Most of the alien people and immortality are pale when they talk about treachery.

Most of these people have only seen killing species and possessed species, which are the two most common species in treachery.

In fact, treacherous obsession and personality are different, and some treacherous nature is kind and willing to help others, this kind of treachery is collectively referred to as good species.

There are some kinds of good people who are kind to others and help them according to their own behavior style, while others trust each other unconditionally and are willing to give everything for each other.

The good kind that can be used as a weapon is the latter.

The treacherous beast in the glazed piece of Taoist Duobao is called sanfalungclaw beast, which is also a kind of treacherous beast with strong attack power.

When the master handed over the three sickle claw beast to Taoist Duobao, he only let Taoist Duobao practice a few times, then sealed the treachery in the piece of glass, and warned Taoist Duobao not to use it when he had to.

This time, facing the treachery of the possessed species, the light of destruction could not be restrained, so he could only use the three sickle claws to deal with the three daoluo people.

Taoist Duobao had just finished explaining to the younger martial sister, and there was a sharp scratch behind them.

"Cha -"

a giant cat composed of countless eyeballs appeared on the roof of the Qing Dynasty!

It seems that the giant cat was hit by something. Under the extremely strong inertia, it was about to rush into the space outside the qingtiantai.

It's safe to be tens of feet away from the qingtiantai, but once you go into a more distant space, any material and energy will be swallowed up.

The giant cat nailed its claws to the ground, making deep and long scratches to slow down its retreat.

"Ha ha..."

On the other side, the huge figure of the leader of Tongtian suddenly flashed and fell down in the air with his palm as a knife.

The big eyed cat turned over one by one, and one cat's palm raised to block the Tongtian sect leader's palm knife.

It just blocked the palm of the head of Tongtian sect. From the head of Tongtian sect, a huge white translucent knife suddenly came out. This huge knife was also treacherous, and it cleaved to the eye cat.


Under this knife, the eye giant cat is directly cut into two sections. After the transparent knife cuts the eye giant cat open, it fiercely pulls to one side and forcefully pulls the lower part of the eye giant cat to one side.

The eye giant cat is transformed by the eye spirit, and the cat's shape is treacherous inside the eye spirit.

Although Tongtian sect leader's knife cut off Mu Ling's body, the cat shaped and treacherous body inside was not so easy to cut off, but so treacherous revealed half of his body.

"You dog!" Cried the head of Tongtian.

Yougou had been waiting for a long time. Before the order was issued by the leader of Tongtian sect, he had already moved with it. He suddenly jumped up and grasped two "lightning" in his hands, which was shaped by the light of destruction.


The dog did not hesitate to throw down two flashes of lightning.

At the same time, the other hand of Tongtian sect leader is also like a hot iron. When two "lightning arrows" hit the cat's treacherous body, he clapped it.

The cat's shape is treacherous, but it is treacherous.

Treacherous people are afraid of the light of destruction. Generally, the treacherous of hatred level will die if they touch the light of destruction, while the treacherous of resentment level is more powerful.

The light of destruction just makes them more vulnerable. If you want to kill them, you still need thunder.

Seeing that the lightning arrow was about to hit the cat's treacherous lower body, a blue shape flew directly from not far away, which turned out to be holy wing armor!

After the spread of the six wings, the speed of the holy wing armor is extremely fast. It just blocks the top before the "Lightning Arrow" hits the cat shape.

"Boom! Boom

The light of destruction hit the chest of the holy wing armor, and the holy wing armor did not move.

At the same time, the burning red palm of Tongtian sect leader was also photographed, and the holy wing armor flipped fiercely to fight with Tongtian sect leader.

This holy wing armor actually gained the upper hand in strength, and shocked the leader of Tongtian to the high altitude.

The leader of Tongtian sect turned over in the air and dived down with a cold face. At the same time, he took out a big white sword which was six or seven times longer than his body. The sword was still treacherous in his body.

Cut the head!

The power of this sword contains the unique knowledge of the master of Tongtian sect, as well as the strange power in his body!


The eyes of the holy wing armor were suddenly as bright as day, and a great deal of light burst out.

That treacherous knife can be said to be invincible, but it quickly becomes twisted and soft, like an octopus tentacle struggling with pain.

The secret way of Tongtian sect leader was not good. He turned over and retreated to the other side. However, he couldn't stop his dive. One end of the white sword was buckled by the holy wing armor!

Resentment level treacherous body will become fragile after being exposed to the light of destruction.

The holy wing's armor was pulled hard, and the soft "dagger" was directly torn off. Then the hands of the holy wing's armor flashed blue light, and the terrible current swam on the "dagger"."Hua, Hua..."

This piece of white broadsword is directly scattered!

Dagao is a treacherous part in the body of Tongtian sect leader. This treacherous part of the body collapses, and it turns around in the body of Tongtian sect leader.

The leader of Tongtian sect was very painful. His face was flushed and he spewed out a mouthful of blood and then went away.

"Haha, I'm really strong..." There was a series of wild laughter from the holy wing armor.

After hearing ah Ci's voice, Mu Ling was obviously stunned for a moment, and said in a cold voice, "go after me!"

That Shinto energy is still in the hands of Tongtian sect leader. If it is really taken away by him, it will be troublesome.

Mu Ling thought that the person in the holy wing armor would be Jieyan, but he didn't expect that it was ah CI.

In mulingyan, a CI is a special one among many Yuanling people. His talent and ability should be better than that of Leisha and ahuo, but this guy is too easy to be complacent.

So mu Ling locked ah CI in the holy wing armor and became a member of Jieyan.

I didn't expect that shortly after I sent out Jieyan, this guy took control of the holy wing armor

The critical moment is not the time to investigate ah Ci's responsibility. Mu Ling can only suppress his unhappiness, and after repairing his body, he chases the leader of Tongtian sect.

"Let's get out of here!"

When Tongtian sect leader fled, he also said to yougou, pan Shen and other subordinates.

Baopingtai is not a place to stay for a long time. The leader of Tongtian sect just wanted to win Muling. Since his action failed, he naturally left without hesitation.

How can the head of Tongtian not understand?

It just needs to stick to the black house and Chen house, and it can easily cut these guys off.

Although we can't kill the leader of Tongtian sect, it's good to damage this guy's body. What's more important is that the Shinto must stay in the Aquarius platform!

"Wow -"

just as the leader of Tongtian sect and his party fled towards the side of the treasure platform, a huge wall of fire suddenly appeared in front of them.

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