng's shoulders, head, neck, chest and legs.

In the blink of an eye, these armor had been worn on Luo Zheng, and he had a silver long gun in his hand.

See treacherous will silver long gun lightly one stroke.


Silver light was released from the armor and spear.

At the same time with the light release is a terrible energy breath.

All the people in the rear felt the breath of energy for a moment, and they all stepped back madly.

They were hundreds of feet away from Luo Zheng before they stopped

"Is the power of armor alone so terrible?" Nu Wa was surprised.

"This is the thing of instant civilization, squeak!"

The eyes of the rat King dribbled, and his whole mind was on the armor in those stone pillars.

How can you come here empty handed after all the hardships?

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