There are four people around Luo Zheng. One of them is the strong man with a big sword.

I didn't expect that this strong man like the iron tower was not only strong in body, but also strong in soul. There were many excellent disciples in Qingyun sect.

Further on, there is the "Di" hall.

In this hall, you can see the purple light everywhere.

Except Luo Zheng, the faces of the five people who entered the hall were not very good-looking.

One man's face turned pale. It was a scholar's son, who was obviously unable to resist the punishment of heaven. The scholar took a dark gray pill out of his pocket and swallowed it. When the man opened his eyes again, there was a light golden light in his eyes. Luo Zheng immediately understood that the pill should strengthen his soul and help him Help him to resist the authority of Xingtian.

The gentry's children are rich. Luo Zheng silently praises them. If they are grassroots born disciples, how can they have such help?

All of the five people stayed in the hall. Now they can choose the local level skill!

In the eastern regions, the skills are divided into four levels: Heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang.

Among them, the huangjie skill is the most numerous and the cheapest. Some martial arts schools can learn it.

The xuanjie skill is a little rare. It is generally inherited by small families. For example, the red sandalwood boxing practiced by Luo Zheng is a kind of xuanjie skill. After all, the Luo family is not a big family. A Book of "red sandalwood boxing" is very rare. It is not easy to teach to others, so even the ordinary collateral children are not qualified to practice.

As for the earth level skill, it is even more valuable.

For example, the collateral children of these scholars often practice the local level skills.

There is only one floor cabinet in the hall of the ground level skills. I have to say that Qingyun sect has a deep foundation. There are hundreds of ground level skills alone. I believe it's not difficult to find one suitable for self-cultivation.

Luo Zheng stood in front of the cupboard and scanned, but he thought in his heart, what kind of skill should he practice?

"Red sandalwood boxing" is certainly good, but after entering the Qingyun sect, it is not enough to see. It can't give full play to Luo Zheng's power. When it comes to some people who use high-level skills, it suffers a lot.

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng decided to move on!

Although the purple awn in this hall is powerful, it is much worse than the dragon's meaning. There is no comparability between the two.

Moreover, Luo Zheng's soul has been burned by the black flame in his body. The strength of his soul is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Therefore, it is necessary for him to choose a more powerful skill for himself.

When Luo Zheng continued to walk forward, the four people cast surprised eyes.

"You don't want to die. The meaning of punishing heaven in the hall of that day's Gongfa is so strong that you can't bear it," the strong man reminded.

In the face of a kind reminder, Luo Zheng nodded and said, "I know, but I don't want to try."

"Hehe, if he wants to die, let him go. There are so many people who don't know the greatness of heaven and earth. It's said that the meaning of punishing heaven in Tianjie Gongfa hall is like substance, which can kill people in the invisible. Before the spirit is trained, it's a word of death," the scholar said sarcastically.

Hearing the sarcasm of the scholar's son, Luo Zheng gave a faint smile. He didn't bother to argue, so he walked into the next hall.

Tianjie hall.

The size of this hall is much smaller than those before.

Every skill in this stage is extremely rare. Even within the noble family, it belongs to the secret of not passing on.

There is only one bookcase in the Tianjie hall. Compared with the bookcases in front of us, this bookcase is very small and dilapidated. The bookcase is made of wood, and there are many holes on it.

After Luo Zheng stepped into the hall, he felt that the meaning of punishing heaven had changed completely.

Those purple light has disappeared, replaced by a purple shadow, the shadow of the outline outlines the image of a beast.

It is about to feel that someone has stepped into the hall of Tianjie Gongfa, and the shadow is slowly floating in the hall. One by one, they collide with Luo Zheng.

Those purple shadows are virtual objects, and naturally will not cause any damage to Luo Zheng's body. However, when those shadows rush into Luo Zheng's body, he finds that they directly attack his soul.

A touch of tingling came from the bottom of Luo Zheng's mind.

This kind of pain can be fatal to others. But the soul strength of Luo Zheng is far stronger than that of ordinary people.

Even so, he felt like he was suffering.

Every time those virtual shadows came, they were like an awl, penetrating into his mind and sending intense pain.

This kind of pain has nothing to do with the body, but comes from the spiritual level of pain, which can't be avoided. Luo Zheng can only accept everything according to the list.Every time those purple shadows attacked Luo Zheng, his soul could not help shaking.

The last one was ok, but two, three, four

More times, Luo Zheng can't stand it.

Things on the soul level are often mysterious and mysterious. Luo Zheng has never heard of the attack means on the soul level, so naturally there is no way to fight back.

Luo Zheng is pressing his teeth and his eyes are congested. At the moment, Luo Zheng's heart has the idea of giving up.

Never give up like this!

Luo Zheng has suffered an inhuman mental torture.

At the beginning, he was constantly torn, broken and repaired by the pressure of the green dragon. The pain he suffered was thousands of times, thousands of times more than now.

"What a pain! It's a kind of training for my soul

Luo Zheng shook his head and stepped into the hall of Tianjie Gongfa step by step.

Just as Luo Zheng endured the attack of those virtual shadows and walked towards the small wooden cabinet, he saw that there was a passage behind the Tianjie Gongfa hall.

"There's another way? Isn't Tianjie Gongfa hall the best? " A little doubt flashed in Luo Zheng's heart.

