In the eyes of the warrior, Qi Yun is also a kind of ethereal thing.

Many martial arts people tend to believe in the theory of qi movement, and thus develop a profession in the martial arts world, that is, qi movement master, who claims to be able to help martial arts people increase qi movement.

However, many martial arts practitioners scoff at this and feel that the theory of Qi Yun is untenable. As for the so-called Qi Yun masters, they are all liars. When many martial arts practitioners go to some secret places to explore, they will spend a lot of money to find those Qi Yun masters to increase their Qi Yun. As a result, they still die miserably in secret places everywhere.

Therefore, whether Qi Yun exists or not is controversial, and there is no final conclusion.

When it comes to Shi Jingtian, people in Fei Han's position often choose to believe in Qi Yun. Of course, they don't go to those so-called "Qi Yun masters", and no liar dares to cheat them.

Just as Luo Zheng was able to escape from the puppet, it can be said that it is the embodiment of Qi Yun.

It's hard to kill people who have good luck! At a critical time, it may even come to an end

These patriarchs and elder Fei Han are not only envious of Luo Zheng's silver treasure chest reward, but also of Luo Zheng's good fortune.

There are all kinds of strange things in the world, such as secret places, dangerous places, Jedi and fierce places. Although these places are dangerous, they also have great opportunities. The greater the reward, the greater the danger! It depends on whether you have life to get it.

"The silver treasure chest opened by the Lord of the temple was opened by Luo Zheng," Fei Han sighed, and then said, "I think it needs to be reported."

When Shi Jingtian hears Fei Han's words, he is immediately happy. The better Luo Zheng is, the more benefits he can get. If Luo Zheng's performance affects the attention of the temple leader, it will definitely be a good thing for him!

Standing in front of the silver treasure chest, Luo Zheng couldn't hide his excitement.

Zhao Xiaohua knows the value of the silver treasure chest, but Luo Zheng doesn't know either. He doesn't know that the only silver treasure chest that was opened was taken away by the Lord of the cloud hall.

Luo Zheng only knew that the silver treasure chest was made by him with his life. It was not easy to get it.

People are like this. They will cherish things that are not easy.


The sound of opening the silver treasure chest was so pleasant to Luo Zheng's ears.

Luo Zheng would have thought that there was something in the silver treasure chest that could be directly applied to Luo Zheng's body. However, to his surprise, he opened the silver treasure chest and placed a jade slip in it.

This jade slip exudes the luster of green Yin Yin, as if it is made of the purest jade.

"This jade slip is a secret work?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows jumped slightly.

As soon as he reached out his hand, he wanted to pick up the green jade slip, but when Luo Zheng's hand touched the jade slip, a strange feeling appeared. The jade slip suddenly turned into a little emerald green light and spread. With Luo Zheng's arm circling, it came into Luo Zheng's mind.

What kind of jade slips is this? How can you get straight into your head? Luo Zheng was surprised.

Before that, the dark things in the red treasure box were a kind of soul medicine, even if they could penetrate into the mind. Then the Hydra blood in the blue treasure box could also explain the past. They originally belonged to the category of energy.

But this jade slip can turn into a green light and enter Luo Zheng's mind, which makes him a little strange.

When the jade slips spread, clear words and sentences appeared in Luo Zheng's mind.

Every word contains endless meaning of Xiaosha, as if it could kill people with a single touch.

"Wansha wheel of life and death" "Holy level skill..."

"With my life experience of the great blood devil, this skill can drive thousands of creatures to kill the Buddha..."

"The origin of evil spirit comes from the curse of living beings. If you want to break the curse, you can't do it. It's solidified into..."

This is a holy level skill!

And the person who created this holy level skill is called the great blood devil. Luo Zheng is a stranger to this name.

However, Luo Zheng knows that the word "Di" in the name does not mean the same as the emperor of the burning heaven Dynasty. The emperor in the secular world is aimed at ordinary people, and is nothing in the world of martial arts.

