Shandong Province.

Many heroes of the human race also felt the violent shock.

Yuanshi Tianzun looks a little ugly.

What can cause such a great shock must be the treacherous body of the monkey king.

The last time he showed the fusion blood in front of the monkey spirit king, it also caused a violent shock.

Such a big shock means that the monkey king has a very big reaction to the wolf tooth, and also means that the monkey king is about to wake up.

Nvwa, Fuxi, zhurong, Chiyou

They all knew what it meant, and the atmosphere became a bit dull.

No one wants to sit and wait.

"If the monkey king really wakes up, will the monkey owners attack us?" Asked one of the heroes.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded positively, "yes."

They are just vassals of monkey masters in ghost mountain.

It can't be easier to abandon the vassal.

"Shall we resist?" Emperor Jun asked.

"Of course," Fuxi replied without hesitation.

Even if you die, you have to fight.

Terrans will never stand and let them slaughter.

They all know the result of the resistance

Even with the light of destruction and the treachery of hate, they can't be the opponents of monkey masters.

What's more, it's hard to imagine that there is a huge gap between the powers of an awakened Monkey King.

"Rumble, rumble..."

The movement of ghost mountain, wave after wave, is more and more intense.

Luo Zheng naturally noticed the uneasiness of the heroes, and then asked, "do we have a way to escape?"

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head, "with our strength, ghost mountain can't escape..."

Big ghost festival has a chance to leave.

But you need to apply to monkey owners, or monkey owners can leave ghost mountain when they assign tasks.

At the beginning, the emperor of heaven thought out a way to repair the passage of Yejian island. He wanted to have a try, but the monkey owners also approved them to leave ghost mountain temporarily.

But Yuanshi Tianzun's method failed, and the channel of Yejian island could not be repaired.

Under such special circumstances, the Terrans are under house arrest. How can they be allowed to leave?

Just when everyone was at a loss, the movement of ghost mountain became more and more intense.

The whole mountain is shaking violently!

"Boom, click, click, click..."

Inside the mountain came the sound of destruction.

It's as if the sound of the eggshell being broken has been amplified countless times.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked at each other.

"No, it's a strange sound. Even if the ghost master wakes up, he can't make such a sound..."

"Ka, Ka, Ka..."

The crack in the ghost mountain continues to extend all the way to the East.


The mountain broke in two.

The light outside the ghost mountain is reflected along the passage.

Fuxi himself realized something. His figure flashed and he rushed out.

Then he opened his mouth and looked into the distance, his eyes full of horror.

"What's the matter? Huang Xi... "

Nu Wa didn't know that Fu Xi had such a reaction. She stepped out, her eyes were looking out, and her body was shaking violently.

The mountain like giant ape has rushed out of the ghost mountain

"The monkey king knocked the ghost mountain away!"

"We can leave!"

"This is a chance to escape!"

After the Terran heroes found that the ghost mountain was broken, their original low mood was swept away.

They say it's a big ghost sacrifice, but they are actually imprisoned slaves.

The alien people outside try to get in, but they try to escape.

Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity that never appeared.

"Let's go out first..."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun made an immediate decision.

Just as they were about to leave, they saw a monkey owner flying out of the ghost mountain and chasing him.

"Wait a minute!"

Yuanshi Tianzun stopped them.

If monkey owners find them, they will be killed on the spot.

The speed of seven or eight monkey masters' flying escape is surprisingly fast, which is three points faster than the speed of Monkey King!

"Why do those monkey owners chase Monkey King desperately?" Nuwa was puzzled.

After the monkey king wakes up, the ghost mountain directly splits from it, which is not normal. It seems strange to see the monkey owners chasing behind.


"Pa pa pa..."

Monkey spirit king jumped to the night to see the island at the same time, a turn, big hand actually fierce toward the monkey owners.

Like beetles, the monkey owners were directly photographed back to the ghost mountain by the monkey king, and big holes were made on the surface of the ghost mountain."The monkey king is attacking the monkey master!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was also shocked.

"Look! The eye spirit is on the shoulder of the monkey spirit king

Luo Zheng's eyes were extremely sharp.

Muling and Shuangqi snake stand on the monkey king, just like two flies on it. In addition, the monkey king moves very fast, and no one else notices.

After Luo Zheng said this, the Yuanshi Tianzun and other talents suddenly realized.

They also quickly came to the right conclusion

I'm afraid the monkey spirit king's treacherous body has been robbed by the eye spirit.

"Ha ha ha..."

Di Jun sent out a series of ironic laughter.

He had known for a long time that Yuanling civilization was uneasy and kind-hearted, but these superior monkey owners chose to believe them.

Now that this kind of thing happened, he naturally clapped his hands and yelled that he deserved it!

"Let's follow up and see what's going on! You follow me

At the beginning of the year, the emperor ordered them to fly out of the ghost mountain.


As soon as the Terran people arrived at the ringed mountains, they saw that the monkey king was like a madman, and his huge body smashed into a mountain.

Each mountain in the ring mountains is tens of thousands of feet high, which can be compared with the huge body of the monkey king, but it is just like a small hill.

Under the severe impact, a big mountain collapsed directly.

There are two alien tribes living in that mountain. The monkey king's direct pressure is like the end of the day for these alien tribes.


After the monkey king collapsed a mountain, his body suddenly rolled up again, and then he smashed it down again


Under the impact, the whole Yejian Island sank two or three feet. The island also made a roaring earthquake, and the lake in the island raised tens of feet of huge waves.




The monkey king looks crazy now.

Sometimes keep the normal walking posture, but not easy to maintain, the body and a fierce tilt, and hard hit on the ground.

At night, the alien people on the island are scared as dust. God knows if the monkey, which is bigger than the mountain, will press on his head. Let alone press it. Even if he touches it lightly or is hit by the huge stone aroused by it, he will surely die!

"Monkey King, what are you doing?" Chi you asked with a puzzled face.

Nu Wa's eyes flickered slightly. "The monkey spirit king should not have awakened, but he realized that the yuan spirit civilization wanted to control its treacherous body, so he was fighting desperately..."

"It makes sense!" Fuxi nodded, "it seems that there are two forces fighting for control in the monkey king."

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