It's not peaceful to see the island at night for a few days.

The kite demon clan let out the wind. In recent days, the red demon clan has been sacrificing the lives of foreign people in exchange for "fans".

The weaker alien people are in constant panic. These alien people simply abandon their own land and gather together to keep warm, so as to prevent them from being sacrificed quietly by the Red Devils.

On the other hand, chiyuqiang demons claim that they are together against the olive branch demons.

Of course, asylum is not free. These foreigners must hand in all their "fans".

In this way, the kite demons accumulated a large number of "fans" in a short period of time, and also gathered the alien people on their own land.

If the red demons really fight, it can also increase the chances of winning the kite demons. It's more than one stone.

Qiang Yu gives all the "fans" to Luo Zheng and escorts them into the ghost mountain.

It offered three sacred stones.

Holy stone is a great threat to treachery. Qiang Yu has to get it at all costs.

Luo Zheng agreed to Qiang Yu's terms.

Previously, he killed three stone men in the Diyao and got three sacred stones the size of broad beans. These three sacred stones were given to Nuwa, and Fuxi and the East queen produced three more sacred stones the size of sand.

Luo Zheng exchanged the three sand sized sacred stones with Qiang Yu.


The night of the island dissipates.

Luo Zheng and his party crossed the last mountain with the kite demons.

In front of them, there was nothing to block the sight, but the distance was still empty.

Cangduo and the kite demons all said that the ghost mountain is here. It must be right, but it's strange to look at the empty area ahead.

But just as they crossed the peak line of the mountain, a huge dark shadow suddenly appeared in the public's field of vision.

It's a huge mountain in the shape of a triangle!

Indeed, as cangduo said, the ghost mountain seems to be affected by special spatial rules, and can only be seen through the peak line of the mountain.

Ghost mountain is floating outside Yejian Island, but a part of the foot of the mountain is connected with Yejian island. This connecting road seems to be chiseled by human, wide and straight.

The surface of the whole mountain is covered with irregular lines, which can help ghost mountain absorb all the light.

From the outside, the ghost mountain seems to be hanging in the sky at night.

"Go down, exchange the" fan "and you can enter the ghost mountain," Qiang Yu said.

Then it spread its wings and led the people to glide down the mountain.

Luo Zheng and others followed him to the passage in front of the ghost mountain.

On both sides of the passage stand two black statues, which are statues of two monkeys.

After seeing the two monkey statues, Luo Zheng's face moved slightly.

I'm afraid the ghost mountain is related to the monkey spirit in the four spirits gate

"The way to get into the ghost mountain is very simple. Give it your" fan "to eat," Qiang Yu said.

As he spoke, Qiang Yu took out his "fan" and put it into the mouth of the monkey statue.

The statue opened its mouth like a living creature, devouring those "mysteries" a little bit. Then the eyes of the monkey statue began to flash yellow flame like light, and its stomach slowly split, from which a piece of glass appeared.

Qiang Yu said after taking the glass piece, "this glass piece is not only the key thing to enter the ghost mountain, but also depends on it for its fusion and treachery."

"Ha ha, the role of these statues is to melt the" fan "and press it into thin sheets, right?" Fuxi said with a smile.

The Eastern Emperor also saw that there were not many mysteries inside the monkey statue, only a set of flame runes. When the "fan" put into his mouth, it melted in high temperature, and finally became the glass piece in Qiang Yu's hand.

Qiang Yu nodded and said, "it's true, but the glazed tiles he suppressed can't get into the ghost mountain. What really gets into the ghost mountain is the runes on the glazed tiles."

It shows the glazed pieces to Luo Zheng, Fu Xi, Nu Wa and others.

There are circles of runes on the surface of transparent glass, and the meaning of these runes is unknown.

"Don't think too much. Our goal is to get in."

Nu Wa said that she would feed the "fan" to the monkey statue.

The eyes of the monkey statue twinkled, and a thin piece of glass appeared in its stomach.

Next, Luo Zheng, Fu Xi, the Eastern Emperor, and the immortal hunters also exchanged "fan" for a piece of glass.

Qiangyu saw that tianzhuan of treacherous body also fed "Mi" to liulipian. It reminded him, "treacherous can enter ghost mountain, but it can't merge treacherous. Are you sure to let him in?"

The implication is that it's a waste for tianzhuan to enter the ghost mountain.

LUO Zheng couldn't keep tianzhuan outside the ghost mountain, so he said, "of course, I want to go in."

Qiang Yu shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he had no problem.

When the remaining nine iris demons also exchanged glass chips, cangduo, at the back of the line, suddenly asked softly, "I May I go in? "A kite demon stares at cangduo coldly, "do you still have" fan "

Cangduo is just a member of the Muye tribe. Naturally, the kite demons didn't pay attention to it.

Previously, Luo Zheng asked cangduo to show the way, so he asked cangduo to join the team, but after the iris demons joined, cangduo naturally lost its function.

Qiang Yu directly asks cangduo to leave. Luo Zheng asks cangduo to stay in the team.

These days, the kite demons are searching for "fans" everywhere. Unexpectedly, cangduo has a copy hidden in his hand, and a Muye people dare to play tricks, which makes the kite demons feel unhappy.


The Cang demon said, "ice just wanted to explain."

The Muye people have no room to resist in front of the kite demon.

Cangduo pitifully took a look at Luo Zheng and was ready to take out the "fan" he had accumulated. At this time, Luo Zheng stopped and said, "thanks to cangduo leading the way before, otherwise you won't meet us that night. Let it go in with us."

In this way, cangduo still has the grace of saving lives for the kite demons.

The kite demon looks at Qiang Yu, and Qiang Yu simply waves his hand, "listen to him."

Those irises just stepped aside.

Cangduo thanks a thousand, nimble out of the "fan" quickly converted into glass pieces.

After the preparation, the group came to the end of the ghost mountain, where is a black as carbon wall, inlaid with a stone turnstile in the middle of the wall.

"You can only enter one person at a time. You come one by one."

Qiang Yu said that he pasted the glazed tiles on the stone turnstile. With the sound of Hula coming from the stone turnstile, Qiang Yu disappeared in everyone's eyes.

Fuxi, Nuwa and others followed closely

When Luo Zheng is ready to enter the stone turnstile with the glazed tiles, he suddenly feels an unusual breath.

He turned to look over and saw another group of people on the mountain in the distance.

It was the Red Devils and the Dami.

It's a miracle that these two alien races have been fighting so hard that they are now joining hands.

Naturally, the reason why they work together is not to let go of the past, but from the huge external pressure

Tuye bent over and said to the eyeball floating in the light ball with a flattering face, "Lord Muling, this is the ghost mountain."

"I see it."

Eyes work properly light say.

What it cares about is not the ghost mountain, but the young man in front of it.

The eyes of Mu Ling flitted across the space like a steel cage, which had fixed Luo Zheng in place.

Cangduo, the blood lion and the blood crow were affected. Although they were under less pressure than Luo Zheng, they were still like a mountain with no breath.

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