The word "emperor" in the blood devil is the highest glory of the warrior. Only the most powerful in the world can be granted the title of emperor!

The blood devil was once a strong emperor! It is estimated that it was the owner of this ancient relic.

Such a huge ancient relic must have been a top sect. After tens of millions of years of corrosion, it gradually disappeared. In this time, it is not clear whether the blood devil is dead or alive. At least he made this jade slip from his own skill inheritance and put it here.

After waiting for so many years, it was Luo Zheng who finally opened the silver treasure chest. I just don't know whether the same skills are placed in other silver treasure chest?In these five silver treasure boxes, there are indeed five jade slips, and the five jade slips record different skills, which are the five inherited skills of the blood devil. Among them, wansha wheel of life and death is the most powerful skill of the blood devil!

When the Lord of cloud hall entered the road of the experimenter, the skill he took was called "blood burning demon skill". It was the second skill handed down by the blood devil emperor. Now it has become one of the strongest maces of the Lord of cloud hall!

This kind of green jade slips is called soul jade slips, and the above words and sentences are carved with their own soul.

In Luo Zheng's mind, those jade slips turn into words and sentences. In fact, the soul jade slips are very special. Even if Luo Zheng takes pen and paper now, it is impossible to write the words in his mind word by word, because there is a prohibition in the soul jade slips. If Luo Zhengqiang wants to write, it will lead to the phenomenon of "forgetting the words with pen". It's not that he can't express the secret of the skill The meaning of "writing mistakes" is the method of practicing writing mistakes.

Only if Luo Zheng can master the cultivation of seal cutting skills in the soul jade slips, can he teach them to others.

This soul jade slip can prevent other people from prying into Luo Zheng's skill!

Therefore, even if someone has an eye on Luo Zheng's Secret script, those people's strength is 100 times stronger than Luo Zheng's, forcing Luo Zheng to write it, Luo Zheng can't do it.

Luo Zheng, who has a holy level skill book, knows the power of holy level skill very well. Luo Zheng has not fully realized the power of the holy level skill book Tianmo Shenquan, but he knows more about the horror of Tianmo Zhenyuan than anyone else. He can devour other people's Zhenyuan for his own use, and the shadow of Tianmo can be broken and reconstituted Only by practicing the holy level skill can such abnormal effect appear.

What's more, Luo Zheng once entered the killing sword mountain. Later, he will take the road of killing Kendo, and the most important thing of killing Kendo is evil spirit!

Now Luo Zheng has some evil spirit in the killing sword mountain. If he wants to exert the power of evil spirit, he must practice the skills related to it. In this way, the appearance of wansha wheel of life and death will help Luo Zheng a lot!

Luo Zheng would like to sit down now and practice the wheel of life and death of wansha, but this is the way of the experimenter after all. It is unrealistic to practice here.

Until this time, Luo Zheng suddenly felt a strange itch on his hands and feet. He noticed that the wounds on his hands and feet were healing slowly.

"The speed of wound healing..." Luo Zheng was surprised.

Just now, the puppet's four sharp claws cut the skin and flesh on Luo Zheng's limbs, leaving bloody wounds. Unexpectedly, in such a short time, the wounds began to heal automatically, and the blood on them began to coagulate and scab.

This is the ability that comes from the blood spirit of Hydra. It is said that hydra can grow again even if one of its heads is cut off. Their most amazing talent is healing ability. The powerful power of Qi and blood makes Luo Zheng's body recover ten times faster. Naturally, the speed of body healing is much faster.

Luo Zheng didn't take care of the wounds and got the silver treasure chest. Luo Zheng focused on the gold treasure chest again

But this time, Luo Zheng was very cautious. He wanted to take the gold treasure box, and he wanted to take the black treasure box. Everything in it could benefit him a lot.

The problem is that in order to take away the silver treasure chest, he almost paid the price of his life. The difficulty of the gold treasure chest and the black treasure chest can be imagined.

Will he take the treasure box or not?

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