The sudden visit of the yuan spirit civilization made the atmosphere of the ghost altar tense.

Tuye of the red demon clan stares at Qiang Yu with pride.

Although there is no verbal communication, the lines under the silence are obvious.

You have chosen the wrong side. It's time to die

Qiang Yu's face was a little ugly, but there was a kind of courage in his eyes.

It's not the wrong choice, it's the wrong choice.

Because at that time, Shenhuo and other Yuanling people chose the night demon family after they came to Yejian Island, and encouraged the night demon family to kill the yuan demon family.

If it wasn't for Luo Zheng and others being involved, the kite demon clan would have been exterminated by now.

Now that Luo Zheng and his party are driven to a dead end, they are bound to fight to the end.

"From here to Taiqing..."

Ah Huo is a little excited.

She has no hatred for Luo Zheng and these people, even though she was defeated by them

Her excitement also comes from two or three successive failures.

It's like a fisherman catching a group of big fish, throwing out several nets that are pierced by the fish one after another.

Now the fish have no way to escape, and it's time to take in the net.

A fire's voice fell, and a crack opened in her right shoulder.

That imitates the Buddha's Lava ground to open the crack general, the white skin interior is the billowing flame.

Along with the flame, a little white dragon came out.

It looks like an ordinary little white dragon, containing a strange and powerful atmosphere.


After the little white dragon came out, he circled a fire and was facing Luo Zheng and his party.

Ah Huo put his hand on the surface of the little white dragon, and the flames began to burn along the little white dragon's body. These flames turned into pieces of fiery red scales embedded on the little white dragon's body.

She knew that Luo Zheng had a holy stone in his hand, which could drive the light of destruction. Naturally, the armor like dragon scales would be ready.

"Kill them all," ah Huo said coldly.

Luo Zheng has wasted her kindness several times.

Death is the only end result for such a disrespectful opponent.


The little white dragon in the scale of fire dragon came out of ahuo's body and went straight to the ghost altar.

Of course, Luo Zheng and his party will not wait to die.

Fuxi and Nuwa spread to the left and right.

One hand of Fuxi had already clasped the sacred stone, and the other hand was gently raised. A seal of eight trigrams had appeared on xiaobailong's body.

Nuwa's arm, a crimson wa shadow condensed into a long gun, long gun under the high speed spiral toward the little white dragon fierce stab past!

According to the two people's idea, as long as the small white dragon's fire dragon scale is broken and then illuminated with the light of destruction, they have a chance of winning.



The result was completely unexpected.

Fuxi's eight trigrams Palmprint and Wa Ying's long gun hit little white dragon like a tickle, unable to penetrate the scale of fire dragon.

The light of disillusionment in their hands is naturally nowhere to display!

But the two were extremely alert.

If you don't get a single shot, you'll get out of here.

Then the rat king, Donghuang and yinglao came up.

"Whew -"

countless sharp swords form a curtain wall and cut on the surface of the little white dragon.

Yinglao's Taiyi sword technique is almost the limit in the chaotic world in terms of power and speed.

But the crackling sound was still unable to cut off the little white dragon's defense.

The situation of the Eastern Emperor and the rat king is similar. The blood power is on the same level with the other side keepsake, and it can't break the fire scale of the little white dragon.

There is a big gap in strength.

The battle of Lishan.

With one's strength, ah Huo can resist the siege of chaos ancient god and several immortals.

And the little white dragon she is driving now has more strength than her. Can these immortal realms fight against her?

The party retreated as they attacked.

The little white Dragon flew around the ghost altar for half a circle, and finally forced them into a desperate situation.


The little white dragon's body began to expand, and the dragon's head was raised high, showing its sharp tusks.

"Let's go together!"

Qiang Yu spoke.

Resentment level treacherous wolf owl King released from its body, a huge treacherous will Qiang Yu package them.

The other three iris demons also offered sacrifices one after another. At this moment, they can only fight to death.

"I'll do it."

Luo Zheng, standing at the rear, said.

Then he took a step, made a sudden leap forward, and went straight to the little white snake.

These immortals are not destined to be the opponents of little white snake

Even if struggling to fight, there are still eyes and the armor.Previously, Luo Zheng's only hope was the Terran in ghost mountain.

Now those guys were close, but they didn't show up.

If you can't count on them, you have to rely on your own blood!

The origin of God's blood!

Ah Huo looks at Luo Zheng and pours at the little white dragon. Her beautiful eyes bend slightly and show a smile of contempt.

Toasting instead of punishing, it's still a way to die

The little white dragon opened his mouth fiercely and went to Luo Zheng.

When they were about to touch each other, a huge finger suddenly dropped down on the ghost altar.


With the shaking of the ghost altar, Luo Zheng and Xiao Bai long have been separated by the huge finger.

It's a big ghost sacrifice.

The big ghost sacrifice was covered with a layer of green skin, his eyes were inverted triangle, and two tusks came out of the corner of his mouth.

It stretched out its fingers at the same time, from its body of treacherous will hand.

That's the treacherous finger of hate!

"No fighting in the ghost altar," said the green skin ghost priest.

As soon as the words came out, the other big ghost sacrifices couldn't help looking at the green skin big ghost sacrifice.

How can there be such a rule in the ghost altar?

Night to see the island of those alien people, into the ghost mountain are silent as cicadas, did not dare to have the slightest over.

Don't talk about fighting at the ghost altar. I dare not even speak loudly.

Of course, the great ghost priests don't need such rules

these dislike gods as like as two peas, especially Fu Xi, Nu Wa and the emperor, are exactly the same as the people in the ghost mountain.

They're happy to see these people die.

The reason why they didn't leave was that they wanted to bring the news of the death of these Terrans to those guys with their own eyes!

Most of the big ghost sacrifices hate the Terrans, but after all, a small part of them are in favor of the Terrans.

Qingpi big ghost festival is one of them.

It comes from the Yulin people and is considered to be an old ghost sacrifice in the ghost mountain.


In the face of a big ghost sacrifice's warning, ah Huo turns a deaf ear and drives the little white dragon around fiercely, swallowing Luo Zheng again.


The huge finger pressed down again, this time directly on the neck of the little white dragon, nailed it to the ghost altar.

Green skin big ghost sacrifice looks at ah Huo with Sen Leng's eyes, as if looking at a dead man.

Yejian island has never dared to challenge the existence of big ghost sacrifice.

The little white dragon was held down by this finger, and then struggled in vain on the ghost altar, and the scales of fire covering its surface were also broken.

But ah Huo's face didn't change and displeased. At this time, Mu Ling moved out slowly.

"I think you should be very interested in this big ghost festival."

After it finished, a wolf tooth came out of the pupil of its eye.

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