"If I remember correctly, it should be a thick snow field," murmured the emperor.

The thick layer of snow disappeared completely

Within a few miles, the ground has sunk down more than ten feet.

Where is this digging three feet? It's 30 feet!

Nuwa's mouth slightly tilted, said, "the shadow imprint can last five days, although there is no shadow of people directly observe us, but with the imprint to find here is not difficult."

After entering the road that did not return to the wasteland, Nu Wa used Wa's shadow to destroy the snow line.

Now it seems to be a very wise way, otherwise they will be blocked by Yuanling civilization.

After careful observation, they determined that the yuan spirit civilization was not lurking around, and the later group crossed the snow line and returned to the cold plain.

Then the body of Yiwang began to expand, from a person to a giant eagle, carrying a group of people over the cold plain Aoxiang.

When Hanyuan walked about a third of the way, the leader of the black robed people said goodbye to Luo Zheng.

Previously, the leader of the black robed people followed Luo Zheng all the way with a trace of gratitude. Moreover, although they lived in the dark, they also had a great relationship with human beings.

However, the leader of the black robed people knows very well that the real power of the night people can only be displayed in the dark domain, and the enemies they face in the light domain are difficult to confront, but they are often cumbersome.

When he left, the leader of the black robed man gave Luo Zheng a piece of black cloth silk. He told Luo Zheng that if the cloth silk was torn in the dark area, the night people would know his location. After the explanation, he led the remaining people to leave.

The king of wings flapped his wings and flew across the vast snow.

Occasionally, a few alien creatures appeared from the snow below. With a fierce look on their face, they might want to rush up.

But the speed of the wing king is too fast. Before they take action, the wing king has turned into a green streamer and fled far away

Tianchuan looks at the snow-white in the distance, and his eyes show a sad color. He pursues "awakening" tirelessly. Who can think that he has become an abandoned child after awakening? He suddenly asks, "can you tell me what happened in the thousands of chaotic times?"

Luo Zheng nodded and said his understanding of the history of chaos, some of the more sensitive things naturally disappeared.

After hearing this, Tianchuan asked, "in this way, the two strongest forces in chaos should be Yuanling civilization and Wukong clan?"

"Exactly," Luo Zheng nodded.

Tianchuan said with disapproval, "these two forces can only be puppets pushed to the front of the stage by intentional people."

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng nodded and said, "it should be."

Before entering Shangqing Dynasty, Luo Zheng did not realize this.

As he got to know the treacherous group and saw the general of the Shifang mansion, he suddenly realized that behind the yuan spirit civilization and the Wukong clan, it was not as simple as it seemed, but the actual situation was more complicated than he thought

"So it's amazing that you're alone and helpless. It's amazing that you've come this far," the legend says, turning to look at the immortality on the eagle's back.

Although Tianchuan's cultivation in those days was not strong, he knew the strength of these immortal realms. They wanted to fight against the yuan spirit civilization and the forces behind the Wukong clan. They were just talking in their dreams.

"So I hope that master Tianchuan can help us to complete the way of ending Yan, so that chaos will not be destroyed," Luo Zheng asked.

The reason why chaos is broken is to extract energy from the four spirits gate.

Tianchuan bowed his head and was silent for a while before he said, "if it's true that the four spirit gates are destroyed, it's really meaningless for chaos to continue to be destroyed. I can help you before investigating the truth, but I also need to save my colleagues from the road of wailing and let them wake up."

"Awakening is something we can do. I believe it will be very smooth," Luo Zheng said with a confident smile.

Through the communication with the leader of the black robed people in the Qing Dynasty, Luo Zheng and his party had a preliminary understanding of treachery.

According to different obsessions, there will be different types of treachery. For example, treachery in the wailing road belongs to the attached species, that is, to rely on a living creature to go to the qingtiantai to find everything in his life. If it is successfully completed, he will naturally wake up.

So just send some creatures into the road of wailing, let them be possessed, and then go all the way to qingtiantai to wake up naturally.

Luo Zheng told Nuwa, Fuxi and others, "master Tianchuan wants to help his colleagues wake up."

Nuwa, of course, knew that Tianchuan's colleagues were another 199 treacherous.

"Help them wake up "Zhi," the rat king was still thinking, and Nu Wa had already thought about it, "I'm afraid that one hundred and ninety-nine creatures from the other side would have to be captured and thrown into the road of wailing."

Fuxi said, "it should not be difficult. Although it is not easy to provoke the creatures on the other side of the sky in the Sanqing Dynasty, there are some relatively weak ethnic groups. As long as there is enough time, the urgent task now is not to save the original human beings?"According to the plan made by Luo Zheng and Tianzun of the Yuan Dynasty, after entering the Shangqing Dynasty, we should start to rescue the heroes of the human race who were trapped in the Diyao. It's just that they were possessed by the strange and treacherous, which makes such a big circle.

It will take a long time to rescue the treacherous in the wailing road.

As soon as Fuxi's words were finished, green jade liquid flowed from the back of King Yi. These jade liquid slowly formed a human body and suddenly became a human shaped jade statue.

"Luo Zheng, you ask, is this blue jade statue feasible," the king asked.

Luo Zheng asked in Sanskrit, "master Tianchuan, I wonder if your colleagues will be attached to this jade statue?"

Tianchuan looked at the statue and nodded with satisfaction, "it should be no problem!"

In fact, the weird people on the wailing road don't need appendages to wake up. The reason why they want appendages is to use the light of destruction to kill those big head weird people. Now that the big head weird is cleared up, they can walk out of the wailing road directly.

But the treacherous obsession is gradually formed in the years. It's impossible to change it all at once. Yiwang's creation of these human shaped sapphire statues is just a way to lead the treacherous people to the road of wailing to the qingtiantai.

"If there is no problem, we can divide our troops into two ways. I'll go to the wailing road to help those heroes who are treacherous and awaken, and you go to open the Diyao to save the people," said Yiwang.

Nu Wa agreed, "it's a good arrangement."

There is one less person on the road of wailing. There is one more hut. The winged king who enters it alone will be very safe.

After getting everyone's approval, the wing king sent Luo Zheng and his party to the hundred million pagoda mountain, and then it changed its way and flew to the blood swamp alone.

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