When the thirteen Jue real teeth chain was hanging around his neck, the original restless monkey king suddenly settled down.

And that originally confused eyes gradually become pure, as if there is infinite wisdom full of them.


Originally located on the shoulder of the monkey king, the big snake quickly slipped down.

"Master Shuangqi, is the monkey king awake now?" Mu Ling asked.

If anyone comes in here and sees the monkey king without being reminded, they will think that he is now in a state of awakening.

"Where is so fast?" the big snake of bifid smiles.

Then its whole body began to twist.

Sanskrit painted on the snake began to flash one by one.

With the big snake twirling its body, the tricolor rope through the thirteen wolf teeth began to twist.

Three colors of the rope after a split, from the monkey spirit into the back of the king's head.

If something else gets into the monkey king's body, it will surely cause him to fight back. But the thirteen Jue real tooth chain is the thing he relies on most in his life. When the three color rope gets in, he doesn't respond!

After the tricolor rope was drilled into the back of the head, it began to bifurcate continuously.

One is three, three is nine, nine is eighty-one

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of tricolor ropes penetrated into the monkey king's head. These tricolor ropes turned into thin needles and penetrated into the monkey king's brain.


The monkey king suddenly raised his head and stamped his left foot.


The whole hall also trembled, and the eyes were scared.

"Don't panic. That's the reaction of the three venoms when they infiltrate into the monkey king's mind..." Bifid snake explained, "slowly, the three venoms will take over its hands, feet and body..."

The monkey king stamped his right foot again.


The hall trembled again.

Just after stamping his feet, the monkey king suddenly stood up and took a step forward!

Muling and bifid snake are just within the range of houling king.

"Back up!"

Bifid snake looked at the huge soles of his feet, his face also changed slightly.

It and Muling quickly retreated to avoid this foot.

"Dong! Dong

After taking this step, monkey spirit king's body stopped again.

After looking at the monkey king's reaction, Mu Ling probably guessed the principle of the three venoms.

These three venoms can directly take control of Monkey King's treacherous body.

But if the monkey king wakes up, it will be a piece of cake to regain control with its strength.

Although it should not doubt Shuangqi, it still asks what it wants.

Bifid snake "hissed" and said with a smile, "relying on the three venoms, of course, it is impossible to take control of the monkey spirit king. In this process, we have to put out all its memories!"

"Can you do it?" Asked Muling.

"It can't be done at other times, but it can be done in the process of awakening," the big snake answered and looked at Muling. "You don't need to worry. We are prepared for all of these."

For today's planning, the snake owners have been preparing for a long time, and they all have considerations that the eye spirit can think of.

Monkey King is still in ignorance at the moment.

It sleeps for a long time. It's a huge dream.

This dream is an irresistible shackle, even as the king of monkey spirit.

But it is clear that it is dead, dead in a chaotic world.

At this time, it must have something to wake itself up. There is the thirteen true teeth chain that has been with it for countless years.

The monkey spirit king can lead the monkey spirits to be promoted to one of the four spirits, and the thirteen great powers are indispensable.

Bring my powers back

Give it back to me!

My monkey grandchildren must be found for me.

A hundred years, a thousand years, a thousand years, a hundred million years, a hundred million years, a hundred million years

It's a call from day to day.

As long as the creatures within ten thousand miles can hear its call.

Its call can be directly reflected in everyone's mind from penetrating this "dream".

Monkey King's initial call was fruitful. After several chaotic times, he saw the first wolf tooth on the edge of "dream".

This makes the monkey spirit king very happy, and its monkey grandchildren begin to act!

After about 20 chaotic eras, the second wolf tooth appeared.

In the past 50 years, the third wolf tooth appeared

This speed is not fast, but there is hope.

According to the speed of collecting wolf teeth, all wolf teeth can be collected in about 300 chaotic eras.

Then it can leave this damned "dream".But it turned out to be a disappointment

When the third tooth appeared, the fourth tooth did not appear.

This is a very bad phenomenon.

What's the matter with your monkey grandchildren?

Why don't they help me find the remaining wolf teeth

It passes its obsession to the outside world again and again, asking them to look for wolf teeth, but no wolf teeth have appeared since then.

But after a long time, the monkey spirit king noticed a unique power of blood, which is the breath of Rong he's blood. This breath can also penetrate the "dream" and make himself aware of it.

This result did not make the monkey king feel excited, but more disappointed.

This means that the monkey grandchildren can't find the remaining teeth and are looking for other solutions.

But this plan is doomed to fail!

Thirteen kinds of fusion blood are formed by hundreds of abilities that originated from divine blood.

It's not easy to get a stable fusion blood. Even the monkey king himself is hard to regain 13 fusion blood.

What's more, monkeys and grandchildren all stay in the chaotic world, and I'm afraid they can't even go to the main world.

It just waited and waited, waiting for one chaotic era after another.

In addition to the occasional fusion of blood breath, there have never been wolf teeth.

But after thousands of chaotic times, monkey king suddenly saw the fourth wolf tooth!

More than 1000 chaos era to wait for the fourth!

Don't mention how excited it is!

If "dream" is a prison, 13 keys are needed to open it!

The fire of hope of the monkey king was burning fiercely.

It doesn't mind waiting all the time. As long as the number of wolf teeth increases, it can see hope all the time.

But just a moment later, the monkey king saw the remaining nine wolf teeth!

Thirteen wolf teeth!

They form a ring floating on the edge of the dream.

"Me! Yin Zhen! The king of monkey spirit is awakening

Monkey spirit king made a huge roar, which spread a long distance in the dream world.

According to the monkey king's conjecture, these wolf teeth, which appear vague on the edge of "dream", should become clearer and more real.

Wolf teeth will directly penetrate the "dream" and rescue it.

But soon the monkey spirit king found something wrong. The three color rope connecting the wolf's teeth sent out a strange smell.

The most important thing is that the wolf's teeth have not become "clear", they are still vague.

Monkey spirit king's heart rose a sense of foreboding.

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