From childhood to adulthood, Luo Zheng only heard that the skills are divided into four levels: Heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang. That day's level is at the top, but he never heard of a stronger skill than that of heaven's level.

His heart is moving. Do you want to go in and have a try?

Looking at the cupboard, Luo Zheng hesitated. The temptation of Tianjie skill was enough for him. If we put it in the past, let alone a Book of Tianjie skill, it would make Luo Zheng laugh.

After hesitating for a while, Luo Zheng could not stop his curiosity.

No one else has a chance to enter the Tianjie hall. Why don't you give it a try?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng gave up the opportunity to select Tianjie Gongfa and continued to move forward.

The corridor is not wide and poorly decorated. The floor and walls of the corridor are rotten. When Luo Zheng crossed the corridor, he felt relieved.

As for the coercion of Xingtian, has it disappeared?

With a full stomach of doubts, Luo Zheng continued to move forward, and finally found that he had entered a stone chamber.

This stone chamber is round, the space is not big, and in the middle of this stone chamber there is a pure black stele.

Luo Zheng immediately realized that this is a cemetery!

In the moment that Luo Zheng wanted to understand, in the tombstone, a monster condensed by purple light burst out.

This monster is very similar to those purple shadows in the hall of heaven steps. By contrast, this monster is much more real. It is purple and lifelike, with a pair of eyes that even exude hatred.

"I see. This cemetery should be the graveyard of the beast. Then the monster should be the soul of the dead beast. The beast is so tenacious. After so many years of death, its will can still exist in this space, emitting such a strong meaning of punishing heaven! But I don't know who killed the beast here? "

Luo Zheng secretly exclaimed in his heart, and at the same time, his face also showed the color of vigilance. The spirit breath of the beast is much stronger than those virtual shadows, and it also gives Luo Zheng a strong sense of oppression. Just when he was stared at by the soul body, he felt as if someone had hit his head with a hammer!

Extreme danger!

If you are really attacked by the source of the soul, your soul will be torn by it and become an idiot without soul.

Aware of the danger ahead, Luo Zheng retreats cautiously for fear of disturbing the soul of the beast and arousing its ferocity.

But when Tan looked back, a bitter smile suddenly appeared on his face. In the passage behind him, those purple virtual shadows were stacked together, blocking the passage tightly.

This Qingyun sect is too insidious, but it's just to choose a skill. Is it necessary to make such a dangerous trap for people to step on? Luo Zheng couldn't help but said in his heart.

Luo Zheng did not know that very few people in Qingyun sect could enter the Tianjie Gongfa hall.

The strength of soul is not related to strength. Even those who are strong in a secret place can't step into the hall of Tianjie Gongfa, let alone enter the tomb behind the hall if they don't have enough strength of soul.

As soon as Luo Zheng stepped back two steps, the shadows in the passage behind him were like a frightened bat, spreading towards Luo Zheng. At the same time, the soul of the beast howled and rushed towards Luo Zheng.

Oh, no!

Luo Zheng doesn't care so much at the moment. The two powers hurt each other. He rushes towards the empty shadows in the passage. Although the empty shadows impact Luo Zheng's soul, it makes him very painful, but it's better than being torn to pieces by the soul behind and becoming an idiot.

But although the speed of Luo Zheng's sprint was very fast, the speed of the soul itself was faster. Almost in the blink of an eye, he came to the back of Luo Zheng."Ouch!"

The source of the soul uttered a strange cry, only a few inches away from Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng could see his panic in his dark eyes when he looked back.

At this critical moment, the huge melting pot in his mind suddenly and slowly rotated, and a deep dragon chant came to his mind.

"This is the roar of the green dragon sculpture!"

As soon as the dragon's roar with supreme authority appeared, those purple shadows who constantly attacked Luo Zheng immediately scattered, as if they had met a natural enemy, for fear that they would not be able to avoid it.

And the source of the soul is like a tail burned by fire, jumping away from Luo Zheng's side and staring at Luo Zheng warily. His dark eyes are full of fear. It seems that he wants to rush up again, but he is very afraid of his dragon roar. His claws are constantly rubbing on the ground, and his mouth gives out a low roar.

seeing this scene, Luo Zheng's face shows a smile. Unexpectedly, the roar of the green dragon is their natural killer!

Every time Luo Zheng goes forward, the source of his soul goes back.

Finally, under the pressure of Luo Zheng, the source of soul jumped into the tombstone, opened his mouth and yelled at Luo Zheng twice, and finally got into the black tombstone.

Luo Zheng can also hear that the roar is full of deep unwillingness.

It was really dangerous just now. If it wasn't for the sudden sound of the green dragon sculpture in my mind, I'm afraid my soul would have been wiped out at the moment.

Now that the danger was over, he began to explore the stone room with a faint smile on his face.

From the moment he came in, he noticed that there was also a cabinet in the round stone chamber.

Luo Zheng went forward and saw that there were two exercises on the cupboard.

There are only two skills? What are these two exercises?

As soon as he reached out his hand, he took down the only one of them. It also looked very shabby, like those ordinary old books on the old book stand, and it was covered with a thick layer of ash.

In order to see the cover of the book clearly, Luo Zheng patted it gently and dusted it off. Then he saw three big words on the cover of the book.

"Heaven devil boxing!"

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