Looking at the vast sea of fire, Luo Zheng fell into meditation again. According to Luo Zheng's previous inference, the road of the experimenter should be to increase the difficulty.

That's why the previous hidden trial was so hard.

The road to death should also be a hidden trial, but the difficulty of "the road to death" is much more difficult than that of "the road to life". When the overall difficulty rises greatly, "the road to death" becomes a complete death road.

This road of death is not a dead end. It's just that the difficulty of passing is greatly increased, and many disciples can't get through it at all.

Under such difficulty, there is a great chance. Luo Zheng estimates that there may even be a real secret of the path of the experimenter.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng suddenly said to Tianming, "brother Tianming, we are also going to die!"

It's not a big stage. Most of the martial artists who are trying are on it now. Luo Zheng's words immediately attract the eyes of all martial artists. After looking at Luo Zheng, his face shows a smile of contempt.

Are you kidding?

Zhuo Bufan and Jin qiaoning dare to die. With their bravery, they really have a chance to break through. Are you a congenital triple guy going to join in the fun? You're looking for death, aren't you? Everyone thought so, but no one reminded or warned Luo Zheng.

After all, what does Luo Zheng's life and death have to do with them?

In fact, although more than one hundred stone piers have been cut off in the road of life, it's not that there is no way out of the past. The martial arts have various abilities. Now so many people gather here, and finally they can come up with a way out.

For example, the former female disciple of Caiyun sect used her own ice skill to solidify the magma temporarily, forming a short road for people to pass. If the warriors with such abilities cooperate well with each other, it will be enough for them to jump on the road of life. Therefore, these warriors are discussing the issue of how to cooperate and how to grasp the opportunity, which must be handled very accurately and time-consuming.

Hua Tianming thought about it, but before he could answer it, not far away, Bai Li Hongfeng, who was discussing with his Xiangyun sect disciples, flashed to Luo Zheng: "good proposal! I'm going to die, too! "

Luo Zheng rolled a white eye, he also knew that this hundred Li red maple is not so easy to get rid of, forced to follow, Luo Zheng took him really have no way.

"In that case, I'll take part too!" Hua Tianming also nodded. Before, Pei TIANYAO chose to go with Zhuo Bufan. Hua Tianming hesitated and stayed on the stage. Maybe in Hua Tianming's mind, he would have more security to go with Luo Zheng.

Until the next time the sea of burning fire ebbs, the warrior on the high platform is still carefully planning to cross the road of life, while Luo Zheng, Hua Tianming and Baili Hongfeng have already jumped off the high platform.

When the three of them jumped off the stage, someone sneered and said, "there are so many brave people these days. There are three more to die!"

"Listen to what you mean, is our elder martial brother Zhuo dead?" Hearing the word "you", the disciples of the cloud hall were a little upset. In the eyes of the disciples of the cloud hall, Zhuo Bufan is a god like existence. There is no place in the world where Zhuo Bufan can't go.

The last wave of ebb tide, Zhuo Bufan made this decision, but let all cloud hall disciples excited!

What's the way to death? The warriors who bury their bones in the road to death are all those who are beyond their ability. If they are not strong enough, they can only go to die, but their elder martial brother Zhuo in the cloud hall is different. Even if the road to death can be broken, it's called death and afterlife!

So hearing the word "you", those disciples of cloud hall naturally have something to say.

Seeing that the disciples of the cloud hall were fierce, the other martial arts people stopped talking. However, they were somewhat unconvinced. Zhuo Bufan was really strong, but how many weak people dared to challenge the road of death before? If you know that your strength is not enough, you will choose the road of life. Is it fun to die?

However, I can only think about these words in my heart. The disciples of cloud hall have been very domineering all the time. I'm afraid it's not good to offend them.

Luo Zheng, Hua Tianming and Baili Hongfeng take advantage of the tide to retreat and run all the way along shidun. After a while, they see a fork in the road.

The two roads were broken. It seemed that some powerful beasts had broken them. However, the road on the right side had more broken stone mounds, with hundreds of them. This is the way of life! According to the normal way of the experimenter, we must take the road of life, while the road on the left only breaks a few stone piers, and this road is the road of death!

"Jump over!"

Since he chose this road, Luo Zheng didn't have much hesitation. He galloped to the bottom, jumped up, and reached the opposite side under his sleeves.

Hua Tianming is also a strong willed person, but he hesitated a little before. Since he promised to go with Luo Zheng, he would not have any other ideas, and he also jumped over.

As for the hundred mile red maple


In the air, he spread his wings like an eagle, rolled around, even shook the cloak out of the shape of a pair of wings, stepped on his feet in the air, flew higher, moved more elegant, and made exaggerated noises at the same time.Hua Tianming looked back and praised: "good body method!"

Luo Zheng rolled his eyes, "another idiot..."

This hundred Li red maple is similar to Li Yifeng in character, but it seems to be a little more normal than Li Yifeng. Otherwise, with this guy's wordy character, Luo Zheng will try his best to get rid of him.

"The road to death, let's go!"

The three people lined up in a straight line and kept moving forward on the stone piers.

In this way, after running for a period of time, the magma began to fluctuate again.

"The tide is rising. Why hasn't it come to an end?" Luo Zheng frowned.

Hundred Li red maple said with a depressed face: "no, I know how the road to death is going on. It must be a dead road with no end, so everyone will be submerged by the magma!"

"Don't say anything depressing!" Luo Zheng turned his lips. The road of the experimenter was set up for the liupin sect to examine its disciples. Luo Zheng didn't believe that the road of death was a real "road of death". The blood devil could not create such a boring road of death to entrap people, because it was meaningless.

"Luo Zheng, ahead!" At this time has been silent Hua Tianming pointed to the front.

This stone pier extends to the distance, and stops abruptly at some place. This is a dead end road!

Seeing this dead end road, Baili Hongfeng cried and shook his head, "unfortunately, I said it right..."

"Crow mouth!" Luo Zheng's heart also sank, but still did not mean to retreat.

Now the sea of fire has begun to rise. It must be too late to go back. Luo Zheng can only gamble now. The people who set up the road of the experimenter are not so boring. They create a dead end road to exploit people.

"What to do? I don't want to die! " Hundred Li red maple grinned and howled as she ran.

"Wuwu, Wuwu, Laozi has a bright future. I will die in this sea of fire. There is no bones left!"

"Mother, my child is unfilial. I can't give it to you..."

While Baili red maple was running and howling, Hua Tianming jumped onto a stone mound, turned around, reached out his hand and grasped Baili red maple's chest. With a sound of miso in his right hand, he pulled out the sword on his back and laid it across Baili red maple's neck.

"Howl again, kill you!"

Hua Tianming doesn't have much to say, and he doesn't have as much patience as Luo Zheng. Besides, facing a dead end road and a slowly rising tide of magma, it's impossible to say without pressure.

But this hundred Li red maple has a problem, usually very wordy, and in the face of pressure and tension like this howl, this is actually a way to relieve the pressure in their hearts.

Just like some people like to pull their hair when they are nervous, some people will keep eating when they are nervous.

The problem is that Baili Hongfeng vented his pressure by howling, but he actually passed the pressure to Hua Tianming and Luo Zheng!

"No! I won't cry! All right Baili red maple begged for mercy.

In fact, red maple just caught a hundred Li easily.

Hua Tianming didn't really kill him. He just threw him on the stone mound and went on.

Luo Zhengchao smiles faintly and shakes his head to follow him, while Bai Li continues to cry, but this time he doesn't dare to cry out.

Guillotine road is getting closer and closer, and the tide of magma is also rising rapidly, three people's hearts are mentioned in the throat.

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