Shengtian rat king, Donghuang and others are still on guard. After all, no matter how weak they are, they are also treacherous.

But the irises are used to it.

Even if such a mysterious awakening as tianzhuan, it can't resist the temptation of "mystery", and it's even more impossible for these good species who are still in their wits.

More strange and treacherous people gathered around them, almost blocking them completely

"driving them away," Qiang Yu ordered.

The kite demons wave their wings like blades to cut these treacherous things. The weaker treacherous things are directly cut in half, and more good treacherous things escape one after another.

Although treacherous is immortal, but they will still instinctively Dodge, encounter danger will also avoid.

After dispelling the treachery, the crowd quickly moved forward again.

Ghost mountain is huge from the outside, almost equivalent to half a night to see the island, the internal space is also extremely spacious.

After a long journey, there is a row of square prisons in front of the prison. Beside each square prison, there is a stone tablet carved with various patterns of living beings.

"What's the matter with the living creatures on these stone tablets?" Nu Wa asked.

"It's also treacherous," Qiang Yu said. "Different from those treacherous outside, the treachery here already has the value of integration. If you print the glass piece on the stone tablet, you can enter the square prison."

Cangduo, who was at the back of the team, finally couldn't help saying, "where is the treacherous sting of our Muye clan..."

Cangduo pointed to a square prison not far away, and the stone tablet next to the prison was indeed painted with a venomous sting.

"Here is the weakest enemy level, treacherous," a kite demon disdains to say.

The third rate alien like the Muye clan will choose the treacherous poison thorn, which the iris demons certainly don't like.

Even the strength gap between Qiu level and treachery is very big, and some top Qiu level treachery is comparable to that of Qiu level.

The wolf owl's treachery is the best among the treachery of Qiu level.

"The way in is on the far right," Qiang Yu said.

The crowd followed Qiang Yu and entered the right most passage.

After entering the prison, another row of square prisons appeared in people's eyes, which was also treacherous and treacherous.

"Now the passage is on the far left," Qiang Yu added.

The layout of the ghost mountain is obviously carefully designed, with rows of square prisons feeding treacherous, while the roads leading to the depth of the ghost mountain crisscross from left to right.

Because the Yuanling civilization led by Muling is likely to catch up, the speed of people's progress is gradually speeding up, and a group of people gallop up on this crisscross passage.

"There are about 100 square prisons in each row, which is a hundred kinds of treachery. We have passed seven rows all the way, and there are 700 kinds of treachery..." The East emperor's face was full of surprise.

There are too many kinds of strange things in ghost mountain

Unexpectedly, Qiang Yu said with a faint smile, "there are 600 rows in this way, and there are two branches in the 300th row. These two branches lead to the left and right areas of ghost mountain."

"Isn't there tens of thousands of strange things in this ghost mountain?" Fuxi asked in surprise.

"According to our statistics, there are 110000 kinds of enemies in this layer," Qiang Yu replied.

Everyone was stunned at the number.

The rat king turned his head and took a look at Cang Duoduo. So many treacherous Muye people can only choose the outer treacherous, which is no different from waste.

Cangduo, aware of the eyes of the rat king, could only smile helplessly. With the strength of the Muye clan, he could only choose the weakest treacherous

"Why are there so many strange things in the ghost mountain?" Nu Wa puzzled way.

The creatures in chaos can't be treacherous. These treacherous things come from outside chaos.

Why should the ghost mountain prepare such a large number of treacherous?

"It must be someone who has captured more than 100000 kinds of creatures in the mysterious world and put them in the ghost mountain neatly," Fuxi concluded.

"And kill them all into..." Luo Zheng doesn't understand either.

What's the reason for that?

Is it for the night to see the fusion of the island's creatures and the treacherous?

It's not logical.

"Perhaps the purpose of catching these creatures in the metaphysical world is not to create treachery?" Nu Wa assumed.

"What would that be for?"

Qiang Yu also asks a way.

Night see island of the alien people for ghost mountain is also very curious.

But over the years, they have not thought deeply about the reasons for the formation of ghost mountain.

"If there is a disaster of extinction in Xuanliang world, some people will hide in the chaotic world in order to avoid the disaster, and at the same time, they will bring in the creatures of Xuanliang world and build a mountain to detain them. As a result, all the creatures will die here, and the ghost mountain will be what it is now," Nu Wa has made a series of inferences in the blink of an eye.

"That sounds reasonable," the emperor nodded.Luo Zheng also agreed, "Nuwa's inference should be closer to the truth..."

These treacherous may not be the original intention, after all, they are all fresh life.

Although they were very fast, the road crisscrossed left and right, and it took more than three hours to reach the last row at the bottom of ghost mountain.

There are also 100 square prisons in the last row. Here Luo Zheng sees the mysterious armour of the red demon clan and the wolf owl of the kite demon clan.

At the end of this row of prisons, there are black stone steps.

The steps are hundreds of feet high, leading to the second floor of ghost mountain.

When they go to the second floor of ghost mountain, the prisons are still in front of them.

However, the construction of these prisons is even larger. The pillars of each prison have the thickness of the arms. How can we see the huge and treacherous statue through the gap between the pillars.

Strange and treacherous!


In a recent prison, there was a giant elephant. The giant elephant noticed Luo Zheng and his party.

Its long nose stretched out from the gap between the pillars and rolled slowly towards the crowd. It looked friendly and kind.

Shanzhong was not aggressive, and Fuxi even reached out to touch the elephant's nose.

But at the moment when Fuxi touched the giant elephant, the giant elephant suddenly appeared a disgusting smell!

The strange breath released by the good species is generally not strong, and can even be ignored. The breath of killing species and attaching species is extremely disgusting.

When Fuxi was away from the prison, he felt the breath of his body quickly.

Just as Fuxi stepped back, the giant elephant's nose rolled up.

After all, it was a step too slow to involve Fuxi.

"Hulu, Lulu..."

The Colossus roared in the prison to vent his anger.

"Isn't it true that all the treachery in the ghost mountain is good?" The blood wolf asked gravely.

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