There are hundreds of thousands of lakes in Huming Prefecture.

Tianming lake is the largest in the center. From above, it looks like a gem inlaid on the horizon.

When a bright ball of light suddenly rose from the lake, all the creatures in the lake were shocked.

They stare at the ball of light above, not knowing what's going on.

After a few breaths

The shock wave of terror came to them.

With the spread of the shock wave is swept to several kilometers high water waves.

With Tianming Lake as the center, everything within tens of thousands of miles around is swept by waves.

For two hours, the lake finally returned to calm.

The surface of Tianming lake has dropped more than 80000 feet, leaving only a pool of polluted water.

The three black ships lie askew on the "sewage pool". The hull surface is full of cracks with dog teeth crisscross. From time to time, blood flows from the hull splint.

With the gurgling blood, and the captain's painful groan.

Over the years, black ships have experienced many traumas, and even several of them have been completely crushed and burned.

But that happened when the captain was well prepared.

To destroy one or two black ships when you are ready is like cutting off one arm and one leg. It's not a problem at all with the cultivation of the old captain's immortality.

Now the black boat in Hu Ming state is the only thing he has left!

These black ships suffered heavy losses at the same time, and the black ship carrying the evil god was even more shattered.

For the captain, it was a very serious trauma.

When the black ship exploded, Shencha and the evil god stayed on the same black ship.

Xinkui, the old captain noticed that something was wrong and directly shot the tea out of the cabin.

Even so, under the huge shock wave, the tea also smashed on the side of the black boat, inlaid on the deck, with cracks in many parts of the body.

"Ka, Ka, Ka..."

When Shencha wakes up, she hears the voice of the continuous reorganization of the black ship.

The old captain is trying his best to repair the black ship

If there is an opponent now, the captain will not even have the strength to escape.

"Captain..." When she woke up, she called, "what happened?"

It was not long after the Lishan war.

According to the truth, there should be a period of peace in the mother world.

Neither the Lishan nor the Xiong people can launch another war.

The energy of that scale just now will never be

Shencha had just made this judgment, and the old captain said, "it's the fusion of Tao energy."

"Tao energy? How could it be It's unbelievable.

If the evil god melts the Tao, it will not use too much energy. Although the energy of the Tao is very unstable and its power is amazing, too little energy can not cause so much damage even if its power is terrible.

"I saw it with my own eyes," the captain said with certainty.

"The evil god he..." The pupil of Shencha trembles slightly.

"I don't know..."

When the white light ball explodes, it will completely devour the body of the evil god.

The old boatman was not able to save the evil spirits, or even protect himself.

The tea struggled to get up, floated in the air, took a few steps on the lake, and the divine consciousness quickly spread out.

The area of the lake has been reduced by countless times, and the divine consciousness of Shencha can easily cover it completely.

Within the scope of divine exploration, she could not find any trace of evil spirits.

"Disappeared..." The tea murmured.

"That energy is so powerful that it may evaporate directly," said the captain.

It's not easy to destroy a person with such terrible energy.

If we can't find the evil spirits now, the greatest possibility is that they will be evaporated and nothing will be left.

"He won't die like this!" The tea is a little excited.

The captain hesitated for a moment and said, "wait and see."

The Wukong people have invested a lot in the evil spirits. If the evil spirits fall like this, it will be a great loss for the Wukong people.

Just as the tea continued to float in the air, ready to expand the scope of search, suddenly I felt a force coming from the front.

She reflexively wanted to avoid, but the force was fierce. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a big hand to hold her, and then a huge figure appeared in front of her.

That's the evil god.

"Evil Ship, Captain! You're OK! " God tea surprise way.

"How could I die like this?" The evil spirit sneered.

He raised the tea on his shoulder and looked up at the sky.

The evil god has extraordinary perception ability in the mother world.

He was able to detect an anomaly in the sky over Hu Ming state, where there were two looming passages, through which someone was peeping down."What's in the sky?" Asked the tea.

"Someone is watching me," the evil God replied.

"Who is it?" Shencha frowned.

"I don't know..." The evil god said calmly, "and there is more than one, as if there are two..."

And he reached up.

An energy spiral forms in front of his fist.


The energy spiral is like a giant dragon rising up from the sky, drilling into one of the channels and smashing the channel.

Jade is clear in the sky.

Shen Chengang smashed the mirror and splashed it to the ground.

Just as Shen Chengang was about to leave, the Terran woman said, "Oh, Lord, look!"

The image on the mirror was extremely blurred.

Now broken into hundreds of pieces, it is even more difficult to watch.

Shen Chengang put out his hand and gently wiped the pieces of the mirror. Hundreds of pieces of the mirror were quickly put together and became a whole.

When the mirror was just put together, the Terran woman said, "that man is not dead. He seems to have found the observation channel of the snake owners. What a sharp guy..."

"He wants to destroy the passage," Shen said.


Then they saw the evil god blow up.

After the punch, nothing happened, and the image in the mirror was blurred but still there.

"One punch missed?" Asked the Terran woman.

Shen Chen Gang stares at the mirror and thinks for a while. He shakes his head and says, "it's not like that he missed. He broke another channel. In addition to the observation channel of the snake master, there should be another observation channel."

"Another observation channel? The birds are watching him, too? " Asked the Terran woman.

"It's impossible," Shen said, shaking his head.

The birds control the void, and the void controls the black boat.

Now the evil spirits and the black boat are a whole. It's easier to observe the evil spirits through the black boat. There's no need to shrink.

"But who but us and the birds would watch him?" Strange way of Terran woman.

Is there a third force on the other side?

"I don't know yet..."

Just as Shen Chengang was talking, the fist of the evil god came up again.

An energy spiral rose up and finally destroyed the observation channels of the snake owners.

In Tianfang City, the pictures in more than 20 mirrors, large and small, disappeared at the same time.

Shen Chengang looked at a blank mirror, his eyes were filled with a little joy and a little pleasure.

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