Luo Zheng's eyes were also surprised when he heard what tianzhuan said.

It seems that I don't know much about the silingmen

"Master Tianchuan, what are you going to do now?" Luo Zheng asked tentatively.

Tianchuan looked up at the dense starry sky and said, "now that I'm awake, I'll go back to find out why. Who poisoned us at the beginning? Why stop us from awakening again and again

The builder has a high position in the four spirit gate.

After all, silingmen relied on their hard work to expand their territory.

Poisoning the builder is a great sin in the four spirits sect. Most people don't have the courage.

After the legend of heaven, I saw Luo Zheng's face.

He thought that Luo Zheng should have a sudden realization now, but he didn't expect that Luo Zheng was sad.

"What's the matter? What did I say wrong? " Tianchuan asked.

"After Tianchuan was poisoned, didn't he come into contact with other people in the" Lord world " Luo Zheng asked.

"Of course not, not only me, but also my companions," Tianchuan shook his head. Every time he came here with obsession, he would be killed by those big headed monsters. He could not even wake up completely.

"I didn't know about the situation of silingmen that day..." Luo Zheng face has different color to say.

Tianchuan saw Luo Zheng's face and was puzzled, "what's the situation?"

"If we want to enter sanqingtian, we need to enter the immortal picture and become immortal," Luo said.

Tianchuan took it for granted, "I built the passage, of course I know."

"I'm in the middle of the immortal picture," Luo continued.

Tianchuan's eyebrows were slightly picked. "The talent is good. You can inherit the origin level blood. No wonder your physical strength is not weak."

These creatures in the sub world who can obtain the origin level blood are already excellent beings.

Of course, Tianchuan, as the founder of the four spirits sect, doesn't feel that it's just a primitive blood line. After all, the gifted people of the four spirits sect all focus on the origin of divine blood.

"No, I'm in the eternal court," Luo Zheng denied.

Hearing this, the pupils of Tianchuan shrunk slightly.

It is rare that the creatures in the second world can successfully enter the eternal court.

Once recognized as the origin of divine blood, he is qualified to be a member of the four spirits sect. Moreover, because of his excellent talent, he grows up very fast in the four spirits sect, and his future is doomed to be unlimited.

Ordinary people in the spirit of the door of the "ten square house" will arrive at the first time to put it in the bag, how this boy is still in Sanqing days?

Is it a failure?

It's unlikely that

The four spirits gate is very strict in the examination of the second world. Only the most promising talents are allowed to enter the eternal God court.

In other words, although it is difficult for people inside the four spirits gate to enter the eternal court, they are relatively relaxed, so many people are eliminated by the blood of the original God.

However, it is rare for sub world creatures to be allowed to enter the eternal court. It is very possible for these people to pass the examination of the origin of divine blood.

"You were invited?" Tianchuan asked suddenly.

"Invitation?" Luo Zheng shook his head, "I got in by myself..."

Tianchuan was startled, "how can you get in by yourself? Are you kidding? "

The eternal court is the center of the four spirits gate

How can Luo Zheng get in

"There is no one else there," Luo said. "The eternal shrine has been abandoned. The bronze statues inside tell me that."

Tianchuan stood in the same place and looked at Luo Zheng with astonished eyes. He didn't speak for a long time.

"You're lying," Tianchuan said in a very positive tone, "the four spirits gate can't give up the eternal court!"

Luo Zheng nodded, "I believe that the four spirit gate is not willing to give up, but maybe the four spirit gate has changed, massacred and other disasters?"

"Ha ha ha..." Tianchuan burst out laughing, as if to hear the funniest joke in the world.

Silingmen is the only overlord in the main world, with no rival.

Although there are still some creatures and races in the main world, even the strongest of them are like ants in front of the four spirits.

"Who can kill my four spirit gate?" Tianchuan glanced at Luo Zheng, rather aggressive.

However, Luo Zheng said with an air of self-confidence, "the four spirits gate is indeed the most powerful existence, but the human spirit, the snake spirit, the bird spirit and the monkey spirit are not monolithic, are they? Will there be no civil strife or cannibalism? "

"As you said, the four spirits gate is so powerful, who dares to attack you who are the builders of the world?"

"I've met the writer, and he told me that the four spirits gate is really split..."


Luo Zheng said a series of crosstalk to Tianzhi civilization in the inner world. After Tianzhi civilization was broken, it was passed on to the chorus, and they all tried their best to sing.Luo Zheng's words convinced Tianchuan.

After all, what he said is reasonable

Who dares to fight against the builders of the world? Who can poison them?

Except for the people in the four spirits gate, it's impossible for the outside world. It's not that they don't want to, but that they can't poison 200 world builders without being aware of them.

Because Luo Zheng's voice is directly transmitted to the inner world, people naturally can't understand Nu Wa, Fu Xi, Dong Huang, immortal hunter and heipao. After all, some information is not suitable to be disclosed.

They only heard bursts of singing in Luo Zheng's body, and the strange man named "tianzhuan" was just like losing his soul, so naturally he was very curious.

Tianchuan was lost for a long time, his eyes suddenly opened, "no, I'll go there myself!"

Although what Luo Zheng said is decent, it is most likely true.

But these things are of great importance, and he has to confirm them himself.


Tianxing's figure floated gently and stamped his foot on another place on the qingtiantai.

A series of lines flashed on the ground again

Houses of strange shapes floated up from the ground.

The house in the front is the lowest, only the size of a door, which just allows one person to pass through. The houses in the back increase in turn. Each house is twice as big as the one in front, and the fifth one is the last one, which is already a giant.

"Master, where are you going?" Luo Zhengning asked in a voice.

"As builders, we naturally have access to the main world. You don't have to follow us. As sub world creatures, you can't move in the main world before you transform it," Tianxing said, pushing the door open, just as he stepped into it.

"Crack - boom!"

A great force came out of the door.

Tianxing almost buckled both sides of the door in a reflex, and his body was directly blasted out ten miles after the blow, and his hands and feet were pulled out ten miles.

Fortunately, Tianxing is treacherous. If he were alive, he would not be able to bear the blow.

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